Miramonte High School - 2008 Pilot Program

These Archive-It collections were selected by Journalism students at Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. The Journalism class consists of 9th - 12th graders who are studying communications and publishing across a variety of media. Miramonte High School serves students who live in the suburban residential communities of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Jump To: Consumption | Education-information | Recreation


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User-created t-shirts for low prices. Interesting artwork and youth-oriented designs.

Consumption or "shopping online" is a collection of sites selected by 9th-12th grade Journalism students. This collection lists their favorite retail sites from tickets to electronics to fashion to books. This collection captured 2,356,283 documents.

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  • http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/index.jsp
    A popular clothing store that is similar to Urban Outfitters, just classier and more expensive. Teens usually go to this store for dresses or for fancier clothes.
  • http://www.stubhub.com/
    Sports fans can buy tickets to sporting events. Many teens enjoy sports and this allows them to easily buy tickets to games.
  • http://www.amazon.com/
    Lots of stuff to buy at cheap prices. This is reflective of a teen's life because we like to shop.
  • http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
    Students can find/ order/listen and read about popular music, books, posters, calendars, etc. from this site.
  • http://threadless.com/
    User-created t-shirts for low prices. Interesting artwork and youth-oriented designs.
  • http://www.fandango.com/
    This is a website that allows you to buy and browse movies that are showing in your area. High school students go to the movies often and this site provides and easy way to find out when, where and which movies are playing.
  • http://shop.vans.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/topcategory_10001_10101
    The most popular clothes for students can be found at Vans.com.
  • http://www.target.com/
    Target's website has more than just the latest fashion, but also accessories and furniture that's easy to order. Teens shop at Target for swim-suits and every-day styles.
  • http://www.foodnetwork.com/
    The food network offers healthy choices for meals. It gives you tips on nutrition, and also gives you recipes for nice, Southern meals with plenty of butter and salt.
  • http://www.soccer.com/
    The Eurosport soccer store website provides top of the line European and worldwide replica jersey wear, shoes, soccer cleats, and soccer news all in one website. Students can get a chance to see the new products coming out before anyone else, they can also read news reports about their favorite athletes.
  • http://www.abercrombie.com/
    This site's ever-popular style, dresses many students at Miramonte.
  • http://www.eastbay.com/
    This website is a large collection of sporting goods equipment for many sports as well as memorabilia. This is useful for any student that enjoys playing or being a fan of sports because of it's large selection and variety of sports.
  • http://www.zappos.com/
    Let's get some shoes! For teenage students who want to find the most popular shoes. Conversely, this site is useful for the fashion-forward teen population, who are looking for the more unknown, unique styles of shoes.
  • http://www.ticketmaster.com/
    This website briefs students on upcoming musical, theatrical, or sporting events and allows the user to purchase tickets online. Ticketmaster.com reveals the entertainment of the day, especially teen pop-culture.
  • http://www.apple.com/
    The Apple store is extremely popular because it sells some of the coolest up-to-date gadgets. Teenagers love Apple because of their iPods and other gizmos.
  • http://www.freepeople.com/
    This is a great website to look at new arrivals of an urban/freestyle fashion style. This reflects kids today because fashion has changed in bringing back the chic hippie.
  • http://www.betseyjohnson.com/
    This an awesome website to discover all of Betsey Johnson's new fashions. Teens like it because it provides a unique identity that teens want to relate to.
  • http://www.bestbuy.com/
    The cheapest and most convenient place to buy electronics and movies online. Teens are a probably the most state-of-the-art demographic on the market, and Best Buy is the best spot for getting ahold of that new 'it' gadget, DVD, CD or video game.
  • http://www.wetsealinc.com/stores/stores.asp?value=3
    This store is very popular to shop at among students.
  • http://www.americanapparel.net/
    A clothing store that sells basic and comfortable clothes. Many people go there for costumes, sportswear, as well as everyday attire. American Apparel's sweatshirts and t-shirts have become staple clothing items for students everywhere.
  • http://www.juicycouture.com/
    Many students enjoy shopping here because of the trendy clothes they carry.
  • http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/index.jsp
    This is a popular store that sells apparel, shoes, accessories and furnishing. It carries brand names and unique styles that are very popular among teenagers looking to stand out as an individual.
  • http://www.jcrew.com/
    This is a website of a store that sells popular clothes for men and women.
  • http://www.bloomingdales.com/
    Students love to shop here for prom and senior ball dresses.
  • http://alloy.com/index.html
    Alloy is a website that has lots of clothes and new fashions. It offers clothes that are inspired from different eras of time.
  • http://www.underarmour.com/shop/
    Sport gear for people who need the comfort under a uniform that UnderArmour provides. There are so many teenage athletes out there, and UnderArmour is an under layer that can either keep athletes warm, or even keep them cool on hot days.
  • http://store.delias.com/frontpage.do
    Delias is a website that offers new, cute fashions for a good price. Their are many different clothes as well as accessories including scarfs and bracelets.


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The facts.com website provides reliable information on different subjects for students to gather information for reports, projects, and homework.

"Education-Information" by the Journalism students is a collection of sites they use to access information. These sites help them do everything from completing school assignments to getting into college to accessing the information they want on music and movies. Favorites included sites to read the news, relax, as well as to make the world a better place. This collection captured 8,471,948 documents.

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Or browse by URL
  • http://www.nytimes.com/
    This is a reliable news source that also covers poplar topics like fashion and travel. High school students need to know about what is happening in the world, and The New York Times can offer this understanding.
  • http://www.freetranslation.com/
    This site is very useful for language classes and has come in handy for many assignments.
  • http://www.savedarfur.org/
    This is a popular and important site among teens because it provides teenagers with information about the genocide in Sudan. It also gives the opportunity to donate money.
  • http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/index.htm
    Want to buy a new gaming system, t.v., etc. but don't know which one to buy? Go to consumer reports and find out which one is best.
  • http://www.seventeen.com/
    This is a popular magazine for high school students across America. It is mainly targeted towards teenage girls and covers topics such as celebrities, fashion, health, beauty, dating, education, and real life stories.
  • http://www.newyorker.com/
    This reliable magazine covers everything from politics to comic strips, providing a broad overview of our culture. Although some articles in the magazine might be too complex for students, its reliability and intellectual creativity makes it a good source.
  • http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/about.html
    This site provides information about colleges and testing so high school students can prepare for the college admissions process.
  • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/
    Students can use this site for help with MLA format guidelines; such as how to cite books properly, paper formatting, and grammar.
  • http://fastweb.com/
    Fastweb.com is a free site that allows students to input personal information, and then the site will find scholarships that apply to you. This site is recommended by the counselors and is helpful for high schoolers.
  • http://www.nwf.org/wildlife/
    The National Wildlife Federation is an important website because it is an educational site with amazing photos and information about endangered animals. Teenagers like to look at this site because of it has adorable pictures of animals that need help!
  • http://urbandictionary.com/
    This site is a dictionary of slang. Any words teens encounter in their informal society are referenced clearly and humorously on this website.
  • http://www.invisiblechildren.com/
    This website is based on the documentary, Invisible Children. The site has news reports on the conflict in Uganda and offers volunteer programs etc. At school students saw the film, so we are familiar with it and many have bought charitable merchandise online.
  • http://movies.go.com/
    People can use this site to search for times and tickets for shows in nearby theaters (instead of reading form the Newspaper). They can also view the description, and reviews, of the movie, and even rate them.
  • http://www.contracostatimes.com/
    The Contra Costa Times is the best source of information for local news. This site is helpful for current event projects and for finding up to date political news.
  • http://www.answers.com/
    It's a collection of dictionaries and encyclopedia sites all in one! This is a valuable asset for students who need to do some quick research for English, History, Science, etc.
  • http://www.thedailyshow.com/
    The Daily Show an entertaining and comical TV show that is very popular for those who are bored by standard unbiased news reports. Teens become involved and interested in politics and current events through John Stewart's humorous reporting.
  • http://hotzone.yahoo.com/
    Journalist Kevin Sites informs people worldwide of the conflicts currently taking place in regions such as Africa and the Middle East. Many teenagers are interested in global conflicts and use this as an accurate news source for controversial topics that television and radio often do not cover.
  • http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/
    The site for news in the worlds of pop, rock, hip-hop and indie. Includes news flashes, interviews, videos, reviews, info on tours and much more. Teens interested in music will find this site essential for staying up-to-date on the modern scene.
  • http://www.time.com/time
    This is an excellent source for world news. Many teens in high school become interested in what is going on in the world.
  • http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/
    The Cliff Notes website helps students review their books and get further information on books. This also allows for students who don't read the books a chance to get chapter and character analysis.
  • http://easybib.com/
    An easy-to-fill-in form for making an MLA bibliography. You simply type in the information you know and it puts it together in the proper MLA form, which is required by teachers.
  • http://www.challengeday.org/
    This is an organization that helps reconstruct the social networks and self esteems of students at high schools worldwide. Many high school students have participated in this activity or wish to; they often refer to the website for more information and or ways to keep the organization's work active at their schools.
  • http://www.skinet.com/
    This website gives you all the information about skiing from weather reports to ski equipment to cool videos. Many teens love to ski and snowboard if they have access to ski areas.
  • http://dictionary.reference.com/
    This website provides accurate definitions, synonyms and foreign language translations to help with essays and projects.
  • http://facts.com/
    The facts.com website provides reliable information on different subjects for students to gather information for reports, projects, and homework.
  • http://www.imdb.com/
    This site is a database about actors and movies. Includes trailers, memorable quotes from movies, actor trivia and bios, and all media that the actors have been in. Reflective of students because it shows how media shapes our society.
  • http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/
    A very pretentious yet informative music website with reviews, news articles, and mp3 links. Pitchfork serves as a portal to the music world for teens.
  • http://www.thehungersite.com/clickToGive/
    A series of sites that give money to different causes with one click. This site is an easy way to give back to the community, and many teens find this useful.
  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/
    This site tells news of politics, international news, entertainment and technology. It is helpful to classmates when looking for breaking news.
  • http://www.theonion.com/content/
    The Onion is an aggressive editorial site which gives information about politics, and pop culture, and other world issues.
  • http://college.hmco.com/history/west/mckay/western_society/6e/students/ace/
    This is the AP Euro book publishers' website, which contains online practice tests for each chapter of the textbook. It's often used by AP Euro students to study for multiple-choice chapter tests!
  • http://sparknotes.com/
    Spark notes offers brief descriptions on book chapters, characters, and analysis important quotes. Like Cliff Notes, it keeps kids updated on books they didn't read or understand. Many students at Miramonte don't have time to finish a book so they read the spark notes to not fall behind in class.
  • http://www.sfgate.com/
    The San Francisco Chronicle provides updated news articles and journalistic photographs on world-wide news and local news. It is in a major city in California, and nearby, so much of the news is of the Bay Area, which affects students.
  • http://www.npr.org/templates/topics/topic.php?topicId=1001
    I chose NPR because it is a reliable, interesting news source, many students listen to NPR on the radio or look on this website for their news.
  • http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
    This provides helpful facts for students when they are doing projects and essays. It has tons of useful information on countries around the world.
  • http://www.zeromag.com/main/
    An online magazine directed at NorCal's music tastes. Includes reports on local scenes and bands, interviews, reviews, etc. A teen always needs to be in touch with his/her local music scene, and Zero Magazine is one of the best ways for NorCal teens to do that.
  • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/
    An extremely popular nature magazine. Lots of students use the magazine and website for science projects or just to read it for fun.
  • http://quizlet.com/
    On this website, students can create online flashcards, and then quizlet.com generates online tests to study. This reflects the studying habits of high school students.
  • http://www.cnn.com/
    CNN is an easy way for teens to receive world news fast. It is quick and reliable with video clips that are both entertaining and newsworthy.
  • http://www.weather.com/
    This site provides daily updates about topics such as weather, travel, and traffic. High school students normally check this site daily to find out what the weather will be like for that day, week, or even month.
  • http://www.vanityfair.com/
    This site gives current news of politics, fashion, and celebrities and it also has an online store. Definitely information.
  • http://www.foxnews.com/
    This website provides a 'fair and balanced' view on National and International news. More conservative students find this site as a refreshing change to the large liberal bias that one may find at other news websites.
  • http://happytreefriends.atomfilms.com/
    A little comedy to lighten up a stressful school day.
  • http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/
    Students often use this site to create puzzles to add to their project/presentation or for magazine assignments.
  • http://www.sudoku-duck.co.uk/
    Many students know of this site that decodes Sudokus and fortunately many teachers do not. It is common knowledge among students that this site gives you easy extra credit points without the painstaking work of actually doing the solving.


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Post Secret

This is an entertaining site that is updated every day with numerous entertaining "secrets" from real-life people around the world. Teenagers love this site because the secrets are usually either emotional or hilarious.

Entertainment on the web - the seeds in this collection titled "Recreation" by the 9th-12th grade Journalism students are a time capsule of sites teens access for entertainment, music, games and sports. This collection captured 7,515,219 documents.

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Or browse by URL
  • http://hollywood.com/
    Teens can see what movies are playing and in which theater. They can also watch trailers and read movie descriptions.
  • http://www.ncdsa.com/86/SF-Bay-Area-Skateboard-Association.htm
    If you're a teen living in California, chances are you own a board for getting around. This site caters to the casual rider as well as board disciplines like downhill racing, carving, and board dancing. The site has links to equipment reviews, technique pointers, videos, blogs, columns and more.
  • http://www.colbertnation.com/
    This website provides video clips and other entertaining topics about Stephen Colbert and his Colbert Report. Satirical political news is very popular among students at Miramonte.
  • http://www.mylifeissoawkward.com/
    An extremely awkward and funny website full of stories, pictures, and links. My friends love to waste their time reading the embarrassing stories submitted to the site because they can relate and laugh about everything there.
  • http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
    This is an entertaining site that is updated every day with numerous entertaining "secrets" from real-life people around the world. Teenagers love this site because the secrets are usually either emotional or hilarious.
  • http://www.instyle.com/instyle/
    This magazine is very popular amongst teenage girls. It covers issues of style and the hottest new trends.
  • http://www.cbs.com/primetime/kid_nation/
    Kid nation is the bomb. A great way to see other kids fail at life while trying to create a society of just children.
  • http://pandora.com/
    This website is amazing because it gives you free radio and playlists that you can modify to satisfy your preferences. Teenagers love Pandora because it allows them to find new and fresh music.
  • http://mlb.mlb.com/index.jsp
    For all of the baseball fans out there who want to check their favorite team's scores,stats,news, and transactions. This appeals to teenagers because it is a very effective way that they can follow their favorite team and know what they are talking about.
  • http://www.mtv.com/
    The MTV website provides articles, episodes, music, and reviews of all their shows and latest celebrity gossip. Students get a chance to take a break from homework and stress and watch and listen to their favorite music and MTV shows.
  • http://www.nylonmag.com/
    An up and coming magazine that shows alternative fashion, music, and culture. Girls love Nylon's trendy style which allows us to read sophisticated spreads and articles and indulge in our teenage "girly-ness" at the same time.
  • http://www.athleticsnation.com/
    This is a blog and news website for fans of the Oakland Athletics. Fans can get updates about their favorite team, then voice their opinion about trades, injuries and other related news.
  • http://www.niceness.org/wordpress/
    Interesting blogs, photos, and videos of different surfing aspects from around the world. Because there aren't many sites out there for surfing, this one allows teenage fans to read interesting stories and see pictures/videos.
  • http://www.starmagazine.com/
    Star magazine is a popular site teenage girls check for updates on the latest celebrity gossip.
  • http://www.dccomics.com/mad/
    This makes fun of celebrities and TV shows. Teens can read this magazine in free time because it is clever and funny.
  • http://www.jimsturgess.org/
    This website gives you everything you need to know about Jim Sturgess. It provides you with facts, career info, and his personal life. This website is just one of many fan sites that teens love to stalk.
  • http://www.nbc.com/
    This website allows students to watch TV shows they may have missed due to school work or other activities. It is perfect for entertainment and relaxing.
  • http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/
    This website gives a look into the worldwide world of sports through columns and news articles. Students can check out their fantasy teams and the most recent news regarding their favorite teams.
  • http://addictinggames.com/
    This site has hundreds of free games online (and new ones every week) that don't require much skill or time. Teens can let loose by playing a new game or an old favorite in their free time.
  • http://espn.go.com/
    This website gives up to date analysis and scores for all major sports and fantasy sports help.
  • http://www.people.com/people
    This is where students go to catch up on the daily celebrity gossip.
  • http://www2.warnerbros.com/main/homepage/homepage.html
    The WB website has free full-episodes of literally every WB TV show. This is useful to teenagers because they can watch shows that they miss over the week due to homework and extracurricular activities.
  • http://www.maxpreps.com/
    Students can search teams and athletes and read their stats. Many athletic students use this site as well as reporters for the school paper trying to get the correct facts about their peers.
  • http://www.southparkzone.com/
    So when you're feeling sad about a bad grade on a test, you can watch the fantabulousness of South Park on South Park Zone.
  • http://www.mlgpro.com/
    This website shows tips from the pros on popular video games. It shows how popular video games have become with teens.
  • http://www.cwtv.com/
    This is the website of a popular television network that provides information, full length episodes, and interviews with the cast of different television series. These are of the most popular network shows on television, and many teenagers religiously watch them in their free time.
  • http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/
    This is the website of the hilarious TV show on NBC. This is reflective of kids today because it shows how media shapes our lives.