Ames Middle School
Ames Middle School is located in Ames, Iowa. Ames Middle School eighth grade Extended Learning Program students archived websites that they use in daily life. They selected the theme of pastimes to reflect internet usage in their personal lives, current events to track the ever changing face of news in the 21st century and educational resources to highlight sources used during school or for school projects. Ames Middle School students archived a total of 19,240,220 URLs.
Before starting this activity, Ames Middle School students toured the Special Collections Department at the Parks Library at Iowa State University. Students explored a vast array of primary sources, and learned about the department. Their experience helped them zero in on web pages that clearly illustrated this period in time when the Archive-It/Library of Congress project began.
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Wookieepedia http://starwars.wikia.com/
Like Wikipedia for all things Star Wars, Wookipedia has several thousand viewers per day, and new content is updated daily. This site contains a multitude of Star Wars trivia and obscurities.
A collection of sites that teenagers use to pass time. Includes sites that pertain to music, videos, games, sports, recreation, hobbies, shopping, clubs, and groups. This collection contains 7,744,008 URLs.
Or browse by URL
- http://blog.dallasstars.com/
This is a blog written by one of the Dallas Stars game analysts. I use this site in my free time.
- http://doornetwork.org/history.htm
The DOOR network tries to help participants motivate individuals to respond to the issues of an increasingly urban world. Opportunities to serve can be reached through DOOR in various cities.
- http://farm.addictinggames.com/D78AQSAKQLQWI9/3461.swf
This online game provides both a challenge and great background music while trying to keep the red ball from getting hit. I find this game very enjoyable because as the levels progress, the game gets much harder.
- http://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&rpsnv=10&ct=1239850316
&rver=5.5.4177.0&wp=MBI&wreply=http:%2F%2Fmail.live.com%2Fmail %2FTodayLight.aspx%3Fn%3D1432665480%26gs%3Dtrue&lc=1033&id= 64855&mkt=en-US
In order to get into a Windows Live Hotmail account, you must first log in on this home page. I see this page everyday when I check my email before going to bed at night.
- http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/standings
Fox Sports monitors, critiques, and analyzes a wide-range of sports. These NCAA college football standings, for each conference, show the win-loss record of each team for both conference and non-conference games during the 2008 season.
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7810270.stm
An online newspaper, BBC News covers more indepth coverage of news events around the world. This online newspaper offers a different perspective from US news.
- http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question48.html
- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
Like Wikipedia for all things Star Wars, Wookipedia has several thousand viewers per day, and new content is updated daily. This site contains a multitude of Star Wars trivia and obscurities.
- http://store.apple.com/us
The Apple Store sells MacIntosh computers, accessories , Ipods, Iphones and everything Mac. It's fun to see what is new.
- http://tools.atozteacherstuff.com/word-search-maker/wordsearch.php
- http://www.aeropostale.com/home/index.jsp
This is a helpful site when shopping for clothes for teenagers. Shopping online allows comparison shopping in a short amount of time.
- http://www.amazon.com/
An online store, students search for books, music and movies. It's interesting seeing what is new in the site.
- http://www.ames.k12.ia.us/AMS/AMS.html
The Ames Middle School website has lots of information for students, parents and teachers. It is used as a reference during the school year.
- http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/chart_display.jsp?g=Singles&f=The+Billboard+Hot+100
This site lists the most popular music and has articles about bands, concerts and individual artists. It's interesting to read about the groups that are being heard on the radio or Itunes.
- http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/chart_display.jsp?JSESSIONID=ZvQdJchLN8THt0DMGSwP4Q
- http://www.boatloadpuzzles.com/playcrossword
This website has a variety of free online crossword puzzles, ranging in size from 13 by 13 to 19 by 19 squares. The small puzzles (13 by 13) are available without the "Boatload of Crosswords" application, but to access the other puzzle sizes you need the application.
- http://www.borders.com/
This website lets viewers look through and purchase books, CDs, and movies that are located at Borders stores. Many people use Borders to buy books in their stores. This website lets viewers see what books are in stock and and provides the option of mailing them directly to their home.
- http://www.bored.com
- http://www.brainden.com/
- http://www.brickshelf.com/
Brickshelf is one of the most popular and fastest-growing resources for plastic-building-brick enthusiasts. With a massive collection of Lego creations, Brickshelf is a powerful hobby resource for anyone interested in clickable bricks.
- http://www.bubble-struggle.com/
When you're feeling down and want to pop some bubbles, this fun game entertains you while challenging your hand-eye coordination to pop the bubbles. I enjoy playing this game whenever possible because it is both hard and fun.
- http://www.cinemark.com/theater_showtimes.asp?theater_id=320
This website allows you to find the movies showing in the Cinemark area in your local city. I use this site when I want to go to the movies with a friend to find out the times, ratings, and information about each movie in the theater I am visiting.
- http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/
Cnn, an online newspaper, follows stories around the globe. Thsi page deals with politiics.
- http://www.converse.com/#CATEGORYC1
On this site you can design and create your own converse shoes then order them. I have a pair of my own customized shoes and I really love them. It is fun to create different designs.
- http://www.crazymonkeygames.com
- http://www.doipod.com/itunes-chart/top-100-itunes-songs-usa.html
This site is a list of the top 100 songs on itunes. Itunes is a massive online music database with constantly changing top songs. These songs are the top 100 as of 2/25/2009.
- http://www.ew.com/ew
An online magazine, it contains the latest stories about TV shows, books, movies and music.
- http://www.freearcade.com/SplashBack.flash/SplashBack.html
This game requires strategy in order to excel while popping globs with juice from other globs. Since I am required to think hard in order to do well in this game, I find it very enjoyable.
- http://www.freerice.com/faq.html
Free Rice is a vocabualry game that is also a method for making donations to the United Nations World Hunger Program. Each puzzle solved correctly donates grains of rice to the food program. Fun to play, it is addictive!
- http://www.freerice.com/index.php
For each question you answer right, 10 grains of rice will help end hunger via the UN World Food Program. This website aids learning in numerous subjects.
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/index.html
A site for all things game oriented, you can fnd the latest news about Nintendo, Play Station, Wii, and other gaming systems. The site contains tips for mastering games.
- http://www.hey-arnold.com/Arnold/arnold.html
This website is useful for those of us who love Hey Arnold! I use this website to learn more information on my favorite animated character of all time.
- http://www.imagineaworldwithoutpaper.com
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093779/
This page is all about "The Princess Bride" movie. It talks about the actors, director, and other people who helped with the movie.
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093779/quotes
This page is completely covered in quotes from the "Princess Bride". It has every memorable quote from the best movie ever!
- http://www.making-greeting-cards.com/birthday-cards-by-valerie-smith.html
This website provides some excellent ideas for creating your own greeting cards if you need some inspiration. Since I create my own greeting cards to give to family and friends, I am a big fan of this site.
- http://www.mocpages.com/
MOCs, or "My Own Creations," are traditionally a source of creativity and entertainment for plastic-building-brick enthusiasts. MOCpages is home to a variety of annotated, commented Lego Creations.
- http://www.muse.mu/index.php
Muse is a band that is gaining popularity in Europe and America. This site and other music sites can show what is popular in the world.
- http://www.nbc.com/Crusoe/video/episodes
- http://www.nintendo.com/
This site contains information about the games, accessories, and consoles of one of the top three gaming companies in the world.
- http://www.onemorelevel.com/
This is a site with all sorts of interesting games. I go to this site in my free time to have fun.
- http://www.pandora.com/
This is an online radio that you can program to play only the music you like.
- http://www.popularmechanics.com/
Popular Mechanics is an online version of the popular magazine.
- http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilightseries.html
The Twilight series, books about a vampire family in the Pacific Northwest, are a huge hit among middle school students. This site is about the books and the author.
- http://www.supersockmonkey.com/catalog/howtomake.html
- http://www.target.com/
Target is a popular store, offering bargain prices and good quality merchandise. The website offers everythign that is offered in the store.
- http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3
This website allows visitors to rescue animals by visiting. I am a huge fan of this site because I love animals and currently have a pet dog and fish.
- http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200612/influentials
The Atlantic Magazines online ezine, it offers stories and articles that are interesting to read. This page has top 100 most influential people of all time.
- http://www.thisamericanlife.org/About_Radio.aspx
This page describes the radio show, This American Life. The show tells the stories of real people.
- http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1870097,00.html
Time Magazine's internet magazine, offers interesting articles about world and national news, politics, sports, fashion, music,and books.
- http://www.visuwords.com
- http://www.w3schools.com
The "governing body" of HTML, the W3 Group decides on new tags, elements, and building blocks for web site developers. The W3 Schools site is a powerful resource, being the definitive set of tutorials, examples, and templates for all levels of developer, from novice to expert.
- http://www.wolf.org/wolves/index.asp
Interested in learning more about wolves? The International Wolf Center, in Ely, Minnesota, has all you need to know. The web site is full of information about wolves.
- http://www.youtube.com/
People upload videos they find entertaining to this site. The site counts each viewing, so you can see how poplar a site is. You tube is viewed worldwide.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=705LEH3j2g0
This is a music file with video of the song "Jaded" by the group Aerosmith. Aerosmith hit the height of its popularity during the 1970s.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9iRi3snRY
This is a music file of the song "Biorritmo" by the group Tanghetto. It can be used as tango music.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKPBtZ0Zzok
This is a music file of the song "Clair De Lune" by Claude Debussy.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObelUSmSs5c
This is a music fle with video of "Dance Floor Anthem" by the group Good Charlotte.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBlvzGDFbro
This is a music file with video of the song "You and Me" by the group Lifehouse.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyqg3qiGimE
This is a music file of the song "Le Boulevard" by the group Tanghetto. It can be used as tango music.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu3AjfZyg6k
This is an audio file of the song Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre) as performed by the group Gotan Project.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn71hIsm0U8
This is a music file of the song "One Winged Angel" by Nobuo Uematsu. The video is of the performance by the Eminence Symphony Orchestra.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3U0udLH974
This is a humorous video file of two cats continually meowing at each other. This would appeal to people who like cats in general.
- http://www.yoyogames.com/
Yoyo Games is a popular site dedicated to the interests of amateur and semi-professional game creators and programmers. A powerful free game creation tool, the YoYo Games Game Maker, is available for download.
- http://www.yoyogames.com/members/Brikwars%20Man
A site for all things game oriented, you can fnd the latest news about Nintendo, Play Station, Wii, and other gaming systems. The site contains tips for mastering games.
Educational Resources
Books of Hope http://www.booksofhope.org/Uganda.shtml
Books of Hope, an international service organization, gives students the opportunity to write books for students in impoverished areas of Uganda. The books become part of the school library in Uganda and are used by students to learn to read.
Educational resources are sites that students use to complete homework assignments or investigate topics of interest. This collection contains 6,086,597 URLs.
Or browse by URL
- http://booksofhope.org/Uganda.shtml
Books of Hope, an international service organization, gives students the opportunity to write books for students in impoverished areas of Uganda. The books become part of the school library in Uganda and are used by students to learn to read.
- http://catalog.amespubliclibrary.org/
This website is a catalog where you can search for books, movies, etc. that the library in Ames, IA contains. I use this daily to locate items I am interested in at the library.
- http://dictionary.reference.com/
- http://earth.google.com/
The application "Google Earth" can be used to find places across the world. I use this to discover what buildings look like across the globe.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
This page of the popular information site, Wikipedia, is about gaming systems. Gaming systems are used for fun or for learning. They encourage group communication and improve hand/eye coordination.
- http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Games
This website has games, information, maps, and interesting articles from all over the world. Fun to read, I learn something each time I visit.
- http://mathforum.org/dr.math/
This web site is a great place to go when you have a question about math homework. It is even fun to just look around the site.
- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/
The Online Writing Lab is a good place to visit when you need help organizing information or have questions about citations or grammar.
- http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question48.html
In August of 2002, the question of the month for this group was "How do planets and moons get their names?" Although this question was posed six-and-a-half years ago, the information is still valid, and quite interesting.
- http://translation2.paralink.com/
This website translates what you type into the foreign language of your choice. I use this when I am curious about how different things are spelled in foreign languages.
- http://www.50states.com/facts/
This online resource provides information on each of the 50 states of America. I enjoy using this website because it allows me to learn more about the state I live in as well as the states around me.
- http://www.ames.k12.ia.us/AMS/AMS.html
This is the Ames Middle School home page. I enjoy this site because it gives me valuable information about my school.
- http://www.booksofhope.org/
Books of Hope is an international service learning organization. Students create books to mail to impoverished schools in Uganda.
- http://www.cdc.gov/
This is a site about STD's annd STI's. I use this site in school
- http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/amer_hist_survey/book_home.htm?state=IA
This site enhances our social studies book. There are games, puzzles, review quizes and activities that bring AmericanHistory to life.
- http://www.classzone.com/cz/index.htm
This is a site of all the McDougal Little books published with interactive games and the books themselves. I use this site to study for American Studies tests
- http://www.classzone.com/cz/index.htm;jsessionid=
This site allows students to find the online resources used to support the American History textbook at their school. The site provides games, puzzles, interactive activities and practice quizzes.
- http://www.cnn.com/
This is an online news website where you can read the latest headlines on world news. I use this website to locate articles for current events and find out what going on in the world around me.
- http://www.eric.ed.gov/
This website is helpful for when you need an online literature source. I use this to read more about literature because it inspires me.
- http://www.freetypinggame.net/
This site is a source of typing games and tests to strengthen your typing skills. Students at our school use this site to be able to type the necessary words per minute.
- http://www.google.com
The most popular web search-engine and software giant, Google has irrevocably changed the way we look at information.
- http://www.howstuffworks.com/
Interesting website about how everything works, from cellphones to dna. This is a good resource for science trivia.
- http://www.iastate.edu/
- http://www.ihaveaplaniowa.gov/
This is a website where you can plan your high school and college courses. I used this site to create my four year plan.
- http://www.kcci.com/index.html
This website is useful for when you want to learn what the weather will be like in Iowa. I use this website everyday to check the forecast so I can dress appropriately to the temperature.
- http://www.learner.org/interactives/parkphysics/pendulum.html
This website was useful while doing research on the physics of amusement park rides.
- http://www.merriam-webster.com/
Websters is a dependable dictionary, useful for classroom work or to check the correct use of a word. Our school uses Websters online to study words for the WordMaster exam.
- http://www.moma.org/interactives/artsafari/index.html
The Museum of Modern Art in NYC is a national treasure. This website allows you to explore exhibits from your own home.
- http://www.nationalhistoryday.org/
Participants in the History Day Competition use this site to check on contest rules, get ideas for competition and prepare for regional, state and national levels of competition.
- http://www.nyse.com/
If you would like to know if your stock investments have increased or decreased, this is the perfect site for you. I enjoy the New York Stock Exchange website because it is updated daily in order to give adults and students valuable information about the stocks they invest in.
- http://www.obesity.org/
This website is very useful for learning more about obesity. If you ever are curious to see if you are obese, you should go here. I used this website for school.
- http://www.piple.com/
This is an online search engine in order to give the people of the Internet valuable information on what they are searching for. I enjoy using this website because it gives me free and accurate results after I type a phrase into the search box.
- http://www.prepme.com/sat/tour
This website helps students prepare for the SAT exam. By reviewing vocabulary or taking practice tests I can prepare for the exam.
- http://www.shmoop.com/public/about_us/
Shmoop is a website put together by professors and graduate students at top universities. There are book reviews, blogs about books, and articles on US History. It's a good resource for research about literature and history. They even have a section on how to cite the source.
- http://www.super-science-fair-projects.com/
This is an online resource for science fair projects. The site has resources, science fair project ideas and tips to prepare for the competition.
- http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
This site is useful in learning new words. It maps the words, connecting them with synonyms and antonyms so that you can see the connections between words.
- http://www.w3schools.com/
Students can use this website to learn how to build web pages. The tutorials provide step by step information and are a good resource for questions about programming.
- http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page
This website is an online how-to guide. I use this site daily because it helps me with my academic work as well as everyday issues.
- http://www.wikihow.com/User:Knu94
This user page belongs to Knu94 on wikiHow and is used to learn more about the author. Since I constantly go on wikiHow, I find in interesting to learn more about the authors and what work they have done on the website.
- http://www.wikipedia.org/
I use this site to find out things that interest me and what other people think about them. I use this site for both school and in my free time.
- http://www.wolf.org/wolves/index.asp
The International Wolf Center, a non-profit organization, strives to further the survival of wolves by teaching and provides accurate information about wolves. This site provides opportunities to learn more about wolves, their habitat, and their relationship with humans as well as the enviroment.
- http://www.worldbook.com/wb/Home
On this website, research can be done on almost every topic. It provides a summarized history and description of the topic, along with occasional pictures.
- http://www.yale.edu/
This website is very helpful when doing research, especially for science related projects. It gives detailed descriptions on individual studies done, but also on general ideas.
- https://sis.ames.k12.ia.us/campus/portal/ames.jsp
This website is used for students in the Ames Community School District to check their grades. I constantly visit this site to view my scores on the latest assignments.
Current Events
The world is a constantly changing place, and the sites on Current Events are often in-depth resources on the changing face of our planet. This collection contains 5,409,615 URLs.
Or browse by URL
- http://dictionary.reference.com/
A good resource for learning about words and learning new words.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
To the chagrin of librarians and teachers everywhere, Wikipedia is rapidly becoming the go-to site of choice for information on every topic under the sun. An efficiently designed interface, vast array of knowledge, and Web 2.0 capabilities make this site stand out among the host of imitators. A variety of sub-domains cater to more specialized interests, including Wookiepedia, the Star Wars- themed Wiki.
- http://maps.google.com/
We built a new building several years ago and both buildings can be seen on google maps. Google maps helps us get around our town.
- http://ojeez.tripod.com/movingtoamerica/
This is an online game about immigration to the United States. Playing the game helps students to better understand all of the problems immigrants faced.
- http://radar.weather.gov/
Doppler weather radar provides real time information about storms. Weather can be unpredictable in this part of the country and this site helps people be prepared.
- http://snowflakes.barkleyus.com/
This website allows you to create, save and view virtual snowflakes. You can e-mail your flake to friends or download it so you can print it out.
- http://supersockmonkey.com/catalog/howtomake.html
At this site you learn how to create a sock monkey. I used it and the directions are clear and concise with pictures. If you ever need something to do on a boring day this would be a fun site to go to.
- http://teenink.com/plus/mystuff/login.php
Students interested in publishing their writing can submit work to this site.
- http://tools.atozteacherstuff.com/word-search-maker/wordsearch.php
At this site you can type in any words and it will create a word search for you. You get to chose the difficulty of the word search. It is a fun site for those who love puzzles because you can create your own personalized puzzles.
- http://www.akc.org/breeds/index.cfm
This website has information about all registered American Kennel Club dogs. It shows the clubs standards and pictured of the dogs.
- http://www.americangreetings.com/ecards/display.pd?prodnum=3152175&Ne=374980&N=
This site sends virtual birthday cards. This card has animation and music. They are fun to receive.
- http://www.apple.com/
Apple's Main website. It displays new technology and gives information and assistance with programs and applications.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/
The BBC provides a different perspective on world news. It is interesting to see what other countries in the world think about current events.
- http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/charts/chart_display.jsp?JSESSIONID=
ZvQdJchLN8THt0DMGSwP4QvJnCpB6G4bZrHbtGm45TgdG280y44L!-299044317 &g=Singles&f=The+Billboard+Hot+100
This site shows the Billboard Chart's Hot 100. The Hot 100 is the most popular songs at any given time. I like to go to it to see what songs are popular.
- http://www.cdc.gov/
This is a website about sexually transmitted diseases and infections. I use this website for school
- http://www.cervelo.com/bikes.aspx?bike=P42009
WEbsite fpr the fastest bikes in the world.
- http://www.cnn.com/
THis is a site of all major current events that are happening in the world. I use this site to see what is happening and keep up with what is going on.
- http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/09/obama.war.funding/index.html
Article about Obama's Spending plan for Iraq and Afghanistan. Democracy works only if people are informed. CNN is a news source that has up to date news.
- http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/
Politics has been important this year, with the presidential election, so it is critical for students to stay updated with political news. CNN is a common and reliable news source. We have found that people like to use news sources on the internet more then newspapers, or sometimes TV because it is more accessible.
- http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/international/2009/02/24/adrian.finighan.rubik.360.a.cnn
Cnn video of a reporter trying to solve the new Rubik 360 puzzle. The Rubik's cube is a classic puzzle and is commonly found in Middle School classrooms.
- http://www.desmoinesregister.com/
The New York Times has a strong empahsis on world news and events. It is fun to see what is happening in the world beyond our state.
- http://www.imagineaworldwithoutpaper.com/
This is a very cool site that like the URL states, shows what the world would be like without paper. It uses a fun animated clip with fun music to show this.
- http://www.iowastatedaily.com/
The Iowa State Daily newspaper provides college and local news. It is a good resource for finding out what is happening on campus.
- http://www.iowastatedaily.com/opinion/
The opinion page of the Iowa State Daily shows the thoughts of college students and faculty members. It is always thought provoking.
- http://www.iwaswondering.org/
This site has lots of information about female scientists and the research they do. The site contains games, a timeline, biographies and a place to ask questions.
- http://www.mathmovesu.com/
This is NBC's site that has all its Crusoe, the tv show's, episodes. I like to go to this website and watch the show. Crusoe is a great show about Robinson Crusoe and so whenever you are bored you could visit this site and watch daring pirate adventures.
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geographybee/
The Geo Bee website has information about all levels of Geography Bee competition as well as games and materials to help students prepare for competition.
- http://www.nbc.com/Crusoe/video/
This is NBC's site that has all its Crusoe, the tv show's, episodes. I like to go to this website and watch the show. Crusoe is a great show about Robinson Crusoe and so whenever you are bored you could visit this site and watch daring pirate adventures.
- http://www.newmoon.com/
This magazine publishes student work.
- http://www.nytimes.com/
The New York Times is one of the most celebrated newspapers in the world. It covers the news from almost everywhere with anything going on. The Times has reporters all around the world that it pays to collect the latest hppenings. From sporting events to presidental elections you can read about it in the New York Times.
- http://www.pbs.org/
This website provides current headlines as well as other links to the different parts of PBS. I use this website when I need to do a current events report or other project.
- http://www.schonwalder.org/USPresidents/to_all_Pres.htm
This website is for learning about all of the presidents we have had in the United States of America. I find this useful when I have to do a project in American Studies.
- http://www.sparknotes.com/
This website provides helpful homework hints for school. I use this website when I need some extra assistance.
- http://www.time.com/time/2005/100movies/the_complete_list.html
Time Magazine has conducted a mass survey to create a list of the top 100 movies of all time. This site contains a treasure trove for movie lovers around the world.
- http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1870097,00.html
- http://www.visuwords.com/
Visuwords.com is an online theasorus. You can type in any word and it will give you the difination and a web of related words and how they are related. I use this site to study for our wordmasters competition.
- http://www.wikipedia.org/
On this website nearly anything can be researched, including current events and educational topics. It provides a very detailed description of most topics, complete with pictures.
- http://www.wordmasterschallenge.com/
This is the homepage of the WordMasters competition.
- http://www.wunderground.com/
This site has all your weather information at the tips of your fingers. Whether you want to know if it is raning in Chicago or sunny in New York, this site has the weather info.