Ames Middle School

Ames Middle School is located in Ames, Iowa. Ames Middle School eighth grade Extended Learning Program students archived websites that they use in daily life. They selected the theme of pastimes to reflect internet usage in their personal lives, current events to track the ever changing face of news in the 21st century and educational resources to highlight sources used during school or for school projects. Ames Middle School students archived a total of 19,240,220 URLs.

Before starting this activity, Ames Middle School students toured the Special Collections Department at the Parks Library at Iowa State University. Students explored a vast array of primary sources, and learned about the department. Their experience helped them zero in on web pages that clearly illustrated this period in time when the Archive-It/Library of Congress project began.

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Like Wikipedia for all things Star Wars, Wookipedia has several thousand viewers per day, and new content is updated daily. This site contains a multitude of Star Wars trivia and obscurities.

A collection of sites that teenagers use to pass time. Includes sites that pertain to music, videos, games, sports, recreation, hobbies, shopping, clubs, and groups. This collection contains 7,744,008 URLs.

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Educational Resources

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Books of Hope

Books of Hope, an international service organization, gives students the opportunity to write books for students in impoverished areas of Uganda. The books become part of the school library in Uganda and are used by students to learn to read.

Educational resources are sites that students use to complete homework assignments or investigate topics of interest. This collection contains 6,086,597 URLs.

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    Books of Hope, an international service organization, gives students the opportunity to write books for students in impoverished areas of Uganda. The books become part of the school library in Uganda and are used by students to learn to read.
    This website is a catalog where you can search for books, movies, etc. that the library in Ames, IA contains. I use this daily to locate items I am interested in at the library.
    The application "Google Earth" can be used to find places across the world. I use this to discover what buildings look like across the globe.
    This page of the popular information site, Wikipedia, is about gaming systems. Gaming systems are used for fun or for learning. They encourage group communication and improve hand/eye coordination.
    This website has games, information, maps, and interesting articles from all over the world. Fun to read, I learn something each time I visit.
    This web site is a great place to go when you have a question about math homework. It is even fun to just look around the site.
    The Online Writing Lab is a good place to visit when you need help organizing information or have questions about citations or grammar.
    In August of 2002, the question of the month for this group was "How do planets and moons get their names?" Although this question was posed six-and-a-half years ago, the information is still valid, and quite interesting.
    This website translates what you type into the foreign language of your choice. I use this when I am curious about how different things are spelled in foreign languages.
    This online resource provides information on each of the 50 states of America. I enjoy using this website because it allows me to learn more about the state I live in as well as the states around me.
    This is the Ames Middle School home page. I enjoy this site because it gives me valuable information about my school.
    Books of Hope is an international service learning organization. Students create books to mail to impoverished schools in Uganda.
    This is a site about STD's annd STI's. I use this site in school
    This site enhances our social studies book. There are games, puzzles, review quizes and activities that bring AmericanHistory to life.
    This is a site of all the McDougal Little books published with interactive games and the books themselves. I use this site to study for American Studies tests

    This site allows students to find the online resources used to support the American History textbook at their school. The site provides games, puzzles, interactive activities and practice quizzes.
    This is an online news website where you can read the latest headlines on world news. I use this website to locate articles for current events and find out what going on in the world around me.
    This website is helpful for when you need an online literature source. I use this to read more about literature because it inspires me.
    This site is a source of typing games and tests to strengthen your typing skills. Students at our school use this site to be able to type the necessary words per minute.
    The most popular web search-engine and software giant, Google has irrevocably changed the way we look at information.
    Interesting website about how everything works, from cellphones to dna. This is a good resource for science trivia.
    This is a website where you can plan your high school and college courses. I used this site to create my four year plan.
    This website is useful for when you want to learn what the weather will be like in Iowa. I use this website everyday to check the forecast so I can dress appropriately to the temperature.
    This website was useful while doing research on the physics of amusement park rides.
    Websters is a dependable dictionary, useful for classroom work or to check the correct use of a word. Our school uses Websters online to study words for the WordMaster exam.
    The Museum of Modern Art in NYC is a national treasure. This website allows you to explore exhibits from your own home.
    Participants in the History Day Competition use this site to check on contest rules, get ideas for competition and prepare for regional, state and national levels of competition.
    If you would like to know if your stock investments have increased or decreased, this is the perfect site for you. I enjoy the New York Stock Exchange website because it is updated daily in order to give adults and students valuable information about the stocks they invest in.
    This website is very useful for learning more about obesity. If you ever are curious to see if you are obese, you should go here. I used this website for school.
    This is an online search engine in order to give the people of the Internet valuable information on what they are searching for. I enjoy using this website because it gives me free and accurate results after I type a phrase into the search box.
    This website helps students prepare for the SAT exam. By reviewing vocabulary or taking practice tests I can prepare for the exam.
    Shmoop is a website put together by professors and graduate students at top universities. There are book reviews, blogs about books, and articles on US History. It's a good resource for research about literature and history. They even have a section on how to cite the source.
    This is an online resource for science fair projects. The site has resources, science fair project ideas and tips to prepare for the competition.
    This site is useful in learning new words. It maps the words, connecting them with synonyms and antonyms so that you can see the connections between words.
    Students can use this website to learn how to build web pages. The tutorials provide step by step information and are a good resource for questions about programming.
    This website is an online how-to guide. I use this site daily because it helps me with my academic work as well as everyday issues.
    This user page belongs to Knu94 on wikiHow and is used to learn more about the author. Since I constantly go on wikiHow, I find in interesting to learn more about the authors and what work they have done on the website.
    I use this site to find out things that interest me and what other people think about them. I use this site for both school and in my free time.
    The International Wolf Center, a non-profit organization, strives to further the survival of wolves by teaching and provides accurate information about wolves. This site provides opportunities to learn more about wolves, their habitat, and their relationship with humans as well as the enviroment.
    On this website, research can be done on almost every topic. It provides a summarized history and description of the topic, along with occasional pictures.
    This website is very helpful when doing research, especially for science related projects. It gives detailed descriptions on individual studies done, but also on general ideas.
    This website is used for students in the Ames Community School District to check their grades. I constantly visit this site to view my scores on the latest assignments.

Current Events

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I Was Wondering

This site has lots of information about female scientists and the research they do. The site contains games, a timeline, biographies and a place to ask questions.

The world is a constantly changing place, and the sites on Current Events are often in-depth resources on the changing face of our planet. This collection contains 5,409,615 URLs.

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