Bellevue West High School

Bellevue West High School in Bellevue, Nebraska is one of two high schools in the Bellevue community. We currently serve 1,654 students in grades 9 through 12. Bellevue was incorporated in 1855, making it the oldest city in the state and currently ranks as the third largest city in Nebraska. Bellevue is home of Offut Air Force Base where the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) is located and many of the students who attend West are from families of all branches of the military.

Students from the Contemporary Media Issues class were selected to work on this project. These students represent a cross-section of the student population at Bellevue West. The class teacher and the school librarian are partnering to lead the group as they develop their archives. The students are using online resources such as the class website to collaborate on the project, as well as in-person meetings as needed. The class is a semester class, so select students from second semester have joined the first semester students and will continue to add to the initial collections they created. The new students will also develop a collection of their own.

Bellevue West High School's Collections

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Popular Culture

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Henry Doorly Zoo

The Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo is a world class zoo. It is by far the biggest attraction in Nebraska.

Bieber, Twilight, Harry Potter and Lady Gaga. 2010 was a year full of pop culture icons. In essence, pop culture is the culture of America's youth. From the 3D revolution set off by Avatar, to crazed fans getting Bieber Fever, pop culture has influenced the trends and obsessions teens start.

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Teens in Tech

Teens in tech is a website that presents information on current technology used in adolescents' lives. The site is run by 15 year old Jake Smith who writes reviews on new technology.

At Bellevue West High School, we found that technology is rapidly dispersing throughout the world and is becoming more and more elementary. Choosing this topic, we would be able to record our advances in the technological world, and see our progress in future decades.

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