Chief Umtuch Middle School
We are the 7th & 8th grade ASPIRE Magnet Gifted classes from Chief Umtuch Middle School, Battle Ground, Washington (just a little north of Portland, Oregon). Our teacher, Mrs. Doughty, has had us participate in the K12 Web Archiving Program as part of her History and Language Arts classes. This is the fourth year that the students in her classes have been archiving websites for this program. We are glad to have had the opportunity to share what we think is important in contemporary society with a Pacific Northwest point of view.
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Advances in Technology
These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA
Or browse by URL
- http://defensetech.org/
This website was a list of military technology that was being used at the time for battle purposes such as recon, rescue operations and battle situations
- http://euobserver.com/defence/122167/
This site gave updates on the current military status of any war that may be going on in the world.
- http://gizmodo.com/tag/gadgets
A site showing some of the newest, coolest gadgets available today
- http://makerbot.com/
A consumer level 3D printer, which allows printing of objects in 3D, rather than on paper
- http://news.cnet.com/health-tech/
A CNET page showing gadgets and technology availbe today
- http://nintendo.com/
Nintendo is the leading company in handheld gaming devices. Its products include the Wii, DS, Gameboy, etc.
- http://sony.com/
The ultimate gaming company that has provided us with the latest an greatest gaming hardware since 1997
- http://us.playstation.com/ps4/
Ps4 is one of the newest consoles to 2013 and is created by Sony.
- http://www.acer.com/worldwide/selection.html
Acer makes laptops
- http://www.android.com/
The most common tablet/phone operating system. It is owned by Google and open source
- http://www.apple.com/
Apple has brought out many new micro-technological discoveries, such as the iPhone 5, iPads, etc.
- http://www.asus.com/us/
Asus makes laptops.
- http://www.basspro.com/
We chose this site because it is a hunting weapons and fishing store.
- http://www.cabelas.com/
We chose this site because it shows the modern hunting and fishing weaponry.
- http://www.callofduty.com/
A popular first person shooter game franchise in which you are a US soldier in different fights. The Call Of Duty series has many side series including Call Of Duty Black Ops and, MW3 or Modern Warfare.
- http://www.chevrolet.com/volt-electric-car.html?seo=goo_|_GM+Chevy+Retention_|_GG-RTN-Chevy-Volt
The Chevy Volt is an consumer electric car, one of the first of its kind
- http://www.dell.com/
Dell is one of the leading computer/monitor making brands.
- http://www.dish.com/
Dish sells household appliances and satellite connection deals.
- http://www.fullsail.edu/
Full Sail University is a colege that focuses on website design and video game creation.
- http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4
The latest game in the popular series of Halo first person shooters
- http://www.hammacher.com/Product/12245?cm_cat=ProductSEM&cm_pla=AdWordsPLA&source=PRODSEM
This website gave the newest technology that affected our daily lives.
- http://www.hitachi.us/
Hitachi deals the latest technology in household appliances
- http://www.howtogeek.com/
A site for people good with technology, showing how to use some tools and other parts of technology
- http://www.htc.com/us/
The Website for HTC, a very popular company for smartphones
- http://www.ibm.com/us/en/
IBM is a big leader company that sells electronics.
- http://www.ign.com/games/upcoming
Upcoming games that will be hot in today’s society.
- http://www.lamiglas.com/
We chose this site because it shows modern, current fishing rods.
- http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx
The website for Microsoft, a very advanced technology company
- http://www.mossberg.com/
This is a shotgun brand. we chose this because it shows the most modern shotguns.
- http://www.nasa.gov/
The website for NASA, a government agency making lots of progress in space
- http://www.newegg.com/
Newegg is an online website where you can purchase computer parts
- http://www.panasonic.com/us/home/
A company that specializes in cameras, TV’s, Bluray players, accessories, etc.
- http://www.parkerbows.com
We chose this site because it is a bow company and has a lot of the updated bows.
- http://www.samsung.com/us/video/tvs/UN85S9VFXZA
A very high end TV, with a 4K 3D screen, the most advanced consumer technology for TVs
- http://www.sonymobile.com/us/products/accessories/smartwatch/
A Sony smart watch, which is very advanced for now
- http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/
We chose this site because it is a hunting weapons and fishing store.
- http://www.swtor.com/
Star Wars the Old Republic is one of the leading MMORPG’s for it’s time and considering how long it’s been going.It’s based about 3600 years before the movies.
- http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics-gadgets/
Thinkgeek is a site that shows all the latest new gadgets and electronic conveniences.
- http://www.valvesoftware.com/
One of the leading video game companies
- http://www.verizon.com/home/verizonglobalhome/ghp_landing.aspx
An American broadband and telecommunications company.
- http://xfinity.comcast.net/
Xfinity is a cable company
- https://getpebble.com/
The Website of the Smart Watch company Pebble, showing advances in the field of watches
Current Events 2013-2014
Go Army http://www.goarmy.com/
This website tells all about the US army, mainly helping those who aspire to be a part of this one day. It gives suggestions of careers in the military and helps you find the one that would suit you best.
These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA and the Portland, OR Metro Area
Or browse by URL
- http://content.time.com/time/top-10-lists-of-2012/
This is a list of 10 important events that happened last year, as chosen by Time.
- http://leavitt4mayor.com/
Tim Leavitt is running for mayor in Vancouver, WA. His priorities are creating more jobs, bettering the residential economy, and education. This is his second time running for mayor. He was elected on the 2009 ballot as the Vancouver city mayor.
- http://money.cnn.com/news/economy/
This article talks about Russia's economic news.This is important because Russia is a big world power so any economic news from them is worth hearing.
- http://nation.time.com/2012/12/04/top-10-us-news-lists/slide/hurricane-sandy/
Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the east coast on Oct. 29th, 2012 yet the people in this area are still rebuilding today. It started as a tropical storm but quickly escalated to hurricane levels. Sandy killed at least 130 people. It was a big event in America and this website tells more about it.
- http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/archives/environment/
This page shows news about the world's environmental stories.
- http://planetark.org/enviro-news/
The health of our environment is a big topic in today's society. This page shows environmental news from around the world.
- http://portlandmarathon.org/
The Portland Marathon is a premier marathon event that has consistently been ranked high in the past years. It takes place in October (in Portland, OR of course) and is very friendly to all levels of runners or walkers. There is always lots of music (some live) playing along the route and it is a fun event for those young and old.
- http://radar.weather.gov/Conus/pacnorthwest_lite_loop.php
the weather radar displays the weather activity in washington
- http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2023221942_mudslidetuesdayxml.html
Rescuers expanded their search Tuesday and found additional bodies in the muck of a massive mudslide in Snohomish County.
- http://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/acainfo-en?WT.srch=1&WT.mc_id=120721&WT.seg_1=PF-4-sXu8ZSPIf|dc-zzzthrive
This tells about Obamacare, the new free health care for everyone. With Obamacare, the people who had insurance lose their insurance, they get it back but have to pay 3 times what they used to pay for it so that those who don't pay insurance get it for free. This is one of the main current debate topics among US citizens, which is why we chose to include it.
- http://www.92y.org/Uptown/Events/Lectures/All-Politics-Current-Events/
This website tells about all the Current Events and Politics currently happening. We included it to show some of the things happening around us.
- http://www.battlegroundcinema.com/?p=movie&sp=releaseDate
This website was chosen as a current event because new movies are always showing at this theater.
- http://www.bbc.com/news/science_and_environment/
This page talks about scientific and environmental current events.
- http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/specials/boston_marathon_bombing/
This is a website that has news about the Boston bombing. The Boston Marathon Bombing was a horrific act of terrorism. Two pressure cookers filled with shrapnel exploded on April 15, 2013 killing 3 and injuring 264 others.
- http://www.breakingnews.com/
This website tells about breaking news that is happening in America.
- http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/05/us/new-jersey-mall-shooting/
A gunman who opened fire at a New Jersey mall Monday night later holed up in a back room and shot himself in the head, authorities say. This website depicts who this gunman killed and how people have been reacting to this tragedy.
- http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/20/world/africa/egypt-car-bomb/index.html?hpt=wo_c2
This tells about current events in Egypt.
- http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/20/world/meast/iraq-violence/index.html?hpt=wo_c2
An piece on the deadly car bombing in Iraq. We wanted to include this because it was a current event happening in the world.
- http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/
This website was chosen for current events because current news and politics all around the world are continuously added onto this website every day.
- http://www.columbiarivercrossing.org/
This is the main Columbia River Crossing (CRC) homepage.The CRC was a major project regarding the Interstate Bridge located over the Columbia River on I-5. It's goal was to improve the traffic and congestion on the bridge as well as surrounding areas. The CRC is a huge project concerning both Washington and Oregon states.
- http://www.comic-con.org/
This is a gathering of comic fans from all over the world.
- http://www.defensemedianetwork.com/?gclid=CMrElZGb4roCFaQ9QgodUEAAhw
Defense Media Network is a website that contains current as well as past US Armed Forces events. There is a range from various award ceremonies to the Dental COrpse
- http://www.enn.com/
enn.com is an environmental news network that encourages people to be eco-friendly and has many artcles relating to this. It tells about environmental policy, climate, enegry, pollution, ecosystems, wildlife, and much more.
- http://www.foxbusiness.com/index.html
This site gives imformation on the daily news about the economy and the businesses that are effected, what they do, what they are, and all the stories that are going around. This site gives imformation on some polotics.
- http://www.goarmy.com/
This website tells all about the US army, mainly helping those who aspire to be a part of this one day. It gives suggestions of careers in the military and helps you find the one that would suit you best.
- http://www.healthplans.com/get-quotes/?CID=8814&SRC=hp_google&Sub_ID=obamacare&bw_keyword=obamacare
&position=1t3&mobile=&bw_state=Washington&utm_content=38348089757& kid=259029334802852&pdv=c&google_network=g&creativeid=38348
This site gives a view on what you do to get a heath plan and what a health plan is. This site takes you through the step by step process of getting a health plan quotes as well. In our time a Health plan is a generic term referring to a specific benefit package offered by an insurer, HMO, or self-funded employer plan. A network is a group of physicians/professional providers, hospitals and other medical care professionals that a health plan has contracted with to deliver services to its members.
- http://www.infoplease.com/news/2013/current-events/
This website is easily navigable to find the major events from each month in 2013. These events include world news, US news, business, disasters, and science news.
- http://www.infoplease.com/news/2013/edward-snowden-leaks.html
This site gives information on lots of topics, but the page weave done is about Edward Snowden. A man who worked for the NSA (The National Security Agency (NSA) is a U.S. intelligence agency responsible for the production and management of signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance for the United States government.) The site gives information on him and the information he released about the NSA and the sureilliance progect they were working on. There was a great depate on the topic and later, after releasing the information, Edward Snowden ran from Hawii to Hongkong.
- http://www.kgw.com/
This is a relatively local news website. It shows important things that are happening around here.
- http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/01/us/politics/congress-shutdown-debate.html?_r=0
The Government shutting down is a thing that hasn't happened for a long time, therefore, it is interesting. This website explains what happened and why it happened
- http://www.oregonzoo.org/events/zoolights/
Celebrate the holiday season amid the sparkling lights and brilliant hues of ZooLights. More than a million LED lights transform the Oregon Zoo into a luminous winter wonderland filled with moving sculptures, forests of lighted trees and animal silhouettes.
- http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/13/us-philippines-typhoon-idUSBRE9A603Q20131113/
This website is about Typhoon Haiyan that destroyed many small cities and towns in Central Philippines.
- http://www.syrianews.cc/
This website keeps you updated with the latest news in Syria.
- http://www.visitvancouverusa.com/things-to-do/
This website is a list of things that are occurring near the area in which we live, as well as the landmarks that can be found here.
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-obama/
We chose this event because Barack Obama is the current President of the United States.
- http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/projects/i5/skagitriverbridgereplacement/
We chose this website because in late May, a portion of the Skagit Bridge collapsed, causing a major traffic issue for people living in the area.
- https://www.wahealthplanfinder.org/HBEWeb/Annon_DisplayHomePage.action?authn_try_count=0&
contextType=external&username=string&contextValue=%2Foam&password=sercure_string&challenge_url= https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wahealthplanfinder.org%2FHBEWeb%2FAnnon_DisplayHomePage.action&request_id= -4699711189280692652&locale=en_US&resource_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.wahealthplanfinder.org %252FHBEWeb%252F
We chose this website because recently HealthCare has been a rather large issue, due to the new ObamaCare legislation.
Teens/Trends & Interests
Adidas http://www.adidas.com/us/
Adidas is a popular company with teenagers. They are best known for their shoes. You can spot the brand on most of the kid's shoes around you on any given day in middle school.
These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA.
Or browse by URL
- http://brandonmull.com/site/archives/696
This is the website of an American author, Brandon Mull. He wrote the fantasy series Fablehaven, the Beyonders, and the Candy Shop War.
- http://jamesdashner.com/
James Dashner is the author of The Maze Runner series. It's full of suspense and an overall series to read!
- http://ninjago.lego.com/en-us/default.aspx
This is the website of a LEGO Animation TV series, LEGO Ninjago. The TV show about ninjas with superpowers.
- http://shop.vans.com/catalog/Vans/en_US/home/index.html
This is an online shoe store that is also the stores website. Vans shoes are widely popular in teens' fashion trends nowadays. Van shoes come in various styles and colors, and backpacks and shirts are also sold of this brand.
- http://us.playstation.com/ps4/
Playstation is a gaming console. This is their website.
- http://wanelo.com/
Wanelo.com is a shopping website. You can buy all sorts of stuff on this website. Many teenagers enjoy buying things and they can do it here.
- http://www.abercrombie.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreView?storeId=10051&kid=244ee408-f237-5cc8
Abercrombie and Fitch is a clothing company. This their online website.
- http://www.adidas.com/
Adidas is a popular company with teenagers. They are best known for their shoes. You can spot the brand on most of the kid's shoes around you on any given day in middle school.
- http://www.aeropostale.com/
We chose this website as a good fit for our crawl because it is a popular place for many teens to buy clothes. Many people buy clothes, makeup, hats, and more from Aeropostale.
- http://www.aeropostale.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=3534619&affcode=205232&searchdef=2440398&k_clickid=244ee
408-f237-5cc8-733c-000052905432&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand_Aero_Online_Brand &utm_term=aeropostale&002=2440398&006=29668151671&007=Search&008=&009=e&012= aeropostale&021=4790176011&025=c&026=
A well-liked brand and store by today's teens. Aeropostale is known for their stylish, tight-fitting t-shirts and sweatshirts. Clothing size in Aeropostale is smaller than the norm, so thin girls and boys especially like this store.
- http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/
This website was chosen because Apple company are the "gods" of much of technology for teens. Having created the IPod and IPhone and much much more, they have set the standards high for any other company. For us teens, if your phone isn't Apple it's not good enough.
- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
Barnes and Noble is a well known book store that many purchase Nooks, books, even gift cards as Christmas presents or for everyday occasions.
- http://www.bestbuy.com/
Best Buy is a technology store.
- http://www.callofduty.com/
Call of Duty is a popular game among teenagers.
- http://www.converse.com/
Converse shoes are very popular these days, especially high tops. These shoes come in various colors and styles.
- http://www.endersgamemovie.com/
Before Enders Game was a movie, it was a very popular novel among teens.
- http://www.forever21.com/Product/Main.aspx?br=f21
Forever 21 is one of the most popular stores for teen girls today. They carry everything from basics to accessories. Many of their liked pieces of clothing are their stylish high-low skirts, A-line dresses, sandals, and sheer tops. In addition to their amazing style, Forever 21's merchandise are low-priced but still are good-quality. Recently, Forever 21 has opened a boys' section, so boys can keep up on the latest trends as the girls also.
- http://www.krispykreme.com/
Krispy Kreme is a doughnut shop that sells different types of doughnuts, such as; Glazed, Marshmallow filling, Creme filled, Chocolate Sprinkles, and many more delightful treats.
- http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/home.html
McDonald is a fast food restaurant that has spread itself across the globe. Many teens and adults love their delicious french fries, McFlurrys, Big Macs, and chicken nuggets. This website shows some of the food items they sell, as well as representing their charity, the Ronald McDonald house.
- http://www.redbox.com/
This is a movie renting service.
- http://www.rickriordan.com/my-books/percy-jackson/heroes-of-olympus.aspx
Rick Riordan is a popular author who wrote the Percy Jackson series, the first few of which, have already been made into movies. This website shows those books.
- http://www.toms.com/womens/shoes/classics/c?view=all
Toms are comfortable shoes and are available in both men and women styles. These shoes have various colors and styles on each pair.
- http://www.worldwarzmovie.com/
World War Z is a movie based off a book about zombies. We chose this site because zombies, as well as this movie, have been very popular as of late.
- https://minecraft.net/
Minecraft is a trending video game that uses blocks that you mine from caves to build your own creations. Kids from the age of 9-18 continue to play this addicting game. Even some architects use it to display their ideas.
- https://www.fanfiction.net
Fanfiction has become a big part of different tv shows, movie and books. This website allows teens to share their work.