Chief Umtuch Middle School

We are the 7th & 8th grade ASPIRE Magnet Gifted classes from Chief Umtuch Middle School, Battle Ground, Washington (just a little north of Portland, Oregon). Our teacher, Mrs. Doughty, has had us participate in the K12 Web Archiving Program as part of her History and Language Arts classes. This is the fourth year that the students in her classes have been archiving websites for this program. We are glad to have had the opportunity to share what we think is important in contemporary society with a Pacific Northwest point of view.

Visit Chief Umtuch MIDDLE School's 2012-13 Web Archiving Page

Visit Chief Umtuch MIDDLE School's 2011-12 Web Archiving Page

Visit Chief Umtuch MIDDLE School's 2010-11 Web Archiving Page

Chief Umtuch Middle School's Collections

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Advances in Technology

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Full Sail University

Full Sail University is a college that focuses on website design and video game creation.

These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA

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Current Events 2013-2014

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Go Army

This website tells all about the US army, mainly helping those who aspire to be a part of this one day. It gives suggestions of careers in the military and helps you find the one that would suit you best.

These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA and the Portland, OR Metro Area

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Teens/Trends & Interests

Featured Link


Adidas is a popular company with teenagers. They are best known for their shoes. You can spot the brand on most of the kid's shoes around you on any given day in middle school.

These are sites that we think are interesting to middle school students in Battle Ground, WA.

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