Moran Middle School

These Archive-it collections were created by students of James H. Moran Middle School in Wallingford, Connecticut. Moran Middle School serves grades 6-8 and is committed to guiding students from childhood through adolescence by encouraging independent thinking, self-worth and mutual respect necessary to become responsible, productive citizens in our ever-changing society. Moran Middle School students have archived 15,413,212 documents.

Over the course of the Archive-It program, Moran students had the opportunity to speak with a local reporter and be featured in the local newspaper. You can see the article here.

Visit James Moran Middle School's 2013-14 Web Archiving Page

Visit James Moran Middle School's 2012-13 Web Archiving Page

Visit James Moran Middle School's 2011-12 Web Archiving Page

Visit James Moran Middle School's 2010-11 Web Archiving Page

Visit James Moran Middle School's 2009-10 Web Archiving Page

Moran Middle School's Collections

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Social Networking

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Mallorie's Blog

This is the blog of a teenager named Mallorie. She writes posts about her opinions on political and personal affairs, along with posts for school. Blogging is a great way to collaborate with people all around the world. This blog was created as a school project, but Mallorie writes about much more than just school. This is a great example of how schools are using technology in the classroom.

This is a collection of social networking sites that kids use, including student blogs. This collection contains 5,947,061 URLs.

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    This is a blog belonging to Alicia. On it, there is softball, about her life, what she likes (such as her favorite colors, animals, things she does, her family, friends, pets, about her school James H. Moran Middle School, activies, and things her awesome teacher, Mr. Paul Bogush, made her do in his socail studies class). There are things you could kearn about in the past.
    This is a social studies blog created by Ashley. This is one of the blogs from students at Moran middle school, in Wallingford, Connecticut. This blog has stuff that teenagers are interested and like. Projects and homework are also found on here, as it is part of the daily class. Cool widgets and post are what makes this a really cool blog!
    This blog is a typical things that teenagersn talk about. It is for my social studies teacher, Paul Bogush's class. I write about certain topics like: actions and intentions, wishes, library of congress, and the lewis and clark expedition.
    A student blog by Christine, who is an 8th grader at Moran Middle School in Wallingford, Connecticut. It is a Social Studies blog that uses 21st century technology. Also has posts on typical teenage life.
    This is a wikispace page created by an 8 grade teacher and used by him and his students. It's a place for students to visit and see what homework and projects our teacher assigned. Sections such as "current unit" provide information on what we are currently reviewing.
    DeviantArt is a website for sharing and commenting on art that people create. This is just one person of the many that are on Deviant Art.
    Facebook is a social networking website that people use to keep in touch, such as family members and close friends. People use this website to post pictures and to tell others what they are currently doing.
    This is a school in New York City. You go there if you are interested in performing arts: dance, singing, acting, and instrumental.
    Kevin's school blog. This blog is a kid's who does write for school, and other funny posts. It was made for a social studies class in the 21st century. It is used with the wiki named collaberationnation.
    This is the blog of a teenager named Lauren. It started as a class assignment for Social Studies. But she also writes about personal experiences, international news, and much more. It contains many thoughtful, and entertaining posts. This blog is part of a series of blogs that were created to promote 21st century technology being used in schools. It is an example of what many schools may decide to do in the future.
    This is the blog of a teenager named Mallorie. She writes posts about her opinions on political and personal affairs, along with posts for school. Blogging is a great way to collaborate with people all around the world. This blog was created as a school project, but Mallorie writes about much more than just school. This is a great example of how schools are using technology in the classroom.
    Marissa went to Moran Middle School in Wallingford, CT. Her teacher Paul Bogush started the class on the blogs. This is a teenager's blog.
    This is a blog by a teenager named Megan. It contains posts about what was going on in her life and things she had to do for school. Many students blogged and this is just one example of these creative websites. The blogs are a way for teenagers and others to express themselves on the internet. They can write about how they feel or interesting stories. They are used by many people of all ages, all around the world.
    This website is home of the New York Yankees. I archived this website because it is an example of sports in america. The Yankees are located in Bronx, NY. The present captian of the Yankees is Derek Jeter.
    This is the class blog from Moran Middle School made by the teacher. (Paul Bogush) Here you will find the the homework for the eighth grade students. This was a typical schedule that Paul Bogush followed to teach his class.
    Prezi is an innovative way to present something. It allows you to zoom in and out to show information, pictures, video, and sounds.
    This is Rob's blog. This is for my Middle School Social Studies Class. My teacher is Paul Bogush. My school is Moran Middle School in Wallingford, Coneecticut. THis is a blog from Edublogs.
    This is Sam's blog... He is a student from Moran Middle School in Wallingford Connecticut. He is in Mr. Bogush's class working on the Web Archive project.
    Ustream is a great website to watch people all around the world live. You can chat with the author and with other viewers.
    This web site is the official website of the US Air force. It was choosen because it is probably the least publicitized branch of the military. It deserves a pat on the back and should be noticed and remembered!
    This is a blog made by an 8th grade student named Joe. If you enjoy baseball then you can check out the baseball page on this blog.
    This is a school in New York City. You go there if you are interested in performing arts: dance, singing, acting, and instrumental.
    It is an instant messaging website for AIM, meebo, yahoo messaging, and more to communicate to your friends.
    This is an aricle about Moran Middle School(Wallingford,CT) web archive project. This newspaper is written out of Meriden, CT. This article was written by Samaia Hernandez. Th Newspaper is called the Rcord-Journal.
    Online gaming in witch you can interact with people from around the world.Many of my friends play as well with thousands of other kids my age .
    A online webiste in witch you can send a message from one point in the world to the other. Important to many people in my family they use it to talk with each other during the day wehn not iwth each other.

Fashion and Trends

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Ed Hardy

This clothing line has everything from t-shirts to shoes! The clothing has a tattoo-like pattern on them.

A collection of sites where you can buy clothes or other items online. This collection contains 5,846,252 URLs.

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Official Site of
The Boston Red Soxs

This is the official website of the Boston Red Sox. They are located in Boston, Massachusetts. The present captain of the Red Sox is Jason Varitek.

This collection includes websites that students visit for entertainment purposes. This collection contains 3,619,899 URLs.

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