Rosman High School

Rosman High School is a small school located in rural western Transylvania County in the southwestern mountains of North Carolina. This school is very unique in the fact that within one large building, there is actually a middle and a high school that are considered two schools, but occupy one building, sharing such single facilities as the media center, gym, and cafeteria. The combined school is the heart of the community and generations of families have attended. Rosman remains one of the few school communities in the region that has not been consolidated into larger school configurations. The economy of Transylvania County has changed considerably in the past ten years as a result of the loss of manufacturing jobs. However, Transylvania County does not receive low-wealth funding from the state due to comparably high property values. Many of the residents of the Rosman district are employed in service industries, with construction and landscaping being the two major business areas.

Tiger Pride is what drives most of the students at Rosman High whether it be on the athletic field/court or in the classroom. Our small numbers mean that there is a special bond between students, staff, and school. As the saying goes in Rosman...Good to be alive...Proud to be a Tiger!

For the archiving project, Mrs. Gillespie’s Computer Applications II class participated. This class consists of Juniors and Seniors who have completed other computer courses. This course is designed to help students master skills in the design and construction of complex web sites for conducting business electronically. Emphasis is on skill development in advanced web page construction and entrepreneurial applications of conducting business electronically as well as economic, social, legal, and ethical issues related to electronic business. Students will plan, design, create, publish, maintain, and promote an electronic business web site. Communication skills and critical thinking are reinforced through software applications.

To implement the project, we spent a few days brainstorming what collections we would like to create. This year, Transylvania County is celebrating its 150th Anniversary, so we felt it was important to show the world some of our cultural heritage within the Internet. Our Transylvania County collection is a reflection of what our county has to offer. For our second topic, we discussed what most teenagers do with their time on the Internet. Not surprisingly, the answer was “Waste Time!” So, our second collection became our waste of time.

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Rosman High School's Collections

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Transylvania County, NC

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Blue Ridge Community College

Blue Ridge Community College is a great starting point for many locals. They also support our school system with some online classes and on site programs.

A collection of websites related to Transylvania County, NC. These websites include our school, the local college, and many area businesses.

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Waste of Time

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Coolest Gizmo

Cool, fun gadgets, from how they work, to where to find them!

Shocking as it may be to some, not all time spent on the Internet is for academic reasons. This is a collection of where we waste our time on a daily basis.

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