Lincoln Park High School

Lincoln Park provides an atmosphere of excellence, creativity, mutual respect, and enthusiasm that encourages and supports all students and members of our diverse school community in reaching their potential in academic, extra-curricular, and inter-personal pursuits. We strive to develop critical thinking, social development, cultural enrichment, and leadership in our diverse student body. Lincoln Park High School students archived a total of 31,436,416 URLs.

At the start of this project, the students took a trip to the Museum of Science & Industry here in Chicago to learn about the Internet. Students created an avatar and used it as a guide through the explanation of the Internet.

Visit Lincoln Park's 2009 Web Archiving Project Website

Lincoln Park High School's Collections

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Teen Scene

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Prom Girl

What's hot for Prom 2009. The right look and the right date are nothing without the right limo. was privileged to be chosen as the supplier of the majority of the prom dresses.

This collection is compiled from sites used by students for recreation, entertainment, social networking, and other topics including prom, vacations, and places of interest around Chicago. This collection contains 23,411,863 URLs.

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College Search

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Howard University

Howard University is one of a number of African American historical and cultural education institutions archived by Lincoln Park students.

This collection highlights websites students have used during their college search process. This includes websites for African American historical and cultural educational institutions and Illinois colleges gathered in part by juniors in the African American Achievers Club. This collection contains 4,674,240 URLs.

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Global Studies

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World Citizen

A website that helps teachers and community leaders spread the ideas of peace to our generation and the next one following.

This collection contains websites related to global issues including terrorism, peace, and religion. This collection contains 3,350,313 URLs.

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