Eustis High School
Eustis High School is located in Eustis, Florida; a residential community located approximately 30 miles northwest of Orlando, Florida. Our students begin their high school career in a 9th grade center, and complete their 10th through 12 grade years on the main campus. Our school population represents a geographically large area that includes the woods of Ocala National forest, several lakes including Lake Eustis, and assorted townships with the city of Eustis at its center. Since a fateful freeze in the 1980's, and growth in our population, Eustis is no longer a predominantly citrus growing and semi-rural community. However, many of our students still enjoy the country life, with fishing and hunting, boating and horseback riding popular activities.
10th-12th grade students from a web design class and an American History class are participating in this year's K-12 Web Archiving project. It is our first experience with web archiving, but the students have assumed full responsibility for categorizing and crawling their selected web sites. Approximately 30 students from nine different classes meet bi-weekly to crawl, annotate and monitor the web archiving project.
Students approach the web archiving project as a form of digital media literacy. Prior to their creation of collections and describing their web sites, students create web collections and metatags in a "moodle"; an on-line space for collaborating, uploading and revising shared documents. The moodle serves as a safe space for critically evaluating and discussing which web sites and how often these sites should be archived. Once the class reaches a consensus, web sites are assigned to a collection, and each student writes the description and assesses the significance of the site for teens, popular culture and future historians. The first semester of our school's block schedule ended January 15 and new classes will be introduced to the web archiving project. The same classes, web design and American History, will be responsible for archiving, but different students will be managing the project. We expect second semester to be the most productive since we have learned much in just the last few months.
Eustis High School's Collections
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Life Smarts http://lifesmarts.org
LifeSmarts--the ultimate consumer challenge, is an educational opportunity that develops the consumer and marketplace knowledge and skills of teenagers in a fun way and rewards them for this knowledge.
These sites reflect the various career, post-secondary and alternate educational sites for teens.
Or browse by URL
- http://babycenter.com/
This website contains information that is helpful to teen moms, and soon to be teen moms. This site allows you to see each stage of pregnancy from week 1-week 41, including all the different changes emotionally and physically.
- http://conjuguemos.com/home/index.html
This is a website that allows students to take Spanish quizzes online. Spanish teachers may use this software to help simplify the quizzing process, and is very easy to use.
- http://eustishighband.com/
This is a site that helps to get the EHS band out into the world of cyberspace.
- http://eustismemoriallibrary.org/
The city of Eustis provides its citizens with a community library that provides; Internet access, a variety of popular books/tapes/media resources and a place to meet other members of the community.
- http://history.com/
The History website gives you a plethora of information on history. It also shows and explains many important events from the past.
- http://lake.k12.fl.us/168220512195743973/site/default.asp
Instructional Files and Student Generated Work for AP Human Geography
- http://lifesmarts.org/
LifeSmarts--the ultimate consumer challenge, is an educational opportunity that develops the consumer and marketplace knowledge and skills of teenagers in a fun way and rewards them for this knowledge.
LifeSmarts--the ultimate consumer challenge, is an educational opportunity that develops the consumer and marketplace knowledge and skills of teenagers in a fun way and rewards them for this knowledge.
- http://www.ask.com/
This website provides you with a search engine in which you can enter any word, subject, etc. and recieve an accurate definition and/or examples on that topic.
- http://www.cecf.org/
An affiliate of business professionals of america
- http://www.collegeboard.com/student/index.html?student
Allows students to find information on colleges, college applications, board tests, scores on SAT/CPT and AP tests, preparation for such tests, and planning for your future education.
- http://www.dailycommercial.com/
This newspaper touches on community events in the Lake County area,and is a very involved good source for finding out what's going on in Eustis.
- http://www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/face.htm
This website is very useful for students who are interested in better understanding the blue panet and the most great landforms that set us appart form any in the universe. what like about this website is how informative it can be for any one interested. This website touches on infomation that is mostly about landforms like mountain ranges, valley, plains, ect
- http://www.euratlas.com/
This website is very usefull for teens and adults, in this website there are great picture and wonderfull maps of modern and ancient Europe. It even showed the are and buildings of Aceint rome from a birds eye view. If your a visual person this site will be great for your learning technique
- http://www.eustishightheatre.com/
This site features EHS theatrical plays, seasonal events and drama club news.
- http://www.flvs.net/
For the second year in a row, e.Republic’s Center for Digital Education (CDE) has named Florida as the top state in the nation in online education. Florida was recognized for its robust and thriving virtual school with nearly 125,000 students, a 25 percent increase in attendance over last year.
- http://www.funwitharabic.com/alphabet.html
A website that includes all of the letters in rhe Arabic language, an alphabet song, and pronunciation aids.
- http://www.howstuffworks.com/
Nearly every person on the face of this Earth has had a quandary regarding the reason why something does exactly what it does. That's where HowStuffWorks comes in. Nearly everything, from cotton candy to quantum mechanics is explained in this one cornucopia of information.
- http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/
This site is the main page for the LCSB. This page provides information to parents, teachers, and students about events in the disctrict. You can use this site to leaern about and contact district employees including school board members as well as get the latest school board meeting minutes
- http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/ehs/site/
This is the EHS official web site established by Lake County Schools. All students, their parents, faculty and staff, and community of EHS are encouraged to use this web site for current information and class assignments. Clubs, calendars, teacher pages, departments, events and photos comprise this web site.
- http://www.lyitl.org/mormans/index.html
This is about Mormans, and our beliefs
- http://www.mos.org/oceans/planet/index.html/
This website is a great source to better understand the ocean and what landforms inhabit it. there are many great features to this website so if you have a report on the ocean floor this site will be very helpfull. What I liked about this website is the great details that are brought on the subject.
- http://www.orlandosentinel.com/
This site acts as an online daily newspaper. One may look up current events that have just occured. (It is quite up to date and resourceful.)
- http://www.rice.org/
This collection features educational websites that are also humanitarian. It's sort of like a charity. You answer english vocabulary questions, and for every question you get right they donate 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. This is the time where teens could be most active in our global community, teens can contribute everyday to help end hunger.
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/
Most people get bored of have to see a website and just read read read, but this source makes learnig mor enjoyable so it does not seem like a constant drag. There games that help you learn conteinent, captitals,cities ect. It is not just kid website this information great for anyone.
- http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2009/
I used this website to gather information about Human Trafficking for my Independent Research Project. This is a good website because they break down the different types of trafficking, ways you can help, and areas that human trafficking is heaviest. Other people can use this website to gather information or find ways to help.
- http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/sex_traff_us.pdf
This is PDF file that contains information on areas in the USA that are most affected by human trafficking. The file breaks down information about each region and each type of trafficking. I used it as a basis for my independent research project which concentrates on areas in the USA affected by trafficking. Others can use it for research projects like mine, or projects that pertain to different aspects of human trafficking. The file contains updated information on basically anything and everything you need to know about human trafficking.
Our Community
Our Community includes a variety of websites devoted to the local news and businesses of Eustis, Florida; and popular Eustis High programs and events.
Or browse by URL
- http://animal.rescueme.org/florida
If you wish to adopt a specific breed of a cat or dog, this is the site for you.
- http://bcs.wiley.com/he-bcs/Books?action=index&itemId=0471679518&bcsId=3139
At Eustis High, we have an AP Human Geography class and this is the site we use most often. It has several important and useful links and information we need.
- http://eustishighband.com/
This is a site that helps to get the EHS band out into the world of cyberspace.
- http://space.about.com/cs/solarsystem/p/venusinfo.htm
This website provides many articles about topics, such as Venus.
- http://space.about.com/od/venus/a/Venus.htm
Since Venus is a planet I most like to study, this is another site I use for looking up information.
- http://theaiesecblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/07/refugees-the-dark-side-of-mobility/
This website is a blog.
I used this website to get a picture to use in my power point for migration.
Others could use this specific web address to learn more about refugees. This article addresses problems the refugees face.
- http://www.baystreetplayers.org/
The Bay Street Players have been performing for over 35 seasons.
- http://www.bing.com/images/
I used this website to get the most all the pictures for the PowerPoint.
Anybody can use this website for pictures.
- http://www.census.gov/
This website is very good for research. It has pictures and is all about everything to do with population and population composition. Someone who wanted or needed to know more about population and such could use this site.
- http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/resseg/papertoc.html
I used this information in my research to learn about segregation through many races.
People who might want to use this website would be, rights activists, some one doing a research project on segregation.
- http://www.eustis.org/
Events and happenings in the city of Eustis.
- http://www.eustischamber.org/Index.htm
Area information, local maps, and business info for the City of Eustis.
- http://www.eustishightheatre.com/
Website with information about the Eustis High School Drama Club's productions and shows.
- http://www.eustishistoricalmuseum.com/eustis1.html
The Eustis Preservation Society's website for the Eustis Historical Museum. Includes hours, upcoming events, and more.
- http://www.eustismainstreet.org/
Information about and events scheduled for downtown Eustis.
- http://www.georgefestineustis.com/
The City of Eustis' Georgefest has been continuous for over 108 years. The annual parade celebrates the life of George Washington.
- http://www.inlandlakesrailway.com/
Inland Lakes Railway offers train travels throughout Central Florida.
- http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/
This site is the main page for the LCSB. This page provides information to parents, teachers, and students about events in the disctrict. You can use this site to leaern about and contact district employees including school board members as well as get the latest school board meeting minutes.
- http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/ehs/site
This is the EHS official web site established by Lake County Schools. All students, their parents, faculty and staff, and community of EHS are encouraged to use this web site for current information and class assignments. Clubs, calendars, teacher pages, departments, events and photos comprise this web site.
- http://www.lakecountyfl.gov/media/news_releases/news_release.aspx?id=1118
This website features a local competitive equine event. Many Eustis High teenagers own and ride horses, so they may find this site interesting.
- http://www.lakeeustismuseumofart.org/
Information and hours for the Lake Eustis Museum of Art
- http://www.lakeeustissailingclub.org/
Website for the Lake Eustis Sailing Club -REGATTA HOSTING
- http://www.laserfl.com/
Website for LASER Florida. LASER stands for Lake and Sumter Emergency Recovery.
- http://www.limewire.com/
Limewire is a program for both Mac OS X and Windows computers that allows file sharing and torrent download services.
- http://www.orlandosentinel.com/
This is an online site that is based off the Orlando Sentinel newspaper, which is a newspaper published in Orlando and distributed around all of central Florida. This is a definitely a valid website. I believe it can be trusted to be correct and seems to be updates regularly.
I used this website to get a picture, and a recent story from the newspaper. I used these as examples in one of the slides of my PowerPoint.
Many people could be interested in this website because it has a wide range of information and pictures. If a person doesn’t get the daily newspaper they could go onto this website and get the same stories that are in the newspaper. Also they have extra information that is easily located, but not found in your daily newspaper.
The Orlando Sentinel is in charge of this website, and puts out all the information and pictures.
- http://www.prb.org/
This website has pictures and many educational powerpoints.
- http://www.raysarts.com/-P_Face_the_Human_Race_B.html#Paint_Face_the_Human_Race_B
We used this site to get some other pictures that were used in our PowerPoint.
People can use this site to get paintings of human outlines and other interesting images.
- http://www.sil.si.edu/silpublications/us-mexico-border-issues.htm
I used it to help me find useful sites with information about the U.S-Mexico border.
Other people could use this site to link them to useful sites that can aid in research projects.
It’s a reference site.
The Smithsonian Institution Libraries is in charge.
People who plan on crossing the U.S.-Mexico border
- http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/art.php?id=10971
Socialist workers part is in charge.
I use the map of the triangular slave trade in my power point for migration.
You could use this website to learn more information about the slavery. You could also use this website to get photographs as I have done.
- http://www.solarspace.co.uk/Venus/venus.php
This is a great site for earth space science classes. Lots of teens use this site for research on the planets and other space science topics.
- http://www.space.com/venus/
This is a really cool site for studying the planets
- http://www.spacetoday.org/SolSys/Venus/VenusPlanet.html
- http://www.troutlakenature.org/
Website for the Trout Lake Nature Center in Eustis, Florida.
Sports is one of the most popular collections of web sites at Eustis High and reflects the interests and active involvement in sports by teens, not just in Eustis, but throughout our local district and state.
Or browse by URL
- http://espn.go.com/
ESPN is a website that gives you all the information, including scores, interviews, and articles about all the players and sports.
- http://lakecountylightning.com/index.htm
This website tells about our travel softball team. It helps get information out to the girls who play softball,to show whats going on with are team things we have done and tournaments we have won.
- http://lakeeustissailingclub.org/
Eustis is surrounded by several lakes and the largest lake is Lake Eustis. Many students enjoy sailing on Lake Eustis and this web site features information on sailing regattas, lessons and photographs of the many events.
- http://mlb.com/
MLB.com is the official site of Major League Baseball. Here All baseball fans can get the latest news of trades, injury updates, etc..
- http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/index.jsp?c_id=nyy
This site is the officail page for all the New York Yankees fans! On this site you can find all the information on the players, collectables, and other Yankee's information.
- http://panthers.nhl.com/club/roster.htm?type=roster/
This site is about the hockey team, The Floida Panthers. On this website you can get information about the team.
- http://www.berecruited.com/
This is a site to help athletes find colleges, scholarships and information after graduation for pursuing your special talent in sports.
- http://www.lakecountyfl.gov/media/news_releases/news_release.aspx?id=1118
This website features a local competive equine event. Many Eustis High teenagers own and ride horses, so they may find this interesting.
- http://www.msuspartans.com/sports/m-footbl/msu-m-footbl-body.html
Official athletic site. Scores, statistics, news, trivia, chats, and a multimedia archive
- http://www.nba.com/
This site allows you to catch up on the latest exclusive news of the national basketball association. It connects teens together by allowing them to conversate about the most recent news.
- http://www.nfl.com/
This website tells you everything you need to know about what is happenning in football. It gives you player stats, rosters, and current news in the NFL.
- http://www.nike.com/
This site allows people to view new nike accessories, and the latest equipment that is released. You can also order and purchase accessories off the website. This site connects teens by allowing them to view and purchase the most recent equipment.
- http://www.redskins.com/
A website containing all information on the Washington Redskins, an american football team. It has everything from team statistics to individual player information, team history, rosters, and depth charts. This is important to teens because it lets fans keep up with the Redskins information, along with letting them see statistics with fantasy football and providing quick entertainment
- http://www.soccer.com/soccer24.php
Eurosport The Fabled Soccer Traders This website allows all soccer players or admirers to order supplies for the sport. It provides cleats, bags, goals, apparel, and accessories needed in order to play or practice the game. It also allows people to buy jerseys from their favorite teams or players.
- http://www.soccerincollege.com/
Soccer in College is a great site for any soccer athlete! It helps coaches from all over the country get a view of what type of player you are. Soccer in College is a good way to get noticed if you're interested in playing college ball.
- http://dwighthoward.com/home.html
- http://web.mlsnet.com/index.jsp
This website gives you updates and scores based on the MLS soccer league. It allows you to check recent games and activities, and even buy jerseys from professional teams.