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Description: Established in 1999, the Centre for Cross Border Studies is an independent organisation with charitable status, based in Armagh, Northern Ireland- (from website).
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Subject: Government
Description: Website of the Embassy of the United States of America in Ireland.
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Subject: Embassy
Description: MerrionStreet.ie is the Irish Government News Service.
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Subject: Government
Description: Website of the Irish-language, online-only news publication, Tuairisc.
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Subject: Media
Description: On Friday, 10 April 1998, after two years of intensive negotiations, the British and Irish governments and the political parties in Northern Ireland approved a comprehensive political agreement - the Agreement reached in the Multi-Party Negotiations, also known as the Belfast or Good Friday Agreement. One of the institutions created under the Agreement was the British-Irish Council (BIC). It was formally established when the British-Irish Agreement (the Agreement which gave effect to the provisions of the Multi-Party agreement) signed by the two governments came into force on 2 December 1999- (from website).
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Subject: Government
Description: Ireland.ie is managed and curated by the Department of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Government of Ireland- (from website).
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Subject: Government
Description: Website of the Irish State Broadcaster, RTE news. Contains a dedicated section documenting the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. Also contains coverage of the visit of U.S President, Joe Biden.
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Subject: Media
Description: Website of the Irish online-only news publication, The Journal. Contains coverage of the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement and the visit of U.S. President, Joe Biden.
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Subject: Media
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