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Ukraine Conflict

Collected by: Internet Archive Global Events

Archived since: Feb, 2014


This collection seeks to document conflict in Ukraine. Contributions to this collection were made by the Archive-It team and subject matter experts from Stanford University, Library of Congress, Global Investigative News Network, and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute in the fields of Investigative Journalism, Russian, and Eurasian studies. Content includes news outlets, social media, blogs, and government websites. Sites are in English, Ukrainian, Russian, and other languages.

Subject:   Government Spontaneous Events

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Title: Український Майдан, який зібрався “заради Європи”, переріс саму Європу і її політиків -


Description: Писати аналітику а тим більше богословські рефлексії з приводу того що відбувається на Київському Майдані зарано По-перше все швидко змінюється і за одну ніч Майдан може стати іншим або його може не стати взагалі По-друге для якісної рефлексії на подію тим більш таку як Майдан треба щоб пройшов якийсь час Але вже зараз можна сказати що незалежно від подальшого розвитку подій Майдан змінив країну суспільство і змінив стосунки українських церков і українського суспільства - читати на

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Title: Україна—Росія: нервова любов, нерівна ненависть, Україна—Росія: нервова любов, нерівна ненависть


Description: Конфлікт на Сході, який вилився у відверте протистояння між Україною і Росією, не міг не позначитися на ставленні українців і росіян одне до одного. Конфлікт на Сході, який вилився у відверте протистояння між Україною і Росією, не міг не позначитися на ставленні українців і росіян одне до одного.

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Title: Савченко: Я оголошую голодування через бездіяльність влади щодо звільнення українців з полону


Description: Народний депутат Надія Савченко оголосила голодування через бездіяльність влади і світової спільноти в питанні звільнення заручників.

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Title: Савченко закликає долучитися до акції на її підтримку 1 березня


Description: Українська льотчиця, народний депутат Надія Савченко закликає підтримати її на акції 1 березня

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Title: СМИ: Азаров принимает участие в заседании комитета Госдумы РФ


Description: Azarov will participate in the meeting of the Committee in Russia

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Title: Росієзнавець з військовим дипломом. Хто така новий посол США Марі Йованович


Description: Що відомо про першу жінку-посла США в Україні Марі Йованович

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Title: Путин заверил, что РФ будет бороться с любыми проявлениями нацизма


Description: Article on Putin's statement about fighting any manifestations of Nazism

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Title: Про що розповів Порошенко нардепам у Раді


Description: Повний текст послання Петра Порошенка до Верховної Ради

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Title: Порошенко пропонує нардепам змінити межі районів Луганської області


Description: Poroshenko offers to change the borders of Lugantska oblast

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Title: Порошенко повторює помилки Ющенка, але його доля буде гірша



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Title: Ополченцы ДНР взяли под контроль воинскую часть ПВО с зенитно-ракетными комплексами "Бук"


Description: Article about how pro-Russian separatists gained control of the Buk missile system

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Title: Немцов назвал 9 целей, которые Путину не удалось реализовать


Description: Goals that Putin hasn`t achieved

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Title: Ми ділили апельсин...


Description: Після скандалу "Абромавичус—Кононенко", "Яценюк Безсмертний" став другим ударом за місяць, завданим по Петру Порошенку. 194 голоси, висвітившися на табло, породили дві версії того, що сталося. Відповідно до першої, такий результат був задуманий президентом, який пішов на змову з олігархами, зацікавленими в збереженні Яценюка на посаді прем'єра. Друга — менш поширена, але теж вкрай неприємна для іміджу Порошенка — полягає в тому, що вперше в історії України президент, замахнувшись на прем'єра, не зміг "добити" його в залі парламенту. Я можу тільки уявити, як прикро Петру Олексійовичу чути всі ці, по суті, верхоглядні звинувачення. Адже він знає, що ніякий він не змовник і не слабак, бо насправді він — маріонетка.

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Title: Марш мира в Москве 21 сентября


Description: The walk of peace taking place in Moscow

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Title: Контрреволюція Приниження


Description: Де-факто і де-юре українська держава наділяє юридичними повноваженнями сепаратистський регіон і по суті узаконює створення військової бази іноземної держави на території, яка є невіддільною частиною України.

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Title: Грани.Ру: По живому следу | Грани Украины


Description: Ко второй годовщине победы Майдана "Громадське ТВ" представило фильм "Перелом" из нового цикла "По следам революции". Журналисты телеканала хотят разобраться в наиболее спорных моментах двухлетней давности. О фильме, Майдане и обществе беседуют один из авторов фильма Ангелина Карякина и журналист "Граней" Дмитрий Борко.

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Title: Військовослужбовці ЗС Росії, які беруть участь у бойових діях на території України


Description: Військові злочинці - офіцери 5 окремої мотострілецької бригади (військова частина 08805, Макіївка) 1 армійського корпусу (Донецьк) Центру територіальних військ (Новочеркаськ) Південного військового округу (Ростов-на-Дону) збройних сил Російської Федерації

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Title: Війна-2015


Description: Керівництво України поки що не приділяє серйозної уваги структурним реформам сектора безпеки, на чому наполягають західні радники. Проводяться засідання, круглі столи, пишуться концепції, але всі ці плани повисають у повітрі. А реалії такі, що військові експерти країн НАТО обурюються феодальними відносинами в українських силових структурах, некомпетентністю керівництва, імітацією реальних дій.

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Title: Вынужденные переселенцы: «Только не наши они, а ничьи…»


Description: Refugees in Ukraine

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Title: Вiн живе пiд українським прапором в Криму. Iсторiя Володимира Балуха


Description: Північний захід Криму, сухий спекотний степ, маленьке село Серебрянка. До нього десь півтори години їзди від Євпаторії. В Серебрянку ми приїхали на зустріч з кримчанином Володимиром Балухом.

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Title: В министерстве думают, как возобновить выплату пенсий жителям ОРДЛО, — Тука


Description: 100 дней правительства Гройсмана: о донбасском направление работы рассказывает Георгий Тука

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Title: Боевики усилили репрессии, чтоб избежать социального бунта, — Алексей Мацука


Description: Журналист Радио Свобода, ведущий программы «Донбасс Реалии» Алексей Мацука — о деле Черенковой, а также о других «арестах» и репресиях в Донецке после подрыва памятника Ленину

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Title: Блог посольства США в Москве


Description: Posts on Ukraine crisis from American diplomats stationed in Russia

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Title: Бегите из «Новороссии»: зимой там будет ад


Description: People won`t be able to survive in the DNR and LNR during the winter time

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Title: Анастасия ДМИТРУК: "Бог послал украинцам на Майдан веру" - Персоналии -


Description: Ее искренние эмоциональные стихи четко отражают позицию нашей молодежи и студенчества, по крайней мере той части, которая всем сердцем поддержала Революцию достоинства.

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Title: «Спочатку я був «двохсотим». Інтерв'ю з командувачем операції на Савур-Могилі Ігорем Гордійчуком


Description: Ігор Гордійчук – генерал-майор, герой України. Командував операцією із взяття під контроль стратегічної висоти Савур-Могила у 2014 році. Гордійчук був контужений, останнім залишив Савур-Могилу. Відходячи, потрапив в Іловайський котел. Пролежав на полі бою дві доби без свідомості. Його знайшли волонтери Червоного хреста. Зараз Ігор Гордійчук очолює Київський військовий ліцей ім. І. Богуна.

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Title: «Остановим войну»: как россияне протестуют против действий России на Донбассе


Description: 20% of russians are against the actions that are taking place in Ukraine

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Title: Why Ukrainians Are Speaking More Ukrainian | Foreign Policy


Description: « Why Ukrainians Are Speaking More Ukrainian « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

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Title: Why Russia manufactured Crimean “terrorism”. Five versions


Description: Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to comment on the latest developments in Crimea. He explained that the increase in Russian military activity on the peninsula was nothing other than preventive action against some “Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group” that attempted to “organize a terrorist act in Crimea.”

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Title: What to expect from judicial reform in Ukraine | #UAreforms


Description: Judicial reform one of the most crucial changes for all other reforms in Ukraine – it is in the courtroom where the postulate of democracy, “one law for all,” is carried out.

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Title: We didn't face terrorism utill Russia started exporting it, - Poroshenko commemorates two years of MH17 tragedy


Description: Ukraine has combined efforts with Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, and the Netherlands in developing an international mechanism to prosecute all those responsible for bringing down the aircraft.Source:

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Title: Washington’s Mixed Messaging on Arming Ukraine Continues | Foreign Policy


Description: An array of powerful House Democrats and Republicans sent a new letter to President Barack Obama calling for arming Ukraine, he latest example of the months of mixed messages coming out of Washington as Ukraine’s fragile pro-Western government tries to gauge its level of American support in the fight against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

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Title: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Description: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine received more than 38 thousand of citizens’ proposals, statements and claims during January-June 2014

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Title: Umerov case highlights why Crimean Anschluss a threat to Russians, Portnikov says | EUROMAIDAN PRESSEuromaidan Press |


Description: All people of good will can only welcome the release of Ilmi Umerov from a psychiatric hospital, after an international campaign including quite possibly the intervention of US President Barack Obama; but this use of Soviet-style psychiatric prisons should lead Russians to revise their view of the Crimean Anschluss, Vitaly Portnikov says.

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Title: Ukrainian university know-how will save lives of hundreds of soldiers -Euromaidan Press |


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Title: Ukrainian civil society responded more readily to Putin’s invasion than the government


Description: Interview with Ihor Koziy, military expert at the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation and Valentyn Badrak, Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament

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Title: Ukrainian and Russian Users Petition Facebook to ‘Stop Political Blocking’ · Global Voices


Description: Ukrainian and Russian Users Petition Facebook to ‘Stop Political Blocking’ · Global Voices

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Title: Ukrainian Women at War


Description: Over the past two years, a new generation of women has appeared in Ukraine – volunteers, doctors, nurses, medical workers, and soldiers, bravely fighting for their country and saving lives in the war zone. It’s sadly true that the war has pushed Ukrainian women to the forefront, allowing them to demonstrate steel-like strength, true patriotism and no fear. Today, women on the front lines are not a unique sight, but not every woman dares to take such a step. In war, women are equal to men, and in some cases, even better professionals.

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Title: Ukrainian Refugees: Between Propaganda and Reality


Description: Article about Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Russia

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Title: Ukrainian Journalist Details Her 419 Days In Separatist Captivity


Description: Ukrainian journalist Maria Varfolomeyeva spent 419 days in Russia-backed separatists’ captivity in eastern Ukraine, where the 30-year-old woman was accused of spying.

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Title: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church confirms communion with Rome: "what no totalitarian regime could break" - Vatican Radio


Description: Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church confirms communion with Rome: "what no totalitarian regime could break" - His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevhchuk of the Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church affirms communion with the Catholic Church despite a century of persecution and suffering in Ukraine.

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Title: Ukraine's conflict escalation may cost Russians 1/5 of incomes — ex-finance minister


Description: Article about the costs of the conflict for everyday Russians

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Title: Ukraine publishes video proving Kremlin directed separatism in eastern Ukraine and Crimea


Description: On 22 August 2016, Ukraine’s General Prosecutors Office (GPO) released a video it says proves that top officials of the Russian Federation were involved in the illegal annexation of Crimea and stoking up separatist unrest in southeastern Ukraine in the aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution.

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Title: Ukraine prosecutor general forwards materials on crimes committed in eastern Ukraine to ICC


Description: Ukrainian Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema said the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office has already collected and provided to International Criminal Court (ICC) officials evidence of crimes committed in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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Title: Ukraine is a big construction site with resistance of deep state structures – Tombinski


Description: EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Tombinski on corruption, the visa-free regime, sanctions, and reforms in his last interview before leaving the post

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Title: Ukraine bishop: Pope's appeal for Ukraine morally significant


Description: A high ranking leader of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church, Bishop Borys Gudziak of Paris, has praised Pope Francis’s appeal to raise funds to aid the people of Ukraine who have suffered two years of ongoing conflict.

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Title: Ukraine at 25 – a positive balance sheet


Description: Anniversaries are always occasions to look back as well as to look forward, and today, 25 years after Ukraine declared its independence, Ukrainians and those concerned about Ukraine are doing just that recalling what has been achieved and what still remains to be done.

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Title: Ukraine Needs a Reboot


Description: The government in Kiev has reached a dead end. It’s time for a new start.

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Title: Ukraine Is Guilty Before Me' - Mykola Vakaruk, SBU Prisoner


Description: “Ukraine is guilty before me right now,” says Vakaruk, who was held for 585 days in secret SBU prisons. He was brought to Krasnoarmiisk and later transferred to Kramatorsk to an SBU building.

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Title: Ukraine Calls Russia’s Bluff: If You Want Peace, Authorize Peacekeepers « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas


Description: Ukraine Calls Russia’s Bluff: If You Want Peace, Authorize Peacekeepers « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

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Title: Ukraine - Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection - European Commission


Description: What are the needs?Millions of people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian aid due to the combined impact of conflict, displacement and extreme poverty.

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Title: UN: human rights abuse still prevalent in Ukraine


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Description: Out in the fields of eastern Ukraine, they fought the Russians. Now, as men in a kitchen, they are no less fearsome.

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Title: To Kiev with love. Abandoned rebel mortar round.


Description: Picture of mortar round

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Title: This is not the time for journalism | EU Stratcom’s Disinformation Digest


Description: Last week, German weekly Die Zeit extensively covered the links between the Kremlin and separatist structures in Donetsk and their media manipulation in the separatist areas. Building on the leak of around 10,000 emails, the authors show how the “Information Ministry” of the pro-Russian separatists receives instructions from Kremlin advisers to manage the media coverage of events.

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Title: The Ukrainian IDPs who started over from scratch


Description: Two years ago when the war in eastern Ukraine began, thousands of people left their homes to flee the conflict. This was the first time since independence that something like this has happened in Ukraine. Both on the streets of Ukraine’s unoccupied cities and in Ukrainian news media these people were at first called “refugees.” Now the official term for them is “internally displaced people” or IDPs. They live in different parts of Ukraine,  adjusting to a new life in a new place, and often working in new professions. Euromaidan Press talked to some of them to find out how their life has changed.

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Title: The Russian Government’s 7,000 Wikipedia Edits · Global Voices


Description: Over the past ten years, IP addresses belonging to various Russian state agencies are responsible for almost 7,000 anonymous edits to articles on Wikipedia’s Russian-language website.

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Title: The Man Who Supported Ostriches and Other Viral Adventures of Viktor Yanukovych · Global Voices


Description: Did Viktor Yanukovych really just happen to live in a private zoo owned by someone else? And what's the deal with those ostriches? Social media users explain.

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Title: The Deaths & Disappearances in Crimea Putin Lied About


Description: The Deaths & Disappearances in Crimea Putin Lied About There were multiple distortions in the interview given by Vladimir Putin to the German tabloid Bild. Some were simply absurd, like his denial that Russia’s actions in Crimea entailed a violation of international law. His claim that nobody had died as a result of Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea was a downright and especially offensive lie.

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Title: The Case Against Saakashvili | Foreign Policy


Description: It’s temping to see Georgia’s crusading former president as the solution to all of Ukraine’s problems. Here’s why caution is in order.

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Title: The Aftermath of War#4: Stories that need to be told -Euromaidan Press |


Description: The war in eastern Ukraine is in its third year, men are dying, many are maimed or severely injured, others are traumatized for life.

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Title: The 5 Most Insensitive Reactions to the MH17 Crash in Ukraine · Global Voices


Description: With emotions running high following the plane crash in Ukraine, a handful of particularly calloused statements by figures in Moscow and Donetsk have attracted the RuNet's attention.

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Title: Taped up windows in Slovyansk, #Ukraine, an attempt to stop the glass from shattering into tiny pieces during shelling.


Description: Picture of taped up windows

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Description: Special investigative report into Donbas events of 2013-2015 and analysis of participation of military forces of Russia and local terrorist groups in them.Source:

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Title: State’s Nuland at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv | IIP Digital


Description: Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland speaks to students at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in Ukraine.

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Title: Statement by President of Russia Vladimir Putin


Description: Trascript of Putin's statement on Boehing shooting

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Title: State medicine agency in Kyiv suspends operations


Description: The State Administration of Ukraine on Medicinal Products in Kyiv has suspended work, as well as receiving citizens and business entities.

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Title: Spinning the MH17 Tragedy, Moscow’s Victory Isn’t What You Think · Global Voices


Description: Kyiv and Moscow trade evidence and conspiracy theories about whose BUK surface-to-air missiles downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. What game is the Kremlin playing online?

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Title: Speeches & Texts | United States Diplomatic Mission


Description: Exposing Russian Disinformation Berlin, June 25, 2015 Ambassador John B. Emerson

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Title: Separatists at Minsk talks demand swapping 45 Ukrainian hostages for 600 militants, - Iryna Herashchenko


Description: Representatives of the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics” demand to exchange 45 Ukrainians they are holding for more than 600 militants arrested for violent crimes.Source:

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Title: Savchenko Should Be Free, If Russia Is Serious About Ceasefire' – Rebecca Harms


Description: Nadiya Savchenko’s trial received a lot of international attention this past week.

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Title: Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine


Description: Peculiarities of the situation development in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine July 15–21, 2016

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Title: Russia’s Hacking Is Only Putin’s Latest Outrage


Description: This is not a time to pine for chummy relations with Russia's president.

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Title: Russian-Backed Rebels Are Restarting the War in Ukraine | Foreign Policy


Description: Russian-Backed Rebels Are Restarting the War in Ukraine « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

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Title: Russian troll farms behind campaign to topple Ukraine’s government


Description: Over 2,000 social media profiles, directed from Moscow, were orchestrating a “third Maidan” campaign in Ukrainian social media. The internet portal investigated the origins of the social media frenzy urging to topple the government over 8 months and uncovered a network of trolls coordinated by a former “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DNR”) militant now leading special operations in Moscow.

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Title: Russian repentance has to come before any ‘brotherhood,’ Portnikov says -- Euromaidan Press |


Description: In recent days, Moscow has renewed its effort to promote the idea of “Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood” and the notion that the two form a single nation, an effort that has three goals, none of which have anything to do with promoting the genuine restoration of ties between the two peoples. Instead, this new push is intended to prevent Russians from concluding that their own travails are the result of the Kremlin’s policy in Ukraine, to win points with the West by putting out what to many will seem an anodyne view and then having Ukrainians reject it, and to lay the foundation for expanded Russian pressure on Ukraine to address Russian concerns.

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Title: Russian invaders delivered six nuclear warheads in Crimea, - Dzhemilev


Description: Our agents have clearly informed that they had no doubt about six nuclear warheads being delivered to the completely restored Soviet era nuclear facility at Kyzyltash mountain area, Dzhemilev said.Source:

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Title: Russian crimes & religious persecution in Donbas that the Pope ignored


Description: Russian crimes & religious persecution in Donbas that the Pope ignored If it was bad for dialogue between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill to admit to Russia’s pivotal role in the war in Ukraine, they should have kept off the subject altogether, particularly given the evidence of systematic religious persecution by Russian & Russian-backed militants and the role played by many paramilitary groups under Russian Orthodox banners

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Title: Russian backed separatists launch offensives vs Ukrainian forces along entire front line.


Description: Russian backed separatists launch offensives vs Ukrainian forces along entire front line.

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Title: Russian Government IP Address Caught Editing German Wikipedia MH17 Article · Global Voices


Description: IP addresses inside the Russian government continue to be active on Wikipedia, where a computer at the Russian Secret Service, the FSO, revised the German entry for Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, changing the word “separatists” into “rebels.”

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Title: Russia hit problems recruiting for war in Donbas, Tymchuk says


Description: Russia’s military commanders over the “LNR” and “DNR” regimes are increasingly concerned about the inability of the two to recruit reliable people from the local population, but the view of these officials that local people are little more than “cannon fodder” is a major reason why the Russians now face difficulties in recruitment, Dmytro Tymchuk says.

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Title: Russia builds up three major groups capable of blitzkrieg toward Kyiv, - Russian military expert


Description: Deploying a powerful military group near the Ukrainian border will allow the Kremlin to expand its capacity to react to the situation inside Ukraine.Source:

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Title: Russia Launches ‘Predictive System’ for Monitoring Protest Activity Online · Global Voices


Description: The new Russian software will allegedly be able to spot preparations for protests online long before they happen, and could supply that information to law enforcement, academics and state officials.

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Title: Rubin, a pro-Russian rebel in eastern Ukraine.


Description: Picture of pro-Russian fighter

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Title: Relatives of soldiers killed in Donbas war march in alternative "parade" for Ukraine's independence -Euromaidan Press |


Description: Ukraine marked its 25th anniversary of independence on August 24 with a massive military parade on Kyiv’s central street Khreshchatyk, showing off its military might. But soldiers from volunteer battalions and relatives of men killed on the front lines gathered together for an alternative “parade” – the March of the Unsubdued.

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Title: Rebel propaganda poster in #Donetsk, #Ukraine.


Description: Picture of poster

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Title: Rebel dude awaiting his soon-to-marry commander outside the marriage office in #Donetsk, #Ukraine


Description: Picture of rebel fighter holding flowers

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Title: Rebel checkpoint in #Donetsk, #Ukraine


Description: Picture of barricade

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Description: CESI has thoroughly analyzed and compiled a list of Russian regular army units participating or having participated in combat actions in Ukraine against the governmental forces. The data on these units’ participation were obtained from official statements and interrogation records of captured military men from these units, satellite surveillance data, as well as personal records of military men from these units posted in social networks and confirmed by the photos and location-base data (for those whose accounts were verified), alongside with messages from relatives of the dead or missing in action Russian military men during the period from July to October 2014.

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Title: Putin’s war games on Ukrainian border aimed at Western leaders above all, analysts say | EUROMAIDAN PRESSEuromaidan Press |


Description: Three analysts are now making that point with regard to Putin’s military maneuvers near the Ukrainian border, arguing that the Kremlin leader’s real targets are Barack Obama and other Western leaders rather than Ukraine and that he hopes to achieve his goals by threats alone but will use force if they don’t give way and put pressure on Kyiv to see things Moscow’s way.

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Title: Putin’s shell game with Crimea intended to cut importance and costs of the anschluss


Description: Vladimir Putin’s decision to disband the Crimean Federal District which he created after the Russian seizure of that Ukrainian peninsula in 2014 is intended to reduce the attention of Russians to the rising and unmet costs of what had been the centerpiece of his foreign policy, according to Vitaly Portnikov.

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Title: Putin’s hybrid war objective is to capture effective control, Sazonov says


Description: Many in the West have failed to see that “the main goal” of hybrid war is to change not the rules that govern conflict but rather state borders, “and not necessarily those on the map” but those of effective control by the state, according to Kyrylo Sazonov.

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Title: Putin hopes to bring Ukraine to heel through Russian Orthodox Church and enslave us again, - Patriarch Filaret


Description: Putin anchors his hopes upon his Russian Church in Ukraine as it should help him to subjugate Ukraine to Russia, enslave us again, - Said Filaret after a ceremonial service at St. Volodymyr's Hill near the monument to St. Prince Volodymyr in Kyiv.Source:

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Title: Putin Is Banning a Bunch of Western Imports. Russians Fear for Their Booze. · Global Voices


Description: Russians might soon be missing Scotch whisky and French cheese. A decree signed by Vladimir Putin bans the import of agricultural products from countries which had earlier sanctioned Russia.

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Title: Put Donbas Hostages on Normandy 4 agenda now


Description: Put Donbas Hostages on Normandy 4 agenda now A year after Vladimir Putin agreed that all hostages and prisoners of war would be released on an all for all basis, the militants who answer to Moscow are not only refusing to release those seized earlier, but have recently taken others prisoner.

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Title: Profits and Punishment: Prisons of the Donbas


Description: Disturbing evidence of Ukrainian prisoners in occupied parts Luhansk region being subject to forced labor and threats of torture and death have recently been detailed in a comprehensive human rights report.

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Title: Pressure on the Ukrainian Government Over Torture Allegations Went on for Months


Description: “The nature of such keeping in detention is exchange proceedings,” says Kryvylenko, adding that “in accordance with their records, the people were kept just for the exchanges.” He says that this is the main problem in this story and when UN torture prevention sub-committees are scheduled to make a visit, many of these detainees will be released.

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Title: Praised on Russian radio for war crimes in Crimea & Donbas


Description: Perhaps it was the first time that Igor Girkin [Igor Strelkov] publicly admitted to carrying out extrajudicial killings during his period as military leader of the Kremlin-backed militants in Donbas, but his senior aide Igor Druz had confirmed this to the BBC back in August 2014.

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Title: Photo essence of Putin’s “Russian world” in the Donbas


Description: Only goats are grazing weeds where rows of shiny new cars stood at the formerly-successful and now-robbed and abandoned Volkswagen dealership in Russian-occupied Luhansk, Ukraine. September 2016 (Image: Denys Kazansky,

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Title: People crossing under a collapsed rail overpass blown up by insurgents north of #Donetsk, #Ukraine, to slow down the army's advance on Monday


Description: Picture of collapsed bridge with train

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