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Culture and Sensitivity

Collected by: NYC Public School 56 Q - The Harry Eichler School

Archived since: Nov, 2010


This collection is a student's guide to the wonderful arts and the varieties of cultures.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities Computers & Technology Universities & Libraries

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Title: The Aztecs


Description: This website gives information of the other branch of Mexico's ancients the Aztecs. They followed much of the Maya's rules, but there are many distinguishing features, and this website will give you information about it. It'll make you an expert on Aztec history.

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Title: Christian Culture


Description: This site not only gives information about Christian Culture, it gives information and a "definition", or simply a thinking process about the word culture, and what it means to other people and cultures. It gives prayers and how the world (in Christian culture) was made.

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Title: Christian Culture


Description: This website describes the feats of the infamous Jesus, his followers, his principles and more. It gives information about many figures in the feild of Christian culture.

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Title: Music as Culture


Description: Music is part of who we are and expresses culture too. This website explains in detail how music is associated with culture, and some projects you can do witht hem.

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Title: African Culture


Description: This website provides a thorough examination of African culture, from which area of Africa practices which religion, the two main cultures, Islamic Culture, and Christian Culture. It gives information about the 7 main parts of Africa too.

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Title: American Museum of Natural History


Description: The infamous nature museum, with special exhibits from Brains, to the great theorem from Charles Darwin. There are kids exhibits, and the famous dinosaur fossils and moon exhibit greets you every time you visit. There is a kids area, but you don;t need to live in NYC to hear about the AMNH!

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Title: The American Museum of Natural History


Description: This website weaves in the infamous American Museum of Natural History. It gives information of the latest exhibits (which ranges from art to science). There are kids exhibits, with fun learning tools, a gadget to purchase tickets and more! This museum is a landmark in NYC, if not the whole of New York!

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Title: Food and Culture? Sure!


Description: Food integrates with culture beautifully- and dietary issues raises more awareness. For example, in Jewish culture, Kosher is integrated- you can't drink milk and eat meat at the same time- and in Hindu culture, you cannot eat the cow, which is sacred to the gods.

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Title: The British Museum


Description: This website has a lot of information, and it ranges from Egypt's pharaohs and sarcophagi to old, ancient European architect and artifacts.

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Title: The Civil War


Description: The Civil War and all it's aspects in a web-page. It includes photos, articles about debated subjects, letters and diaries and more general information.

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Title: The Cooper Hewitt Museum


Description: The Cooper Hewitt, like most musueums in NYC is located in Manhattan, and captures the most innovative ideas that are given by the fresh new beat of today's technology. It gives exhibit details, general information about it's location and phone numbers. A truly amazing museum!

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Title: Cultural Studies


Description: This website is going under construction, but has a blog to discuss culture, and will soon have open information about culture.

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Title: European Art and Culture


Description: This website has information about how some artists contribute to European's fancy repertoire. "Inspire, engage and empower" is it's motto, and I think it reflects the European's culture.

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Title: The First World War


Description: This website incorporates multimedia about the World War with videos, pictures and telegrams. Some of the most visited topics are included, like how the German leader, Adolf Hitler's experience in the field of nursing and doctors.

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Title: Getty Museum


Description: This website features various works of art, including the Getty's most famous exhibits. It features the current exhibits and has a changing body, it features the art that is in the museum itself.

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Title: Japanese Lifestyle


Description: This website provides local information about what is happening in Japan, and about Japan in easy language, at least easier than Wikipedia! Japan is an amazing country, don't get it confused with China.

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Title: Best Informative Portal


Description: This website provides a thorough description of some of the most important aspects of Indian culture, like India's way of life, it's "mantras", incantations and more interesting facts about India.

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Title: Mayan Kids


Description: If you are interested in Mexico's ancient inhabitants, the Mayas, this is the website for you. There is information about the People, the Pyramids and Gods an d Goddesses. It even provides a map of where they inhabited the place!

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Title: The Metropolitan Museum


Description: This site has an amazing variety of arts and dates that are historic not only to the Met (vernacular for us New York City-ers), but to it's art as well. You can buy tickets, and read articles pertaining to the art as well.

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Title: The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Description: This online rendition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art includes a journey showing the ages of art, from ancient art to contemporary. There are video clips and sections for teachers, students and people who are curious to know about the Metropolitan, but aren't located in NYC.

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Title: The Museum of Modern Art


Description: This is the infamous MoMA, the museum that features the newest art and the craziest features. For example, an exhibit that runs and is loved by art people is the helicopter that hangs from the ceiling. Everything is modern and crazy, but amazing at the same type. Nothing has the same concept either!

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Title: The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)


Description: The Museum of Modern Art lists exhibitions and has educator resources. You can download teacher guides and there's a section for kids to look at art under The Red Room. Upcoming exhibitions are listed but you don't have to live in NYC to visit this museum online.

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Title: The Moving Image Museum


Description: This is basically a multimedia website; it is about the pictures and video used in America. It has history about how it evolved.

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Title: The Museum of Glass


Description: This museum is about welded, blown and other formats of glass. It is about how glass ornaments evolved over time and how it adorned houses and such.

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Title: The American Indians


Description: This website is about the different types of American Indians from different places in America. There is a whole part about Native American jewelry too!

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Subject:   Cultural Information

Title: Om Sakthi-The Religions


Description: This website gives information about the majority of religions in child-speak, but covers the most important aspects. It covers Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Shinto and more.

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Title: Food and Culture? Sure!


Description: Food integrates with culture beautifully- and dietary issues raises more awareness. For example, in Jewish culture, Kosher is integrated- you can't drink milk and eat meat at the same time- and in Hindu culture, you cannot eat the cow, which is sacred to the gods.

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Subject:   Cultural Information

Title: Seeing Stars


Description: The museum of TV! Finally, a museum that covers America's pastime: TV! This museum covers the history of the different types of TV with their principles and how they work.

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Title: The Smithsonian Institute


Description: This website is about how kids interact with the art, and the information provided includes exhibits like no other. It even has an encyclopedia for terms in art and other fields that you may not know! You can plan your visit with it's extensive park too!

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Title: Social Studies for Kids-Culture


Description: This website has fun, easy descriptions for changing topics of culture.

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Title: The Tenement Museum


Description: This website has information about the tenements; the small apartments that immigrants lived in. It has information about how tenements were built, and how immigrants lived as well.

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Title: Jewish Culture


Description: Jewish culture may not be well known, but it is very interesting. This website provides information about the alphabet, the rules, the dietery issues (kosher) and more.

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Title: Uffizi


Description: Uffizi is a museum which gives Italian art, particularly art in Florence. It gives you historical information, the Florence Museum and more.

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