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About Old Constitution - Before

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Nov, 2020


This collection includes information on the current constitution and the revisions it has gone through outside of the 2011 draft.

Subject:   Government Politics & Elections Society & Culture

Page 1 of 1 (22 Total Results)

Title: Constitution of the Republic of Iceland


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Subject:   Iceland's Constitution

Title: Eiga!Íslendingar!að!skrifa nýja!stjórnarskrá?


Description: Lokaritgerð við Háskólann á Bifröst eftir Sævar Ara Finnbogason sem kom út núna í ágúst 2010. Fjallar hann gaumgæfilega um umræðu um stjórnarskrármál og stjórnlagaþing og um nýja stjórnarskrá.

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Title: Endurskoðun stjórnarskrár


Description: This article discusses past revisions of Iceland's Constitution and work that still needs to be done

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Subject:   Revision of Iceland's Constitution

Title: Endurskoðun stjórnarskrárinnar


Description: Revision of the Constitution Interim Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, February 2007

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Subject:   Revision of Iceland's Constitution Interim Report

Title: Frumvarp til stjórnarskipunarlaga lagt fram árið 1983


Description: A constitutional bill was presented in 1983 Gunnar Thoroddsen, the then Prime Minister, presented in 1983 a comprehensive constitution, i.e. constitutional bill. The bill was the product of a constitutional committee appointed in 1972 to work on a complete revision of the constitution. There were seven people in the committee that was elected by Alþingi. The bill is the only coherent constitution that has been submitted to Alþingi since the adoption of the current constitution in 1944. Frumvarp til stjórnarskipunarlaga lagt fram árið 1983 Gunnar Thoroddsen þáverandi forsætisráðherra lagði fram árið 1983 heildstæða stjórnarskrá þ.e. frumvarp til stjórnarskipunarlaga. Frumvarpið var afurð stjórnarskrárnefndar sem skipuð var árið 1972 til að vinna að heildarendurskoðun stjórnarskrárinnar. Sátu sjö manns í nefndinni sem kosin var af Alþingi. Frumvarpið er eina heildstæða stjórnarskráin sem hefur verið lögð fyrir Alþingi frá samþykkt núgildandi stjórnarskrá árið 1944.

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Title: Google Doodle to honor National Day of Iceland


Description: A celebration of the day Iceland became a sovereign nation also known as Iceland's National Day. The article gives a high level historic overview of the history of Iceland's independence.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Lög um stöðu, stjórn og starfshætti þjóðkirkjunnar


Description: Outlines Laws on the status, governance and working methods of the national church

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Subject:   Law on the status, governance and working methods of the national church

Title: Lög um stöðu, stjórn og starfshætti þjóðkirkjunnar


Description: This website outlines Law on the status, governance and working methods of the national church

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Subject:   Law on the status, governance and working methods of the national church

Title: Sources on the Icelandic Constitution (English)


Description: This webpage provides a list of sources on the Icelandic Constitution in English

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Subject:   Sources on the Icelandic Constitution

Title: Spyr hvort Pia Kjærsgaard hafi brotið gegn stjórnarskránni með ræðu sinni:„Virkar stjórnarskráin kannski fyrir danska kjörna fulltrúa?“


Description: This article answers the question - Does the constitution perhaps work for Danish elected representatives?

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Subject:   Iceland's Constitution

Title: Stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands


Description: Highlights and breaks down articles within the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland

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Subject:   Constitution of the Republic of Iceland

Title: Stjórnarskrá Íslands ramminn sem hélt


Description: This article discusses framework that has been held by the Constitution of Iceland

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Subject:   Iceland Constitution Framework

Title: Stjórnarskráin


Description: This educational webpage breaks down the seven chapters of Iceland's Constitution and outlines its history

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Subject:   Iceland's Constitution

Title: Stjórnarskráin þarf að vera skýrari


Description: This argumentative article discusses why the Constitution needs to be clearer. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, believes that the Republic's constitution needs to include clearer provisions on referendums and that the position of the Supreme Court and the judiciary needs to be clarified.

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Subject:   Proposes potential structural reforms to Iceland's Constitution

Title: Stjórnarskrárvinna 1944-2013


Description: Provides links to Constitutional work from 1944-2013

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Title: Stjórnarskrárákvæði um framsal ríkisvalds


Description: Constitutional provisions on the transfer of state power An article by Írisi Lind Sæmundsdóttir, a lawyer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was published in Úlfljót, a law student's magazine, in 2008. Íris discusses the constitutional authorizations for extradition in Iceland and the Nordic countries, but the authorization for the transfer of state power is not found in the Icelandic constitution. Íris then submits proposals for the Icelandic extradition clause. Grein eftir Írisi Lind Sæmundsdóttur lögfræðing hjá Utanríkisráðuneytinu er birtist í Úlfljóti, tímariti laganema, árið 2008. Fjallar Íris um stjórnskipulegar heimildir til framsals hér á landi og á Norðurlöndunum en heimild til framsals ríkisvalds er ekki að finna í íslensku stjórnarskránni. Þá leggur Íris fram tillögur til íslensks framsalsákvæðis.

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Title: Um útgáfu Stjórnartíðinda gilda lög um Stjórnartíðindi og Lögbirtingablað nr. 15/2005.


Description: This webpage provides further detail about three sections of the website - sections A, B and C, which highlight different laws, directives, open letters, articles

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Subject:   The publication of the Government Gazette

Title: Ómar Ragnarsson explains what Jón Sigurðsson was fighting for


Description: This Interview discusses the long length of time the society has been waiting for an Icelandic constitution.

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Subject:   Ómar Ragnarsson discusses the long length of time the society has been waiting for an Icelandic constitution.

Title: Þingmenn lesi stjórnarskrána


Description: Þráinn Bertelsson, Member of Parliament for the Left Green Party, challenges MPs to read the Constitution very seriously, especially Article 11. He says the president has created a great deal of political uncertainty in the country with his refusal.

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Subject:   Members of Parliament read the constitution


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