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Foreign Media Coverage

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Oct, 2020


This collection contains media coverage in English of the Icelandic constitution process. This English subcollection was created to highlight the international interest garnered from the Icelandic process of 2011.

Subject:   Government Politics & Elections Society & Culture

Page 1 of 1 (40 Total Results)

Title: 25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media


Description: Post the Icelandic economic collapse in 2008, the country has made the executive decision to create a new constitution. The Constitutional society was primarily made up of ordinary citizens who used social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Flickr to get their messages across

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: A constitution drawn up by the people could bring new life to independence debate


Description: This article criticizes Scotland's constitutional process and discusses how a more open and democratic process could invigorate the Scottish independence movement.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Authorities Remove Graffiti Supporting New Constitution


Description: Sign painting company Reykjavík Sign Painters revamped a graffiti-covered wall on Skúlagata street covering it with “Where is the new constitution?” This was later removed by authorities. It was a response to the idea of a crowdsourced constitution, where the majority voted for constitutional reform.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Blueberry Soup


Description: The citizens views on the rewriting of the Constitution

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá



Description: A podcast looking at the icelandic and irish constitutional assemblies

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá



Description: A podcast looking at the icelandic and irish constitutional assemblies

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Constitution Hunt Under The Hashtag #Where?


Description: A new hashtag has taken over social media particularly popular with Icelandic citizens. #Hvar?, meaning where in English, has been used on several pictures of citizens looking in various places in Iceland. It is also used to show that there has been eight years since their referendum on the new constitution, this is important as it shows a new constitution needs to be drafted as the old one is a copy of the Danish constitution. Petitions have been signed by several organizations including Women's Association for a New Constitution

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Crowd-sourcing a New Constitution for Sri Lanka: Mind the Gaps!


Description: This article discusses the beginnings of a Sri Lankan constitutional process in the context of the Icelandic constitutional process with a particular focus on the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in drafting a constitution. It praises and criticizes different aspects of Sri Lanka's planned constitutional process and calls for readers to participate in it. It quotes Thorvaldur Gylfason, a professor of Economics at the University of Iceland and Hélène Landemore, an associate professor of political science at Yale University on Iceland's constitutional process.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Crowdsourcing policymaking brings a new era of democracy


Description: This article discusses the concept, history, and possibilities of crowdsourcing, using Iceland as its main example. It focuses on the way crowdsourcing can enliven discussions about policy and governance.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Exclusive: Iceland’s ALDA Movement Seeks a Roadmap Toward Systematic Change


Description: ALDA was meant to be an organization with clear political and economic systems and guidelines. Some of the changes include randomly selected citizens as members of parliament and democratizing the workplace

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fourth of July and the reinvention of modern democracy


Description: 4th of July is also known as Independence Day in the United States but it also has a new meaning in several other countries. In 2021 Chile was able to revise the country's constitution, which is a new start for the country. This is a big step as since 1900 only a few countries have been able to completely revise their constitution Switzerland offered a unique perspective on the topic as it states that 2% of the eligible citizens have the right to be able to initiate a constitution overhaul.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fyrsta fundinum lokið


Description: The Constitutional Affairs Committee has presented its ideas on adding new amendments to the Icelandic constitution and this was the first formal meeting which was held in 2011. It states that the new constitution most clearly show that the power comes from the nation, and it must be stated at the beginning of the constitution.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: God bless Iceland


Description: This site has several categories such as Books, About ALDA, Blog, Consulting, and Testimonials. Each is meant to provide social and political information about Iceland to possibly help keep the citizens up to date

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: How did they crowdsource the Icelandic Constitution? The story behind the world’s most famous neo-democracy experiment.


Description: Recalls interview of Finnur Magnusson, who played a prominent role of CTO as Icelandic citizens were responding to financial crisis.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: How do you create a new constitution for a country?


Description: Iceland suffered heavily during the 2008 financial crisis. During this time, they experienced a bank collapse which led the current government to resign. That was due to months of protest from the citizens.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Is Crowdsourcing Its New Constitution


Description: Iceland is drafting a new constitution due to the economic downfall in 2008. They are introducing a new process known as crowdsourcing, which will allow ordinary citizens to have more of a say in their local government.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Is Crowdsourcing Its New Constitution


Description: As a result of the economic crisis in 2008 the country of Iceland is crowdsourcing a new constitution which is intended to help give the nation a fresh start. In turn, it will help give the people a chance to openly share their thoughts and opinions.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Unveils Crowdsourced Constitution


Description: Icelanders on Friday delivered what may set the template for other governments: a crowdsourced constitution. A group of 25 ordinary citizens presented a draft of the constitution to Iceland's parliament. The first draft was posted in April. Issues covered included the economic collapse.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland's open-door government


Description: The economic crash of 2008 led to several government overhauls due to financial and fiscal regulations. Several other entities including the US government helped former plan of attack to use the same bureaucratic and economic venues that were in use for centuries. Through several social media platforms citizens have been able to follow the process of the new constitution.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland’s Ongoing Constitutional Fight – Verfassungsblog


Description: Discusses Iceland's constitutional right regarding weight of votes and the discriminatory process of resource management

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: In Iceland, The Crowd Takes A Shot At “We The People”


Description: Iceland wants to rebuild its government using a Facebook Wall. Which they say will increase participation in government.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: In Iceland, constitutions are written on Facebook


Description: One of the many aspects every crowdsourced constitution is that the 25-member council can engage in online debates to share their opinions. Most recently, Facebook has been home to several of the debates, this has been a way for several citizens to follow these debates in real time, so they are able to actively be involved in the process.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Joel vs. the Volcano


Description: Explains that after the financial crash in Iceland the new Prime Minister decided to use the countries disapproval as an opportunity to rewrite the constitution. 25 Icelanders have been appointed to the Icelandic Constitution Assembly but work is being done on various media sites to help garner the attention of people

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Keep Calm, Icelanders: You Are Not Leading A Global Democratic Revolution


Description: While many activists are pushing for the advancement of the new constitution many citizens of Iceland are stating that they don't need to know what democracy is because they already do. instead of fighting the public and economic institutions they want to join other international and social political movements which will still show an example of capitalism

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: MP Calls for Meeting on Party Funding


Description: Margrét Trggvadóttir letter to the parliamentary Constitutional and Supervisory Committee

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Mob rule: Iceland crowdsources its next constitution


Description: Iceland currently recovering from collapsing of many banks and government. The hope is that through social media they will be able to get citizens ideas.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: My First Constitution


Description: Wilma's Wish is a documentary film crew/group that is sharing the stories of those involved in the new constitution process.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samstaðan er mikil


Description: Ómar Ragnarsson, a senior president Constitutional Council, addressed the Constitutional Council and guests at the inauguration. Ómar accepted the conclusions of

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjornlagarad


Description: Several Videos on the Icelandic Constitution

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnlagaráð-Þorvaldur Gylfason og Katrín Oddsdóttir


Description: This YouTube video is two members of the Human Rights chapter(Þorvaldur Gylfason and Katrín Oddsdóttir) explaining why this provision needs to be added to the Constitutional Council. In this, they share a document that is composed of 31 articles.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnlagaþingmenn fengu kjörbréf


Description: National Electoral Commission

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: The Battle Of Iceland


Description: Regarding the referendum in Iceland on Saturday October 28, 2008. The referendum is meant so people can either vote in support of a new constitution, or wrote to keep their old constitution however many believe that the country is in need of a fresh start especially after the financial crash in 2008.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: The Political Scientist Hélène Landemore on Open Democracy | The New Yorker


Description: The future of democracy is in the hands of the citizens as it is their best interest to stay informed as Election Day is approaching. When discussing the idea of pure direct democracy, they are stating that no elected representatives, meaning each citizen is voting about significant decisions including those about policies laws and international affairs.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Til að treysta stjórnvöldum - fimm grunnreglur


Description: This post shows the five basic rules the constitution should follow to gain trust of small groups of people before it is shown in front of government legislators. Two main factors are that the power of attorney should be revocable, and the abuse of power should be punishable.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Title: „Er sátt útgerðarfyrirtækjanna mikilvægari en sátt yfirgnæfandi meirihluta þjóðarinnar?“


Description: The Icelandic Constitution Association says that the Prime Minister's bill on constitution changes runs a result of a referendum and is a serious enforcement of the fundamental pillars of democracy and the sovereignty of the Icelandic nation.

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá


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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá


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Description: Katrín Oddsdóttir the chair of the Constitutional Society, does not want the connection between outgoing US president Donald Trump. Stating “all the struggles of the constitution are peaceful.”

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Subject:   Icelandic. Stjórnarskrá

Page 1 of 1 (40 Total Results)