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Archived since: May, 2017
The Indiana University Social Media Accounts collection is an extension of the holdings of the University Archives which is responsible for the appraisal, acquisition, preservation and use of University records of permanent value and the private records of individuals and organizations associated with Indiana University. The Archive includes social media accounts created and managed by the University community.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Blogs & Social Media
Collector: Indiana University
Archived since: Sep, 2005
The Indiana University Web Sites collection is an extension of the holdings of the University Archives which is responsible for the appraisal, acquisition, preservation and use of University records of permanent value and the private records of individuals and organizations associated with Indiana University. The Archive includes sites created by the University community.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Publisher: Indiana University
Collector: Indiana University
Archived since: Sep, 2005
Born Digital Documents from the State of Indiana and its localities.
Subject: Government - US States, Indiana -- Government
Collector: Indiana University
Archived since: Jun, 2006
The web sites of statistical agencies of countries may contain data, reports, statistical yearbooks, press releases, methodological guides, and other information of continuing interest to social scientists and historians. Approximately 150 web sites from Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Eurasia, East Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Oceania, Russia and Eastern Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia are included.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Government, Government - National
Collector: Indiana University
Archived since: Sep, 2010
Web sites included in the Open Folklore project
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Folklore
Creator: Open Folklore Project
Collector: Indiana University
Archived since: May, 2020
The Coronavirus Days project is co-led by Sarah Knott, Sally M. Reahard Professor, Indiana University Department of History, and Carrie Schwier, Outreach and Public Services Archivist at the IU Libraries University Archives. The overall project includes materials submitted by members of the IU community (including regional campuses) as well as residents of Monroe County that document the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the political and social justice movements of the period. This web archive includes submissions to the project in the form of social media and websites. It also includes a limited collection of web pages and social media accounts of Bloomington and Monroe County government and nonprofit organizations with significant content related to the COVID-19 response in the area, curated by the University Archives.
Subject: Science & Health, Society & Culture, Blogs & Social Media
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