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Johns Hopkins University

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Title: 公安厅副厅长谢晖落马咋姗姗来迟?/ Why is the investigation of police department vice director Xie Hui so late?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article probes the corruption case of former Xinjiang police department vice director Xie Hui who was reported to be involved in illegal activities in 2013 but the investigation came two years late.

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Subject:   Police ,  Xinjiang

Title: 盘点打掉的39只“军虎”、“警虎”/ A review of 39 downfall of military "tigers" and public security "tigers".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog provides a review of the recent investigated military and public security corruption cases.

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Subject:   Tigers Military,  Police

Title: 公安部如何处分20名军、师职官员?/ How does Ministry of Public Security punish 20 high-ranking officials?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses how Ministry of Public Security deals with the corruption of 20 high-ranking officials.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 落马消息首度确认:武警副司令牛志忠中将被带走调查原因/ The investigation news confirmed: Deputy commander of armed police Niu Zhizhong is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article confirms and discusses the investigation of former deputy commander of armed police Niu Zhizhong.

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Subject:   Police ,  Tigers

Title: 公安部高官郑少东到李东生落马说明什么?/What does it tell from Zheng Shaodong to Li Dongsheng's corruption cases?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses the implications of the corruption cases from Zheng Shaodong to Li Dongsheng.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Police

Title: 张根恒,尹志山,马德文三名公安现役部队副军职干部受党军纪处分/ Three high-ranking policemen are under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses the corruption cases of Zhang Genheng, Yin Zhishan and Ma Dewen, three high-ranking policemen.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 违法办案事实落到市督查不查办!/ The illegal cases are not examined by city leaders.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog reveals that traffic policemen in Tangshan city engage with illegal activities.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 中央政法委两次通报政法干警违纪违法典型案件/ The Central the Political and Judiciary Commission twice reports typical illegal activities of policemen.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog reports the recent typical illegal cases of policemen in China.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 武警交通部队原司令刘占琪被调查 曾任武警后勤部副部长/ Former commander of the armed police transportation troop Liu Zhanqi is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news talks about the case of Liu Zhanqi who was former commander of the armed police transportation troop.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Police

Title: 市公安系统庞文升等四名党员领导干部严重违纪被开除党籍/ Four cadres in the city police system are expelled from the party due to discipline violation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news reporting that four police cadres have violated rules and have corruption problems in Tianjin city.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 公安部一次性通报处分22名现役干部 4人为副军级/ 22 cadres were publically reported as being sanctioned and 4 of them are at the level of vice-commander


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news disclose how Ministry of Public Security sanctioned 22 current cadres including some high-level ones.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 武警交通指挥部原副司令员等两军级以上干部被查/ Two generals in the armed police traffic department are under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a new coverage of two generals who are from armed police traffic department are currently under investigation.

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Subject:   Police

Title: 郑州明知皇家一号涉黄不查 收受财物给照顾/ Zhengzhou city knows that Royal No.1 Clud provides prostitution. But the local police just ignore it.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the famous Royal No.1 Club case. This club is a place for providing prostitutions. Local police did not close it because they receive money from it.

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Subject:   Henan,  Police

Title: 云南警官学院原党委书记杜敏落马 曾任昆明市公安局局长/ Party boss of Yunnan Police Academy Du Min is dismissed.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the corruption case of former party boss of Yunnan Police Academy.

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Subject:   Police ,  Yunnan

Title: 落马局长:曾包庇涉毒案主犯 车里摆菩萨像护身符/ The corrupted bureau director: once covered the drug dealers and put a Bodhisattva in his car.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the corruption of former Yingde city vice mayor Zheng Beiquan in Guangdong province.

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Subject:   Guangdong,  Police

Title: 深圳森林公安局长落马 曾被举报包庇撞宾利副手/ Shenzhen forestry police director is under investigation. He is said to cover his colleague's traffic accident of knocking a bingley car.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details about the corruption behavior of former forestry police director in Shenzhen city.

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Subject:   Police ,  Flies Guangdong

Title: “雅贪”秦玉海执掌豫警界9年 曾提命案必破被疑/ “Elegant corruption” Qin Yuhai controls Henan's public security sector for 9 years


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details of Qin Yuhai's corruption.

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Subject:   Henan Tigers,  Police

Title: 福建一派出所三任所长当赌徒保护伞,保护费涨到一天800元/ Three heads of a local police station in Fujian province served as protection umbrella for gamesters with protection fee 800 RMB per day.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news report about the corruption of local police in Fujian province.

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Subject:   Fujian,  Police

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