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Johns Hopkins University

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Title: 青海能源发展(集团)公司违纪违法案件剖析/ An anatomy of Qinghai energy development corporation's illegal activities.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news uses an energy company to illustrate how corruption occurs in state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   Qinghai,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 酒泉钢铁公司副总经理王铁成被组织调查,涉嫌严重违纪/ Deputy general manager of Jiuquan Steel Company Want Tiecheng is under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of Wang Tiecheng and his resume is included.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 解读“草根行长”张恩照落马:3个错误的不等式/ Understanding the downfall of "grass root banker" Zhang Enzhao: 3 wrong equations.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many untold stories about former President of Chinese Construction Bank Zhang Enzhao who was arrested due to corruption.

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Subject:   Financial industry,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 落马高管:巡视期间正上党校 办6个手机号"遥控"/ Senior executives under investigation: while studying at the central party school, someone uses 6 cellphones to "remote control"


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses the corruption of senior executives in the Chinese state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 网络大V履新国企纪委书记83天:我是要动刀子的/ The 83 days of an internet big V serving as discipline secretary: I will use knife.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This magazine cover story is about the anti-corruption efforts made by a discipline committee official named Lu Qun.

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Subject:   Hunan,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 石雪案幕后大玩家:从强奸案到中国第一金融要案/ Big brother behind the Shi Xue case: from a rape case to the No.1 financial case.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news report is about how a businessman Luo Xianping were involved in many SOE corruptions.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 甘肃省酒钢总经理虞海燕贪污腐败黑幕被曝光/ Disclose the corruption of Jiugang manager general Yu Haiyan in Gansu.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article reports the corruption of Jiuquan steel manager general Yu Haiyan in Gansu province.

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Subject:   Gansu,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 王岐山说狠话批国企腐败谁最胆寒?/ Who is most afraid of Wang Qishan's speech on SOE?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog records the important speeches Wang Qishan gave during his visits to state-owned-enterprise

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Subject:   Wang Qishan,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 王岐山为何特别狠批国企腐败?/ Why is Wang Qishan so severe on SOE corruption?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog shows the main problems within state-owned enterprise and potential reform measures to curb them. Wang Qishan is especially concern about the corruption problem in state-owned enterprise.

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Subject:   Wang Qishan,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 煤炭龙头国企官场地震:神华集团副总经理郝贵被带走调查原因/ Coal giant company Shenhua group political earthquake: vice manager general Hao Gui was taken away.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses the corruption in Shenhua group, a super big coal mining company in China.

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Subject:   Energy,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 湘电集团原党委书记、董事长周建雄等被开除党籍/ Former chairman of Hunan Electricity Zhou Jianxiong is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of former chairman of Hunan electricity corporation.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 海南省农垦集团原副总经理受贿1460余万 获刑13年/Vice general manager of Hainan state farms group receives bribes of 14.6 millions and he is sentenced to 13 years.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article provides a detailed account of the corruption of former vice general manager of Hainan state farms group who is sentenced to 13 years in the end.

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Subject:   Hainan,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 河北融投集团原董事长李令成被捕:索取收受超2亿/ Former chairman of Hebei Rongtou Group Li Lingcheng is arrested: he receives bribes of more than 200 millions.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news article provides many details about the corruption of former Hebei Rongtou Group chairman Li Lingcheng.

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Subject:   Hebei,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 河北一原国企老总严重违纪被查 涉案金额超2亿元/ One state-owned enterprise manager is under investigation. He is involved in a 200 million cases.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some investigation progress in the state-owned enterprise system of Hebei province.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 武钢邓崎琳自曝跟国资委玩"缓兵之计"/ Wuhan steel chairman Deng Qilin admitted to play "stalling tactics" with State Assets Administration Committee


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news report about the corruption story of former chairman of Wuhan steel Deng Qilin.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise ,  Hubei

Title: 武钢原掌门邓崎琳:关键时刻不站一起是忘恩负义/ Former chairman of Wuhan Steel Deng Qilin: it's a betray if not standing together during crisis.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports some details about the characteristics and deeds of former chairman of Wuhan Steel.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 曾经的贫寒子弟奋斗榜样,中石油总经理廖永远接受组织调查/ A role model for those poor people, PetroChina general manager Liao Yongyuan is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article introduces the successful story of Liao Yongyuan as a person who started from nowhere before he was announced to be under investigation.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise ,  Energy

Title: 广西柳钢原董事长梁景理一审涉九宗罪 家人均涉案 广西柳钢原董事长梁景理一审涉九宗罪 家人均涉案/ Guangxi Liusteel chairman Liu Jingli is under investigation and his family is part of the investigation, too.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that former chairman of Liusteel company in Guangxi province is under investigation and it is said that his family is also involved.

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Subject:   Guangxi,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 广州一国企原董事长贪污133套房转手赚近6000万/ Former chairman of a state-owned enterprise corrupted 133 condos and earned 60 millions by selling them.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the corruption of former chairman of City Development Company, a state-owned enterprise, Chen Bozhao

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Subject:   Guangdong,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 工行总行691名干部中220名有亲属在系统内工作/ Among 691 officers in the headquarter of ICBC, 220 of them have arranged their family and relatives working there.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that ”close breeding“ is a serious problem in the headquarter of ICBC, one of the largest commercial bank of China.

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Subject:   Financial industry,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 宝钢副总经理喝洋酒抽雪茄落马三警示/ Three lessons to learn from Baosteel's vice general manager's foreign wine drinking, cigar smoking and the final downfall


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog reveals the corruption case of Baosteel vice general manager and his lessons.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 宝钢副总咋追求奢侈“吃喝玩乐”?/ How did the Baosteal vice general manager pursue luxurious life?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog talks about how senior executives of state-owned enterprise, for example Baosteel company, enjoys a luxurious life.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 央企挥霍无度谁能管得了?/ Who can control the extravagance of state-owned enterprises in China?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article comments on the resolutions of all kinds of corruption problems in China's state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 大型国企为什么腐败得那么难堪? Why did state-owned enterprise corrupt so badly?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses the reasons why we have seen so many corruptions in state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 国门巨贪李培英:挪用6亿公款炒股理财赔超一半/ National gatekeeper venal Li Peiying: embezzle 600 million RMB for gambling and investment.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reveals many details about the corruption case of Capital Airport Corporation chairman Li Peiying.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 国企领导双规前夜与情妇开房 被中纪委通报/ The central discipline committee reported that a state-owned enterprise official were in a hotel with his mistress at the eve of "shuanggui".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a news report about the corruption of former deputy general manager Liu Shengrui in Shanxi Coking Coal Group.

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Subject:   Shanxi Energy,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 国企领导为何更容易腐败?/ Why are SOE leaders more prone to be corrupted?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses why in China's state-owned enterprises so many corruption cases are found?

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 国企老总躲进国际邮轮公款吃喝 上船办出境手续/ State-owned enterprise manger hide in international cruiser for enjoyment


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that there exists eight kinds of misunderstandings among officials in this anti-corruption campaign.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 国企总经理贪40万装修个人餐厅被判3年6个月/ A manager of state-owned enterprise spent 400000 to decorate his personal cafe and he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports that a manager from a national books export&import company illegally spent money for his private dinning place.

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Subject:   Flies,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 国企副总经理受贿600多万 为升迁拿30多万行贿/ State-owned enterprise vice general manager receives bribes of 6 million and she uses some money to buy post.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details about how a local SOE vice general manager named Mo Fan receives bribes and use money to seek promotion.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise ,  Guangdong

Title: 原农行副行长杨琨受贿3000余万一审被判无期/ Vice president of Agricultural Bank of China Yang Kun receives bribes of 30 millions. He receives a life sentence in his first trial.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the judgement of former vice president of Agricultural Bank of China Yang Kun for receiving huge amounts of bribes.

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Subject:   Financial industry,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 南方电网:又一个腐败重灾区? / South China Grid: another the harder-hit area of corruption


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article provides a detailed account of corruption stories in the South China Grid.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华银石雪死緩背后惊天黑幕 只是替罪羊/ Shi Xue's life sentence is just scapegoat for Huayin corporation's huge corruption scandal.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the corruption in the state-owned enterprises and how they affect ordinary people by focusing on the case of Huayin corporation.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华润集团原董事长贪污案开庭 涉案金额超3300万/ The trial of former chairman of China Resources is on and Song Lin is involved in 33 millions.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This is a CCTV news report about the trial of former China Resources chairman Song Lin who is involved in corruption cases of 33 millions.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华润集团两高管宋林王帅廷被双开/ Two high-level managers in the China Resources are under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article introduces the recent investigation of two senior managers in the China Resource, a big state-owned enterprise in China.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华润副总375个工作日中333天住五星酒店/China Resources vice general manager stays in five star hotels in 333 out of 375 business days.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news discusses some positive implications brought about by anti-corruption campaign on state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 华润前高管王帅廷被开除党籍 简历与宋林“神似”/ China Resources former manager Wang Shuaiting is expelled from the party.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports discloses some details about the corruption story of former China Resource manager Wang Shuaiting.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 关于“廖永远纵情声色秘密据点”的三问/ Three questions regarding the " secret place for Liao Yongyuan exploring the subtle whoring ".


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article investigates the details about the secret place where Liao Yongyuan and his allies can explore the subtle whoring, due to which he is under investigation.

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Subject:   Tigers,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 今年以来至少70名国企高管被查处(一览表)At least 70 SOE managers are under investigation this year (a list attached)


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides a list to review the corruption campaign in China's state-owned enterprises in China.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 中铝原总经理孙兆学被开除党籍 公司陷巨亏泥潭/Aluminum Corporation of China Limited former general manger Sun Zhaoxue is expelled from the Communist Party of China.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news reports the implications of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited former general manager Sun Zhaoxue's corruptions on the company which is now in a crisis.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 中石化集团公司总经理王天普被查/China Petrochemical Industry Company general manager Wang Tianpu is under investigation.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is a collection of news media's coverage about the corruption and investigation of former general manager of China Petrochemical Industry company.

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Subject:   Energy,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 中化集团总经理消费多少“天价酒”?/ How many expensive wines has Sinochem Group general manager consumed already?


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article discusses the once famous "expensive wine" scandal in the Sinochem group.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 东风汽车公司党委副书记、总经理朱福寿接受调查/Dongfeng Automobile company manager Zhu Fushou is under investigation


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news is about the career trajectory of Dongfeng Automobile company manager Zhu Fushou and why he is under investigation

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 上海通报5起国企人员违反八项规定精神典型问题/ Shanghai reports five cases of not complying with the spirit of eight rules.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This official news reports some progress of anti-corruption campaign in Shanghai's state-owned enterprises.

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Subject:   Shanghai,  State-owned enterprise

Title: 上海电气原董事长王成明贪3亿多判死缓 追悔莫及/ Former chairman of Shanghai Electric Wang Chengming receives bribes of 300 millions.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This news provides many details about how Shanghai Electrical chairman Wang Chengming became corrupted gradually.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 一汽经理财大气粗,何惧一个警告/ FAW manger does not fear warning.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog article finds that there are unreported tourist plans in FAW's overseas meetings. And the author states that if just issuing a warning to them, nothing is gonna change.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: “一把手”徐建一落马,一汽反腐才正式开始/ Just when top leader Xu Jianyi is under investigation the anti-corruption campaign in the FAW automobile.


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog discusses the significance of the investigation of Xu Jianyi in the FAW automobile company.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 26家央企"体检报告"出炉 巡视新词揭腐败交易链/ 26 "health test"of state-owned enterprises came out. The new vocabulary reveals the corruption transaction chain


Collection: Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Description: This blog shows what are the general problems in state-owned-enterprise

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

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