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Archived since: May, 2021
Collection of advocacy efforts of the AAP as presented on AAP.org.
Subject: Science & Health, Government
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 5/2021
Archived since: Jul, 2021
This web archive preserves the history of the AAP's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Jun, 2024
The AAP Equity Agenda was built on the recommendations of the Task Forces on Diversity and Inclusion and Addressing Bias and Discrimination convened from 2015-2017 and 2017-2019, respectively. The AAP Board of Directors approved the AAP Equity Agenda and first workplan in fall 2020 to guide the Academy’s efforts to achieve health equity and actualize our goals to become an equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization. The Equity Agenda workplan sets forth explicit and intentional action to support the Academy’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and health equity and ensures this action permeates all aspects of the Academy’s functioning.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 6/2024
Archived since: Jun, 2022
The National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home (NRC-PFCMH) is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the AAP. It is a national technical assistance center that aims to enhance the patient/family-centered medical home. The webpages collected here focus on state level initiatives.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Archived since: Apr, 2024
Advocacy on behalf of the health of all children is in the organizational DNA of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It was an original goal of the founding members of the AAP to build an organization dedicated to advocating for children. Since the development of pediatrics as a specialty field, pediatricians have played a powerful role in creating lasting and meaningful change for the patients they serve. We’ve compiled a timeline of some of the most significant moments in our long history of advocacy and our look toward the future of children’s health.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 6/2024
Archived since: May, 2024
Press releases from the AAP as posted on the website.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 5/2024
Archived since: Apr, 2024
A to Z Patient Care topic pages from the AAP provides information and resources on diseases and health issues affecting children.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 4/2024
Archived since: Jun, 2021
The AAP research department's web content saved in 2021 before the website was migrated to a new platform.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 6/2021
Archived since: Jan, 2021
Healthy Children.org is the AAP Parenting Website. With the goal of improved health literacy, HealthyChildren.org delivers thousands of pages of up-to-the-minute, authoritative content in English and Spanish, along with interactive tools, and customized content for registered users.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 1/2021
Archived since: Mar, 2022
The Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight serves as a translational engine for pediatric obesity prevention, assessment, management and treatment; and moves policy and research from theory into practice in American healthcare, communities, and homes.
Subject: Science & Health
Creator: American Academy of Pediatrics
Date: First crawled 03/2022
Page 1 of 1 (15 Total Results)