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Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Collected by: Johns Hopkins University

Archived since: Sep, 2015


This archive is part of a collaborative web archiving project by Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. It is funded by the Mellon Foundation-Council on East Asian Libraries Innovation Grants for East Asian Librarians. The goal of the project is to preserve Chinese blogs and micro-blogs related to the ongoing Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-).

Subject:   Blogs & Social Media China Anti-Corruption Social Media

Page 1 of 1 (41 Total Results)

Title: 王次炤为女儿办婚宴唱歪了啥调?/ What went wrong when Wang Cizhao held a wedding for his daughter?


Description: This blog discusses the corruption case of Wang Cizhao, former President of China Conservatory of Music.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 人民大学前校长纪宝成腐败之“谜”?/ The myth of former Renmin University of China President Ji Baocheng's corruption.


Description: This blog provides some details about the corruption of Ji Baocheng, former president of Renmin University of China.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 腐败落马的高校领导都集中在哪些省?/ Which provinces have more corrupted college leaders?


Description: This blog article discusses the geographical distribution of college corruptions in China and summarizes their characteristics.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 中国教育腐败已处于高危“重灾区”!/ The corruption in education is very severe.


Description: This blog article discusses the rampant educational corruption with several cases discussed.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 国防大学,你到底是名将摇篮还是贪将温床?/ Defense University, is that the place where produces famous generals or just corrupted generals?


Description: This blog discusses why Defense University has produced some corrupted generals.

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Subject:   Education ,  Military

Title: 解放军信息工程大学副政委高小燕少将被查/PLA Information Engineering University vice political commissar general Gao Xiaoyan is under investigation


Description: This news discloses more details about the investigation of female general Gao Xiaoyan

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Subject:   Military,  Education ,  Tigers

Title: 解放军南京政治学院政治部主任马向东被查/ PLA Nanjing Political School director of the political department Ma Xiangdong is under investigation.


Description: This news is about the investigation of Ma Xiangdong, who just became director of the political department at the PLA Nanjing Political School.

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Subject:   Military,  Education

Title: 国家功勋飞行员、民航飞行学院院长郑孝雍被查/ President of Civil Aviation Flight University of China Zheng Xiaoyong is under investigation


Description: This news discloses more details of the corruption and investigation of Zheng Xiaoyong, president of Civil Aviation Flight University of China.

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Subject:   Airline,  Education

Title: 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表) 今年以来至少30名高校领导干部被查处(一览表)/ At least 30 college administrative leaders are under investigation this year (see list)


Description: This news article provides a list of corruption investigation in China's higher education system.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 中国医科大学副校长肖玉平被双开 涉贪污受贿通奸/Chinese Medical Sciences University Vice President Xiao Yuping is "doubly expelled" due to corruption and adultery


Description: This news reports the downfall of Xiao Yuping, former vice president of Chinese medical Sciences University.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 南昌大学原校长周文斌案再开庭/ Another trial of former Nanchang University president Zhou Wenbin is on


Description: Zhou Wenbin, former president of Nanchang University is in another trial of being accused of corruption

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Subject:   Jiangxi,  Education

Title: 中国传媒大学正副校长违纪被免职,书记受处分/ Both presidents and vice president of Communication University of China are expelled out of office, the party boss was punished as well.


Description: This is a news report about the anti-corruption effort in Communication University of China.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 人大招生就业处原处长蔡荣生案本周四于南京开审/ The director general of Renmin University of China Cai Rongsheng's trial is this Thursday


Description: This news reveals the corruption details of how Cai Rongsheng receives bribe from others

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Subject:   Education ,  Flies

Title: 7天5名名牌高校领导落马 纪检组长:教育非净土/ Five university leaders are under investigation in 7 days, education sector is not a clean land.


Description: This news is a discussion of the recent university corruption cases.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 人大招生就业处原处长蔡荣生受审 承认受贿2000万/ Renmin University of China Admission and Employment department director Cai Rongsheng was on trial, admitting that he has received 20 million RMB.


Description: This is the trial detail of Cai Rongsheng from Renmin University of China.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 中国传媒大学"窝案"调查:不少人称处罚"有些过"/ Investigation of Communication University of China's “nest case”: some people say these sanctions are too much.


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Subject:   Education

Title: 一个大学校长的权力边界/ The power boundary of a university president.


Description: This is a detailed introduction of the deeds and corruption problems of former Nanchang University president Zhou Wenbin

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Subject:   Education

Title: 盘点落马省部级官员学历:没基础学历却成了博士/ A review of corrupted officials: not qualified but obtain a doctor degree.


Description: This news reports that many corrupted officials not only seek to receive illicit money but also enjoy a doctoral degree despite the fact that they are not qualified to be a doctor.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 浙大原副校长褚健被羁押近3年 2次退侦5次延审/ Former vice president of Zhejiang University Chu Jian is in custodian for 3 years


Description: This news discusses the investigation of former vice president of Zhejiang University Chu Jian and his speculative corruption in the control of SUPCON.

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Subject:   Zhejiang,  Education

Title: 湖北恩施州教育系统曝系列腐败:3千余人收回扣/ Hubei Enshi city's education system is plagued by corruption: around 3000 people receives rebate commission.


Description: This news is about the series corruption erupted in the Enshi city of Hubei province which involves around 3000 people.

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Subject:   Hubei Flies,  Education

Title: 中秋节前违纪通报:教育副院长赴澳研修变旅游/ Information circulation before Mid-Autumn Festival: vice dean of education academy went to Australia for traveling.


Description: This news reports some information disclosed from the Beijing government that some corrupted behaviors are punished before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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Subject:   Education ,  Beijing

Title: 清华附中工地坍塌牵出受贿案 清华一工程师获刑/ Qinghua University affiliated school's collapse accident involves a corruption case, and an engineer from Qinghua is sentenced.


Description: This news reports that an engineer from Qinghua University is involved in the collapse accident of Qinghua University affiliated school.

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Subject:   Flies,  Education

Title: 安徽教育厅基教处原处长获刑5年 被指在3领域受贿/ A section chief in the education department of Anhui province is sentence to 5 years due to corruption three major fields.


Description: This news shows that how local education department official uses the opportunity to manage educational projects to receive bribes.

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Subject:   Anhui,  Education ,  Flies

Title: 鸡西大学党委书记被"双开":违规持股 搞钱色交易/Jixi University party secretary is under investigation: illegal bond holding and engage in power-money deals.


Description: This is an announcement about the investigation of former Jixi University party secretary Yan Changqing's corruption.

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Subject:   Heilongjiang,  Education

Title: 湘南学院原党委书记受贿千万获刑 曾自诩为太阳/ Former party secretary of Southern Hunan College in Hunan province is on trial due to corruption.


Description: This news article discusses the corruption case of former party secretary of Southern Hunan College Xiao Dichu. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Hunan,  Education

Title: 本届最后出手!中央巡视剩下10%是中管高校/ The last time in this term! The rest of inspection this year will be the 10% higher education schools.


Description: This news mentions the necessity of inspecting top universities in China and some corruption cases in higher education.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 中南大学原副校长胡铁辉受贿180余万获刑六年/ Former vice president of Central South University Hu Tiehui is sentenced to 6 years after receiving bribes of 1.8 millions.


Description: This is the disclosure of the trial details of corruption case of former Central South University vice president Hu Tiehui.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 国家行政学院原副院长何家成因受贿罪获刑9年/ Former vice president of Chinese Academy of Governance He Jiacheng is sentenced to 9 years due to receiving bribes.


Description: This is the disclosure of trial details on the case of former vice president of Chinese Academy of Governance He Jiancheng. He receives bribes of 7 millions.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Education

Title: 中传一处长为他人留校提供便利 收110万被判4年/ A section chief in the Communication University of China receives bribes of 1.1 millions and is sentenced to 4 years.


Description: This news reports a corruption case in the Communication University of China in which a section chief named Zhang Yuhua illegally promotes somebody for money.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 民大音乐学院原院长被双开 被指眼里就是钱/ Central University for Nationalities‘s former Dean of the Musical School is "doubly expelled". He is alleged to see money in his eyes only.


Description: This news discloses the corruption details of the former dean of musical school at Central University for Nationalities.

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Subject:   Flies,  Education

Title: 国防大学政治部副主任段天杰少将被带走调查/ PLA Defense University deputy director of the political department general Duan Tianjie is under investigation.


Description: This news provides more details about general Duan Tianjie and his stories in military.

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Subject:   Military,  Education

Title: 对外经贸大学副校长刘亚违规兼职取酬被免职/University of International Business and Economics Vice President Liu Ya is dismissed due to illegal part-time job.


Description: This news is about corruption cases in universities in Beijing.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 教育界再查4人 中央音乐学院院长违纪被免/ Four people in the education sector are under investigation including Central Conservatory of Music President


Description: This news is a disclosure of recent anti-corruption campaign in the education sector.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 北京邮电大学副校长监管“小金库”不力被免职/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vice President is dismissed due to ineffective regulation of "small coffer".


Description: This news discusses three recent corruption cases in Beijing's universities. Some presidents or vice presidents are punished due to their misconduct in office.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 去年27名高校领导被中纪委通报 他们犯了哪些事/ 27 college leaders are reported by the central discipline and inspection commission last year. What did they do?


Description: This is a news article discussing the corruption in the higher education realm last year.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 安徽阜阳师范学院院长张登岐落马/ The president of Fuyang Normal College Zhang Dengqi is under investigation.


Description: This news discusses the corruption of former Fuyang Normal College president Zhang Dengqi in Anhui province.

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Subject:   Anhui,  Education

Title: 北京高校职务犯罪增长3倍 海淀涉案高校达14所/ Duty crimes have increased three times in Beijing's universities. 14 of them are from Haidian district.


Description: This news article discusses the increase of duty crimes in universities in Beijing and especially in the Haidian district.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 准院士段振豪出了“捐精门”又进监狱门/ A semi-academician Duan Zhenhao goes to serve prison after surviving the "sperm donation scandal".


Description: This news discusses the corruption case in the education system by focusing on a very famous scholar named Duan Zhenhao who had affairs with several women.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 临沂大学原副校长李富山涉贪污受贿被开除党籍/ Lin Yi University Vice President Li Fushan is expelled from the party due to corruption.


Description: This news is about the corruption case of former vice president of Linyi University Li Fushan.

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Subject:   Education ,  Flies

Title: 新疆医科大学原副校长李斌严重违纪违法被开除党籍 新疆医科大学原副校长李斌严重违纪违法被开除党籍/ Xinjiang medical university vice president Li Bin is under investigation.


Description: This news reports that former vice president of Xinjiang medical university Li Bin is involved in corruption and thus under investigation.

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Subject:   Xinjiang,  Education

Title: 中国社科院亚太与全球战略研究院党委书记和纪委书记双双被免 Party boss and discipline secretary in the School of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences were both removed from their offices.


Description: This is a official news report about the corruption case in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

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Subject:   Education

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