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Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Collected by: Johns Hopkins University

Archived since: Sep, 2015


This archive is part of a collaborative web archiving project by Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. It is funded by the Mellon Foundation-Council on East Asian Libraries Innovation Grants for East Asian Librarians. The goal of the project is to preserve Chinese blogs and micro-blogs related to the ongoing Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-).

Subject:   Blogs & Social Media China Anti-Corruption Social Media

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Title: 谷俊山多年部下落马:湖北省军区原副司令员兰伟杰已被判无期/ The downfall of Gu Junshan's ally: former deputy commander of Hubei military area general Lan Jiewei is sentenced to death.


Description: This blog is about the story of former vice commander of Hubei military area general Lan Weijie, who is a close ally of Gu Junshan.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 二炮副政委张东水履新不满14天被查 十八大后仍不收手/ The Second Artellary Army vice political commissar general Zhang Dongshui is under investigation after taking office for 14 days.


Description: This news gives a detailed account of the corruption case of Zhang Dongshui who soon was under investigation after taking new office. He was said to keep his corruption behavior after the 18th Chinese communist party congress.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析 甘肃省酒泉市政协原主席杨林受贿案剖析/ Anatomy of the corruption case of former Jiuquan city CPPCC chairman Yang Lin.


Description: This official news reveals many first-hand details of the corruption story of former Jiuquan city CPPCC chairman Yang Lin.

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Subject:   Gansu

Title: 王爱国少将被查,王爱国和徐才厚长期任职16军/ General Wang Aiguo is under investigation. He used to work in the No. 16 army group where Xu Caihou worked.


Description: This news is about the downfall of another general Wang Aiguo. He seems to have connections with former military leader of China Xu Caihou.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 湖北省原“戎装常委”苑世军被查/Hubei provincial military area commander Yuan Shijun is under investigation


Description: This news reports that Hubei provincial military area commander Yuan Shijun is under investigation. Yuan used to be deputy commander of China's Hong Kong army. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 辽宁广播电视台原台长史联文忏悔书:伸手必被捉/ Liaoning broadcasting and TV director Shi Lianwen confess: if you are corrupted you will be caught.


Description: This news presents the confession of former director of Liaoning broadcasting and TV Shi Lianwen.

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Subject:   Broadcasting and TV Liaoning

Title: 北京安监局原副局长丁镇宽退休后查出受贿获刑十年/Work Safety Supervision Bureau deputy director Ding Zhenkuan is sentenced to 10 years after found being corrupted after retirement.


Description: This news reveals more details about the corruption of Ding Zhenkuan who is now sentenced to 10 years.

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Subject:   Beijing

Title: 海军少将程杰被查/ Rear Admiral Cheng Jie is under investigation.


Description: This is a report about the investigation of military "tiger" rear admiral Cheng Jie.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 山西省军区政治部原主任黄献军落马,涉晋“老虎”再添一人/ Shanxi military area director of politacal department Huang Xianjun is under investigation, another "tiger" in Shanxi province.


Description: This news is about the military corruption case in Shanxi military area. Huang Xianjun was the former director of political department. His downfall adds another to the "tigers" list in Shanxi

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Subject:   Military Shanxi Tigers

Title: 军事科学院科研指导部原部长黄星少将被查,系作战理论专家/PLA Academy of Military Science former director of science research department general Huang Xing is under investigation.


Description: This news discloses more details about the investigation of general Huang Xing, an expert and former director of science research at PLA Academy of Military Science.

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Subject:   Military

Title: 广州军区联勤部原副部长陈剑锋被查,5年前晋升少将/ Deputy director of Guangzhou military area united logistics department Chen Jianfeng is under investigation.


Description: This is a news report about the investigation of general Chen Jianfeng who served as the deputy director of united logistics department in Guangzhou military area. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Military Tigers

Title: 吴喜林落马震撼商务部,重金给儿子买瑞士顶级名表/ The investigation of Wu Xilin shocked Ministry of Commerce. He bought his son a luxurious Swiss watch.


Description: This news reports many details about the corruption of former Cooperation director Wu Xilin in the Ministry of Commerce.

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