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Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Collected by: Johns Hopkins University

Archived since: Sep, 2015


This archive is part of a collaborative web archiving project by Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. It is funded by the Mellon Foundation-Council on East Asian Libraries Innovation Grants for East Asian Librarians. The goal of the project is to preserve Chinese blogs and micro-blogs related to the ongoing Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-).

Subject:   Blogs & Social Media China Anti-Corruption Social Media

Page 1 of 1 (47 Total Results)

Title: 新疆博州党委原常委、统战部原部长郭向毅被双开/Xinjiang united front department chief Guo Xiangyi is "shuang kai".


Description: This news is the official report that united front department chief Guo Xiangyi is "shuang kai".

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Subject:   Xinjiang

Title: 人大招生就业处原处长蔡荣生案本周四于南京开审/ The director general of Renmin University of China Cai Rongsheng's trial is this Thursday


Description: This news reveals the corruption details of how Cai Rongsheng receives bribe from others

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Subject:   Education Flies

Title: 7天5名名牌高校领导落马 纪检组长:教育非净土/ Five university leaders are under investigation in 7 days, education sector is not a clean land.


Description: This news is a discussion of the recent university corruption cases.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 人大招生就业处原处长蔡荣生受审 承认受贿2000万/ Renmin University of China Admission and Employment department director Cai Rongsheng was on trial, admitting that he has received 20 million RMB.


Description: This is the trial detail of Cai Rongsheng from Renmin University of China.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 中国传媒大学"窝案"调查:不少人称处罚"有些过"/ Investigation of Communication University of China's “nest case”: some people say these sanctions are too much.


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Subject:   Education

Title: 首个落马巡视组长涉案超2亿 家中现金发霉变质/ The downfall of first inspector with 200 million money corruption


Description: This news reveals that some patrol group head can be also corrupted.

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Subject:   Flies

Title: 湖南怀化官员遭女儿举报"吃喝嫖赌养情妇"被双开/ Hunan Huaihua city official is reported by his daughter as having problems of " sex bribe and gambling".


Description: This news talks about a very unique case where a corrupted local official is reported by his own daughter.

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Subject:   Hunan Flies Gambling Sex bribe

Title: 黑龙江再落马省部级官员 石油城大庆出4只"老虎"/ Another downfall of provincial level local leaders in Heilongjia province. Four "tigers" come from Daqing city


Description: This news discusses the connection between the oil city Daqing and corrupted officials in Heilongjiang province.

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Subject:   Tigers Heilongjiang

Title: 姚刚被免证监会副主席职务 此前已被中纪委调查/ Yao Gang was removed from the position of stock supervisory committee after was being investigated by Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC


Description: This news is a followup of Yao Gang's corruption case.

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Subject:   Tigers Financial industry

Title: 环保部司长熊跃辉被"双开" 传其妻子曾砍"小三"/ Department chief Xiong Yuehui from Ministry of Environmental Protection is "doubly expelled".


Description: This news is about the discussion and some rumors about Xiong Yuehui, former departmental chief at the Ministry of Environment.

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Title: 辽宁抚顺原市长栾庆伟涉嫌严重违纪被"双开"/ Former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei is "doubly expelled" due to being undisciplined.


Description: This news is about the corruption case of former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 新疆检察院副检察长史少林涉严重违纪被调查/ Deputy chief procurator of Xinjiang procuratorate Shi Shaolin is under investigation due to being undisciplined.


Description: This news is about the corruption investigation of Shi Shaolin, deputy chief procurator of Xinjiang procuratorate

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Subject:   Flies Xinjiang

Title: 常小兵落马前多名嫡系受查 / Several lineal colleagues are under investigation before the downfall of Chang Xiaobing.


Description: This news provides a detailed analysis of the corruption of Chang Xiaobing, former president of Chianunicom.

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Subject:   Telecommunications

Title: 民大音乐学院原院长被双开 被指眼里就是钱/ Central University for Nationalities‘s former Dean of the Musical School is "doubly expelled". He is alleged to see money in his eyes only.


Description: This news discloses the corruption details of the former dean of musical school at Central University for Nationalities.

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Subject:   Flies Education

Title: 对外经贸大学副校长刘亚违规兼职取酬被免职/University of International Business and Economics Vice President Liu Ya is dismissed due to illegal part-time job.


Description: This news is about corruption cases in universities in Beijing.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 教育界再查4人 中央音乐学院院长违纪被免/ Four people in the education sector are under investigation including Central Conservatory of Music President


Description: This news is a disclosure of recent anti-corruption campaign in the education sector.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 北京邮电大学副校长监管“小金库”不力被免职/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vice President is dismissed due to ineffective regulation of "small coffer".


Description: This news discusses three recent corruption cases in Beijing's universities. Some presidents or vice presidents are punished due to their misconduct in office.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 福建省经信委原副主任卢增荣被双开:对抗组织审查/Fujian economy and information committee deputy director Lu Zengrong is "doubly expelled".


Description: This news is about the investigation outcome of former economy and information committee deputy director Lu Zengrong in Fujian province. He had fought against the investigation towards him.

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Subject:   Fujian

Title: 河北邢台原副市长李全保被双开:工作调整安排方面为他人谋利/ Former mayor of Xingtai Li Quanbao in Hebei is "doubly expelled": he provides some benefits for people who seeks to get promotion.


Description: This is an official news report about the investigation outcome of former mayor of Xingtai Li Quanbao in Hebei province. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Hebei Flies

Title: 江西九江市人大常委会原副主任王利被开除党籍/Former Jiujiang city people's congress deputy director Wang Li in Jiangxi province is expelled from the party.


Description: This is an official news report about the investigation outcome of former Jiujiang city people's congress deputy director Wang Li in Jiangxi province. Her resume is included.

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Subject:   Jiangxi Flies

Title: 酒泉钢铁公司副总经理王铁成被组织调查,涉嫌严重违纪/ Deputy general manager of Jiuquan Steel Company Want Tiecheng is under investigation


Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of Wang Tiecheng and his resume is included.

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Subject:   State-owned enterprise

Title: 新疆伊犁州国资委主任曹鲁胜被查,涉嫌严重违纪/ Xinjiang Yili city State Assets Administration Committee director Cao Lusheng is under investigation.


Description: This is an official news about the investigation of Cao Lusheng, former director of State Assets Administration Committee in Yili city. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Xinjiang

Title: 开封原市府副秘书长王亚甫被双开,任市国资委主任时严重违纪/ Former deputy secretary general of Kaifeng city Wang Yafu is "doubly expelled", and he violated discipline when he served as head of State Assets Administration Committee.


Description: This is a official announcement about the "doubly expelled" outcome of former deputy secretary general of Kaifeng city Wang Yafu. More details are disclosed in this news.

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Subject:   Henan

Title: 北京军区北戴河疗养院今年以来12名干部违纪违规被问责/ Twelve officials were punished in the Beidaihe sanatorium of Beijing military area.


Description: This is a news report about the punishment outcome of 12 military officials in the Beidaihe sanatorium of Beijing military area.

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Subject:   Military Flies

Title: 黑龙江人大常委会副主任盖如垠省人大代表终止,十天前被查/Heilongjiang Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deputy director Gai Rugen's status is terminated. He was under investigation ten years ago


Description: This is an official news about the investigation of Gai Rugen, former deputy director of Heilongjiang provincial people's congress.

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Subject:   Heilongjiang Tigers

Title: 纵酒殴打陪餐女致伤,广西盐务管理局局长刘汉武被“双开/ Guangxi Salt Affairs Administration Director Liu Hanwu is "doubly expelled". He once got drunk and beat up waitress.


Description: This is an official announcement about recent corruption and investigation cases in Guangxi province. Liu Hanwu's case is a typical one.

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Subject:   Guangxi

Title: 中国社科院亚太与全球战略研究院党委书记和纪委书记双双被免 Party boss and discipline secretary in the School of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences were both removed from their offices.


Description: This is a official news report about the corruption case in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

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Subject:   Education

Title: 张家界市委原副秘书长金中华被双开:former deputy secretary general of Zhang Jiajie city Jin Zhonghua is“doubly expelled”.


Description: This news is an official announcement about the "doubly expelled" outcome of former deputy secretary general of Zhang Jiajie city Jin Zhonghua. He had built a private coffer and he engaged with gambling.

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Subject:   Gambling Jiangxi Flies

Title: 江西兄弟厅官双双落马:哥哥涉违纪被查,弟弟一年前涉苏荣案/ Two brother officials in Jiangxi province were under investigation


Description: This is an official news report about two corruption cases of officials in Jiangxi province. They are brothers.

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Subject:   Jiangxi

Title: 天津市委委员张建津被开:专喝年份茅台,躲会议室请名厨现做/ Tianjin party commitee member Zhang Jianjin is expelled from the party: he drinks luxurious wine and he asks famous cook to serve him in conference room


Description: This is an an official news report about the corruption case of Zhang Jianjin in Tianjin city. More details are included in this report.

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Subject:   Tianjin

Title: 辽宁抚顺原市长栾庆伟、辽宁总工会原副主席李景涛严被双开/Former mayor of Fushun city of Liaoning province and former vice president of labor union of Liaoning Li Jingtao are both "doubly expelled".


Description: This is an official news report about the investigation outcome of former mayor of Fushun city and former vice president of Liaoning Labor Union Li Jingtao in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 广东省机场管理集团原总裁刘子静被撤销全国政协委员资格/ Guangdong provincial Airport Authority former CEO Liu Zijing's member of the national committee of CPPCC is terminated.


Description: This is an official news report about the investigation of former CEO of Guangdong provincial Airport Authority Liu Zijing. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Guangdong Flies

Title: 湖南桂阳食药监局数名官员纵容违法经营,致85人食物中毒/ Hunan Guiyang Administration of Food and Drug allows illegal business which caused 85 people to have food poison.


Description: This news is a collection of recent corruption cases in Hunan province. One case is about the poison of 85 people due to the indulgent of illegal business.

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Subject:   Hunan

Title: 中纪委机关报详解官员建风水屋违纪:背离政治信仰又违反规矩/Official newspaper of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC explains officials' belief in Feng Shui: they don't have political belief and they break rules.


Description: Official newspaper of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC criticizes some officials for believing Feng Shui.

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Title: 黑龙江伊春一区纪委副书记被处分:一年为女儿操办婚宴3次/ One discipline deputy director in Heilongjiang province is punished for holding three wedding ceremonies for his daughter.


Description: This news is a collection of corruption cases announced by Heilongjiang province.

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Subject:   Heilongjiang Flies

Title: 安徽省纪委通报披露一社区党委书记贪腐涉案金额超1.5亿/ Anhui provincial discipline commission discloses that a community party secretary is corrupted for 150 million RMB.


Description: This news is a recent news collection of corruption cases in Anhui province announced by government.

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Subject:   Anhui Flies

Title: 湖南纪委通报开除郴州“失联”副局长党籍/ Hunan discipline commission announced to expel the “lost-contact‘ deputy director from Chinese Communist Party.


Description: This news is about how Hunan discipline commission deal with the official who lost contacts with government.

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Subject:   Hunan Flies

Title: 河北3名县委书记被双开,其中2人采取不正当手段谋取职位/ Three county party bosses were "doubly expelled" and two were involved in illegally getting promoted.


Description: This news is about the announcement of three county party bosses's investigation in Hebei province.

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Subject:   Hebei Flies

Title: 广东中山政法委原书记邓小兵被双开:玩忽职守造成巨大损失 Guangdong Zhongshan city deputy party boss Deng Xiaobing is "doubly expelled": his neglect of duty causes great losses.


Description: This news is about the corruption details of Deng Xiaobing in Guangdong province. His resume is included.

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Subject:   Guangdong

Title: 新疆自治区检察院副检察长史少林被调查/Deputy chief procurator of Xinjiang autonomous region Shi Shaolin is under investigation


Description: This news is an official announcement of a judicial corruption case. Shi Shaolin, deputy chief procurator of Xinjiang is under investigation.

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Subject:   Xinjiang Judiciary

Title: 广西区安监局副局长李仕庆被“双开”:干扰、妨碍组织审查/ Guagnxi Work Safety Supervision Bureau deputy director li Shiqing is "doubly expelled": he interfere official investigation.


Description: This news discloses more details about the investigation of Li Shiqing especially his problem of interfering investigation.

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Subject:   Guangxi

Title: 中纪委透露打部级老虎,贬义“绰号”就是举报信/ The Central Commission of Discipline Inspection leaks the details of fighting "tigers": pay attention to their nicknames.


Description: This news is about how The Central Commission of Discipline Inspection fights "tigers".

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Title: 山东聊城东昌府区长孙孟来涉嫌严重违纪被终止省人大代表资格/ Shandong ward chief Sun Menglai's provincial people's representative status is terminated due to discipline violation.


Description: This is an official news announcement about the discipline violation of Sun Menglai, a ward chief in Shandong province.

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Subject:   Shandong Flies

Title: 山西吕梁市委原常委张中生被开除党籍,曾数十次私自出境/ Shanxi Luliang city party leader Zhang Zhongsheng is expelled from party. He has went abroad secretly dozens of times.


Description: This news is about the investigation result of Zhang Zhongsheng, a party leader in Shanxi province.

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Subject:   Shanxi

Title: 审计署:山西交通厅原厅长违规操作获利案243人被查处/Audit Administration: 243 are investigated in the corruption case of chief of traffic office in Shanxi province.


Description: This news is about the corruption case of Wang Xiaolin, former chief of traffic office in Shanxi province and other corruption cases.

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Subject:   Shanxi

Title: 全国人大办公厅离退休干部局副巡视员杨绍丞被“双开/ Vice inspector of National People's Congress Yang Shaocheng was "double expelled".


Description: This news is about the case of Yang Shaocheng who is "doubly expelled'.

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Subject:   Flies

Title: 中纪委:反四风手机客户端开通近半年,收到举报4万多件/central commission of discipline inspection: the open of app "against four winds" receives 40000 clues in less than half a year


Description: This news report uses Q/A format to show how much information the central commission of discipline inspection receives from people.

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