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Description: The official website of the Abbey Theatre, which is the national theatre of Ireland.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: Website for the Alley Theatre in Derry.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: Website of the Hawk's Well Theatre, which is located in County Sligo and presents local and international performers.
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Subject: Theaters
Description: Cois Ceim is an Irish dance theatre based in Dublin.
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Description: The Abbey Theatre is Ireland's national theatre.
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Subject: Culture
Description: the Abbey Theatre is Ireland's National Theatre.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: Corn Exchange was a Dublin based theatre, founded in 1995.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: Founded in 1975, Druid is a touring theatre company, anchored in the West of Ireland and looking to the world.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: Formed in 1988, it is named after the Playhouse on Dublin’s Fishamble Street which, in the 1780s, became the first theatre to commission and produce plays by Irish writers.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: The Gate Theatre is a dublin theatre founded in 1928.
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Subject: Theatre
Description: The Irish Theatre Institute (ITI), is a resource organisation that nurtures, promotes and drives the ambition of Irish theatre makers and Irish theatre.
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Subject: Theatre
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