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Description: "The Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance (CURRA) was a 7-year (2007-2014) research program of innovative, interdisciplinary research projects related to helping communities and organizations along Newfoundland's west coast develop strategies for the recovery of fish stocks and fishery communities.
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Subject: Fishery resources--Newfoundland and Labrador
Publisher: Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2014
Identifier: http://www.curra.ca/
Contributor: Neis, Barbara, 1952-
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Description: “The Fishing for the Future Film Festival sets sail from September 28 - 30, 2012 at the Bonne Bay Marine Station in Norris Point, Newfoundland. With 5 screenings in 3 days, the Festival's 18 selections include local gems like Nigel Markham’s Taking Stock, Barbara Doran’s A Harbour Symphony and Anne Troake’s My Ancestors were Rogues and Murderers, playing along with international treasures like The Sea (Iceland), Cry Sea (Senegal), and concludes with the powerful film on ocean acidification, A Sea Change (Norway).”--About Us
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Subject: Fisheries--Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic cod fishing--Newfoundland and Labrador
Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Contributor: Neis, Baptiste, Lawrence, Ruth, 1966-, Neis, Barbara, 1952-, Brookes, Chris, 1943-
Description: Fishing for the Future Film Festival Gallery entrance
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Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/gallery_entrance.html
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Description: "The collapse of the once-gigantic North Atlantic cod stock twenty years ago should have been a wakeup call for fishery management throughout the world. It wasn't. Fishing practices worldwide have changed little. It is startling to watch some of the images in this gallery, to hear some of the voices, and to realise that many of the same practices that destroyed Newfoundland's cod fishery are still being employed around the globe. The placement of this gallery – between the other two – may be appropriate. Fish, after all, are intermediaries: a transit between humans and oceans, and perhaps our most accessible key to comprehending the watery environment which covers 70 percent of the earth's surface."
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Subject: Fishes--Newfoundland and Labrador, Marine ecology--Newfoundland and Labrador
Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/gallery_fish.html
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Contributor: Brookes, Chris, 1943-
Description: Fishing for the Future Film Festival Gallery front entrance
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Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/gallery_front.html
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Description: "Fisheries involve not only a marine environment underwater, but a human society above water. When they collapse, they have a drastic effect upon both. With fishery workers idled, the survival of coastal communities is threatened. (In Newfoundland and Labrador, outmigration reduced the rural population by 18 percent within a decade.) But the relationship between fish and people is social and cultural as well as economic. On the one hand, fishers accumulate an intimate traditional knowledge about their marine environment which is often ignored by official fisheries science. On the other hand, societies which have evolved over centuries through fishing can experience a deep cultural shock when their resource is destroyed and their identity endangered. The film and audio I've chosen for this gallery spans the past four decades, and focuses primarily on the Newfoundland and Labrador experience of the collapse of the Northern Cod Stocks. What has been learned? What has changed? What remains?"
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Subject: Atlantic cod fishing--Newfoundland and Labrador, Labor--Newfoundland and Labrador
Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/gallery_people.html
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Contributor: Brookes, Chris, 1943-
Description: "It's often easier for media storytellers to create engaging documentaries about people, or fish, than to tackle a more scientific approach to the oceanic environment.
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Subject: Ocean--Newfoundland and Labrador, Marine ecology--Newfoundland and Labrador
Creator: Jackson, Ben (Web developer)
Publisher: Fishing for the Future Film Festival
Language: English
Format: online resource
Date: 2012
Identifier: http://www.fishingforthefuturefilmfestival.ca/gallery_sea.html
Collector: Memorial University Libraries
Contributor: Brookes, Chris, 1943-
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