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Ukraine Conflict

Collected by: Internet Archive Global Events

Archived since: Feb, 2014


This collection seeks to document conflict in Ukraine. Contributions to this collection were made by the Archive-It team and subject matter experts from Stanford University, Library of Congress, Global Investigative News Network, and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute in the fields of Investigative Journalism, Russian, and Eurasian studies. Content includes news outlets, social media, blogs, and government websites. Sites are in English, Ukrainian, Russian, and other languages.

Subject:   Government Spontaneous Events

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Title: New Internet Monitor Report: "Russia, Ukraine, and the West: Social Media Sentiment in the Euromaidan Protests" | Berkman Center


Description: Sentiment was analyzed using Crimson Hexagon to determine what percentage of set of online content falls into different categories (in this case, posts that are supportive, critical, or neutral with respect to the protests).

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Title: Cyborgs vs Kremlin


Description: Ukraine Today has teamed up with Ukrainian news agency to produce an online overview of the battle for Donetsk International Airport.

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Title: Порошенко подписал закон о люстрации


Description: Lustration law in Ukraine

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Title: Остаточна відстрочка асоціації: текст угоди і "лазівки" для України


Description: Незважаючи на фінальне рішення відкласти асоціацію України з ЄС на більше, ніж на рік, Євросоюз схвалив часткову імплементацію та показово підкреслив це для Росії.

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Title: Порошенко подписал закон о люстрации


Description: Poroshenko signed a lustration law in order to decrease the corruption

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Title: Russian hackers target NATO, Ukraine and others: iSight


Description: Russian hackers exploited a bug in Microsoft Windows and other software to spy on computers used by NATO, the European Union, Ukraine and companies in the energy and telecommunications sectors, according to cyber intelligence firm iSight Partners.

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Title: Russia, Ukraine, and the West: Social Media Sentiment in the Euromaidan Protests by Bruce Etling :: SSRN


Description: This paper investigates sentiment in the online conversation about the Ukrainian Euromaidan protests across a range of English- and Russian-language social and traditional media sources. Results from this exploratory research show more support for the Euromaidan protests in Russian-language sources, including among sources and users based in Russia, than originally expected. Sentiment in English-language sources, including those located in the United States and United Kingdom, is more negative than anticipated given the rhetorical support among western governments for the Euromaidan protests. However, social media content in Ukraine, the US, and the UK is more positive than traditional media outlets in those countries.

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Title: The Ukraine elections: Domestic concerns are key | European Council on Foreign Relations


Description: While many Ukrainians still want to join the European Union, foreign policy plays a much smaller part in this vote than the Western media thinks.

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Title: Michael McFaul, Stephen Sestanovich, and John Mearsheimer | Is the Ukraine Crisis Russia's Fault, or the West's? | Foreign Affairs


Description: Who Started the Ukraine Crisis? MOSCOW'S CHOICE

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Title: Ukraine: Widespread Use of Cluster Munitions | Human Rights Watch


Description: (Berlin) – Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.

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Title: Six Things to Watch Out for in Ukraine's Elections | Brian Dooley


Description: This election represents the next step in Ukraine's journey toward a new politics. At least it might....

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Title: Хронологія терору: бойовики "ДНР" і "ЛНР" переслідують християн Донбасу


Description: Бойовики терористичних організацій “Донецька народна республіка” (ДНР) та “Луганська народна республіка” (ЛНР) продовжують викрадати, вбивати і погрожувати священикам та віруючим у контрольованих сепаратистами містах на Сході України.

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Title: Core Google products a favorite among Ukrainians


Description: Google Ukraine country manager Dmytro Sholomko said the nation is high on the tech giant’s agenda but not all of its Internet-related services are localized in Ukraine.

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Title: Army of Propagandists Speaks Fluent Kremlin


Description: Russia doesn't have the highest standard of living or the best democratic institutions, to say the least, but many believe it is a world leader in one field - propaganda.

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Title: What Went Wrong With EuroMaidan Reformers?


Description: When Ukraine’s first post-revolutionary government was appointed in February, six of its ministers and four other key players, including the National Bank governor and National Security and Defense Council secretary, were appointed through the so-called “Maidan quota.

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Title: Russia backing separatists' rival elections in eastern Ukraine - LA Times


Description: Russian officials are throwing their support behind Ukrainian separatist rebels' planned elections for their own parliaments after warnings from Ukrainian leaders in Kiev that no power in the world will recognize the proclaimed independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk "people's republics.

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Title: Looting Ukraine: How East and West Teamed up to Steal a Country


Description: GLOBAL TRANSITIONS | JULY 2014 "Looting Ukraine: How East and West Teamed up to Steal a Country" by Oliver Bullough

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Title: Хватит нас шантажировать! - Путин напомнил властям США, что Россия - ядерная держава


Description: Putin talks about Russia`s power comparing to the US

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Title: Путин в Милане: «Что-то яростно объяснял Порошенко, Меркель сидела с поджатыми губами»


Description: Meeting of Putin, Poroshenko and EU leaders in Milan

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Title: Ukraine Rising, by George Weigel, National Review


Description: I first met Sviatoslav Shevchuk in Rome in April 2011, a few weeks after his election and enthronement as major-archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Byzantine in liturgy and polity but in full communion with Rome, the largest of the Eastern Catholic Churches.

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Title: Ukrainian Lessons for the West, by George Weigel, National Review


Description: editor’s note: This article is adapted from remarks delivered at “Religion in the Ukrainian Public Square: An Analysis of the EuroMaidan and Its Aftermath,” a conference sponsored by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies and held at the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, on November 15, 2014.

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Title: Poroshenko’s 24 Hours in Washington: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, by Robert McConnell, National Review


Description: Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, was in Washington for 24 hours last week. He had meetings with President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Kerry in addition to addressing a joint session of Congress. He came at the invitation of President Obama, and he came at a critical time for Ukraine – and the world — having suffered the bold Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, and Russia’s arrogant insurgency followed by its stark invasion of the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts in eastern Ukraine.

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Title: Минюст потребовал в ВС ликвидировать «Мемориал» - Новости - Новая Газета


Description: Минюст обратился в Верховный суд с иском о ликвидации Общероссийской общественной организации «Российское историко-просветительское, благотворительное и правозащитное общество «Мемориал». Согласно информации на сайте суда, иск был п

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Title: Early Parliamentary Elections, 26 October 2014


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Title: Russia’s Global Image Negative amid Crisis in Ukraine


Description: As the European Union considers further sanctions on Russia for its role in the standoff in Ukraine, Russia is broadly unpopular in many countries around the globe and increasingly disliked in Europe and the United States.

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Title: Putin’s Coup"


Description: The war in Ukraine is no longer only about Ukraine. The conflict has transformed Russia. This increasingly is what European leaders and diplomats believe: that Vladimir Putin and his security establishment have used the fog of war in Ukraine to shroud the final establishment of his brittle imperialist dictatorship in Moscow.

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Title: Порівняння програм політичних партій | Українська правда


Description: Переможці на виборах визначатимуться не за програмою та пропонованим планом дій – а за рейтингом партійних лідерів. Така залежність від фактора особистості може бути небезпечною.

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Title: Українці не вірять владі і хочуть повернення ядерного статусу – опитування | Українська правда


Description: 46,2% українців вважають, що нова українська влада не в змозі забезпечити суверенітет, незалежність і територіальну цілісність країни.

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Title: Обличчя донецького аеропорту. ''Кіборги'' | Українська правда


Description: Журналіст Сергій Лойко подивився в очі хлопцям, що тримають оборону Донецького аеропорта.

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Title: President calls on the public to actively engage in the reformation of the country - Official web-site of President of Ukraine


Description: It was stated by him when presenting the Strategy of Reforms – 2020 in Yuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi. According to the President, “it is completely real” to achieve the level of reforms that will let us apply for a membership in the EU in 2020.

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Title: ReligioPolis - Информационный ресурс Центра религиоведческих исследований - УКРАИНА ОЧНУЛАСЬ


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Title: I Won't Sing For Occupiers' -- A Ukrainian Singer Falls Out With Russia


Description: Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prykhodko has been targeted by a mudslinging campaign on Russian television.

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Title: В ноябре "ДНР" и "ЛНР" собираются войти в состав РФ по "крымскому сценарию" - донецкий журналист


Description: DNR and LNR will be joining Russia in November

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Title: Ukraine’s Slow Descent Into Madness


Description: While it fights rebels in the east, Kiev is beginning to crumble from the inside.

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Title: Facts distorted as Moscow claims hundreds of bodies discovered in Ukrainian 'mass graves' - Telegraph


Description: Pro-Kremlin media misrepresent activist while Russian-backed rebels contradict the claim and say only nine bodies found

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Title: A Hollow Ukrainian Ceasefire - The Atlantic


Description: Nearly one-tenth of all reported deaths in the crisis have happened since Moscow and Kiev agreed to stop fighting.

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Title: Sloviansk: A City With PTSD - The Atlantic


Description: There may be a 'ceasefire' in eastern Ukraine, but that's cold comfort for the war's survivors.

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Title: Corruption Eats Away at Ukraine Military - The Daily Beast


Description: Sporadic fighting continues against pro-Russian insurgents. But some of the worst enemies faced by Ukraine’s volunteer soldiers are the crooks in their own army.

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Title: OSCE finds no cluster munitions in Donbas conflict zone| Ukrinform


Description: KYIV, October 22 /Ukrinform/. Spokesman for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Michael Bociurkiw has denied the use by Ukrainian military of cluster munitions, which was stated in a recent report by Human Rights Watch, Deutsche Welle has reported.

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Title: Коморовский призывает страны ЕС вместе ответить на энергошантаж России


Description: Komorovsky is trying to convince Europe to act together in order to fix Russia`s gas export issue

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Title: Независимости ДНР хотят льшь 7% украинцев


Description: Statistics about the DNR

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Title: Польский эксперт подсказал Украине, как утолить "российские аппетиты"


Description: Adviced hpow to deal with Russia

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Title: Портрет Путина будут чеканить на монетах в честь аннексии Крыма


Description: New russian coins will have Putin` portrait and a map of the Crimea on them

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Title: Террористы на "выборах" раздают повестки в российскую армию - Лубкивский


Description: Elections as an invitation into the army?

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Title: Украина должна готовиться к изнурительному противостоянию с Россией - заявление Кравчука и Ющенко


Description: Ukraine needss to be prepared for a long-lasting conflict

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Title: Касетні бомби застосовували російські військові. Радбез має докази | УКРІНФОРМ


Description: Підрозділи російської армії застосовували проти сил АТО касетні снаряди реактивних систем залпового вогню 'Смерч'.

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Title: МЗС про касетні снаряди: Human Rights Watch стала жертвою шахрайства терористів | УКРІНФОРМ


Description: Довідь Human Rights Watch, в якій організація заявила про наявність доказів щодо використання нібито українськими збройними силами касетних боєприпасів, інсценована терористами для дискредитації української армії.

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Title: Навальный: Крым является частью РФ


Description: Russian politicians talk about the future of Crimea

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Title: МИД Украины направил ноту РФ из-за проведения переписи населения в Крыму


Description: Census of the population will be held in Crimea

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Title: Лукашенко предложил поделить Россию между Казахстаном и Монглолией


Description: Lukashenko suggested to split Russia between Kazakhstan and Mongoliya

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Title: ВЕДОМОСТИ - С тем, что между Украиной и Россией идет война, согласились 70% украинцев и 26% россиян


Description: Жители некогда братских стран вполне искренне не понимают друг друга, констатируют эксперты

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Title: Harvard Study Shows Russian-speaking Ukrainians Backing Kyiv


Description: A new study conducted at Harvard University suggests that Russian-speaking Ukrainians may be significantly more supportive of Kyiv’s standoff against Moscow and the pro-Russian separatists than has previously been reported....

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Title: Ukraine’s Euromaidan Reforms Reveal Deep Divisions


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Title: The Lech Walesa Award to the Euromaidan


Description: The 2014 Lech Walesa Award Winner (7th Edition) is the informal Euromaidan social movement. ‘This expresses our solidarity with and support to democratic and pro-European aspirations of the whole Ukrainian people', says the Award's patron, President Lech Walesa.

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Title: The Breach: Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity and the Budapest Memorandum


Description: Author: Mariana Budjeryn, Wilson Center Issue Brief #3 Nuclear Proliferation International History Project

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Title: Russian 'Sandworm' Hack Has Been Spying on Foreign Governments for Years | WIRED


Description: A cyberespionage campaign believed to be based in Russia has been targeting government leaders and institutions for nearly five years, according to researchers with iSight Partners who have examined code used in the attacks….It appears Sandworm is focused on nabbing documents and emails containing intelligence and diplomatic information about Ukraine, Russia and other topics of importance in the region.

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Title: Почти 80% украинских фирм платят сотрудникам зарплаты в конвертах


Description: Налоговая оценивает ежемесячные теневые выплаты в сумму от 20 до 50 млрд грн.

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Title: Украинцы против мира с Россией за счет передачи части территорий


Description: Ukrainians don`t want to give up their territory

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Title: С утра не было зафиксировано ни одного обстрела, иногда слышно только одиночные выстрелы.


Description: Russia`s military actions has stoped. The article includes a map of the military troops in the area

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Title: EuroMaidan in Ukraine: Its Meaning and After-Effects | Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies


Description: EuroMaidan in Ukraine: Its Meaning and After-Effects | Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies

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Title: 2014 Ukraine Parliamentary Elections, Explained — Medium


Description: The Ultimate Guide by Chris Dunnett, Hromadske International, International Foundation for Electoral Systems

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Description: The world struggles to understand why Ukraine calls heavy fighting ‘a truce’

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Title: The Empire Strikes Back: Darth Vader Runs for Ukraine’s Parliament


Description: The Biggest Media Craze of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections, Explained. by Chris Dunnett, Hromadske International

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Title: Ukraine’s Last Flash Point: Donetsk Airport


Description: The epic battle for the Donetsk International Airport and its huge symbolism for the Ukraine crisis, explained.

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Title: Bodies Pile Up in Donetsk Morgue as Ukraine Ceasefire Continues to Crumble | VICE News


Description: Officials in Donetsk reported at least 20 deaths over the last two days, while the European Union expressed concern that the ceasefire had been broken.

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Title: Lviv Media Forum - Lviv, Ukraine


Description: Annual Lviv Media Forum. Recent trends in the world of media, media business. Top media experts in the world and Ukraine.

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Title: Я против США. А ты?


Description: Open community " I am against the USA. Are you?"

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Title: Євромайдан SOS | Facebook


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Title: We have made today's Frankenstein with our own hands | openDemocracy


Description: When communism ended, Russia’s people wanted democracy. Instead, they got the market and neoliberalism. Now, it appears, some of them want revenge.

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