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University of Delaware

Archive-It Partner Since: Oct, 2014

Organization Type: Colleges & Universities

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University of Delaware Library collection of Delaware politics, policy, and government websites

Archived since: Mar, 2015


This collection broadly documents online sources related to Delaware policy, politics and government, including websites and social media sites of current and former members of Congress; Delaware political parties; Delaware individuals who represent leadership in diplomatic or political arenas, domestic or foreign, at the local, state, and national levels; institutions, organizations, or groups concerned with public policy or civic affairs in Delaware; and Delaware political campaign websites.

Subject:   Politics & Elections Government Government - US States Delaware – Politics and government. Political campaigns – United States. Public policy. United States. Congress. Senate. United States. Congress. House. United States – Politics and government. Senators. Members of the House of Representatives. Delaware. General Assembly. Local elections. Delaware.

University of Delaware Library collection of websites related to Delaware environmental policy

Archived since: Feb, 2016


This collection broadly documents online sources related to Delaware environmental policy, including websites and social media sites of current and former local, state and regional associations dedicated to protecting Delaware’s natural resources and active in promoting environmental policy in Delaware.

Subject:   Science & Health Society & Culture Environmental policy Local government and environmental policy Delaware Public policy Conservation Ecology White Clay Creek Preserve (Del. and Pa.) Adventure outdoors Coastal zone management Bees Wilmington (Del.) Community development Ecological landscape design Native plants Invasive plants Waterways Horticulture

University of Delaware Library collection of websites related to the Library's literary collections

Archived since: Feb, 2016


This collection ocuments websites and social media related to authors, playwrights, and other literary figures and organizations which complement and enrich existing literary collections held in Special Collections. This collection includes sites related to University of Delaware Library holdings in American literature; Irish literature; and theater.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities Delaware -- Literature American literature Irish literature Poets Dramatists Journalists Authors English language English language--Usage Theater American literature--African American authors Essayists Screenwriters Translators

University of Delaware Library collection of websites relating to printing and the book arts

Archived since: Feb, 2016


This collection documents online sources related to book arts and printing which complement and enrich existing special collections, including websites and social media sites of and for individuals and organizations involved in all aspects of the book arts and printing. This collection focuses on collecting web resources related to designers, presses, and printers.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities Society & Culture Artists' books Private presses Letterpress printing Printing Publishers and publishing Graphic design (Typography) Printers Design Bookstores

University of Delaware Special Collections Online Exhibitions and Finding Aids

Archived since: Apr, 2018


This collection documents the University of Delaware's Library and Special Collections past online exhibitions dating back to 1986.

Subject:   Arts & Humanities Universities & Libraries University of Delaware. Library. Exhibitions

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