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Archived since: Dec, 2020
Collection related to a Canadian chapter of ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) / Collection liée au chapitre canadien d’ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America)
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Arts & Humanities, Bibliothèques d'art, Art libraries
Archived since: Dec, 2012
The online magazine of the National Gallery of Canada. For access to these captures, please contact the NGC Library and Archives / Le magazine en ligne du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada. Pour accéder à ces captures, veuillez contacter la Bibliothèque et archives du MBAC.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Art, Publications, Musées, Museums
Archived since: Aug, 2022
For access to these captures, please contact the National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives / Pour accéder à ces captures, veuillez contacter la Bibliothèque et archives du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Universities & Libraries
Archived since: Oct, 2012
The web site of the National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada / Le site Web du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada à Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Art, Musées, Museums
Archived since: Sep, 2023
Searchable resource of over 800 photostories created between 1955 and 1971 by the National Film Board of Canada’s Still Photography Division / Ressource consultable de plus de 800 photoreportages, créés entre 1955 et 1971, par le Service de la photographie de l’Office national du film du Canada.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Society & Culture, Government - National
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