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Archived since: Mar, 2008
A collection of websites selected that represent the interests and activities of a sample of students in grades 9 - 12 at CHS.
Subject: Society & Culture
Collector: Charleston High School
Archived since: Dec, 2008
This is my high school, the home of the trojan nation. I am very proud to be a trojan and I like to see what is new at school.
Publisher: H.D.
Archive-It Program Year: 2008-2009 Student Collections
Collector: Charleston High School
Archived since: Oct, 2009
Sites that are local to Charleston Illinois
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Melissa Carr
Archive-It Program Year: 2009-2010 Student Collections
Archived since: Oct, 2009
Sites that are educational or news items
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Melissa Carr
Archived since: Dec, 2008
I use this site to keep up on music news.
Collector: Charleston High School
Archived since: Oct, 2009
Sites such as games, shopping, movies, books and other sites used as a hobby or pass time.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Creator: Melissa Carr
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