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Archived since: Aug, 2018
Website of the joint DTM-Geophysical Laboratory library. Also includes history websites for Geophysical Laboratory and DTM's ocean magnetic survey expeditions.
Subject: Science & Health, Universities & Libraries
Creator: Carnegie Institution of Washington
Archived since: Aug, 2018
This collection documents and preserves websites of archival resources held at Carnegie Institution headquarters, DTM, and the Geophysical Laboratory.
Subject: Science & Health, Universities & Libraries
Creator: Carnegie Institution of Washington
Archived since: May, 2022
Main website of the Carnegie Institution for Science, maintained by Administration staff.
Creator: Carnegie Institution of Washington
Archived since: Aug, 2018
Website of the Deep Carbon Observatory, a ten-year, multi-disciplinary, international initiative dedicated to understanding Earth's deep carbon cycle. DCO was established in 2009 with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The DCO Secretariat was based at the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory in Washington, DC through 2019.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Jul, 2018
This collection documents and preserves websites maintained by the Carnegie Institution's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. In 2020, the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism merged with the Geophysical Laboratory to form the Earth and Planets Laboratory.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Dec, 2020
This collection documents and preserves websites maintained by the Carnegie Institution's Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL). EPL was created in 2020 by the merger of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism with the Geophysical Laboratory..
Archived since: Aug, 2018
This collection documents and preserves websites maintained by the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory. In 2020, the Geophysical Laboratory merged with the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism to form the Earth and Planets Laboratory.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Aug, 2018
This collection documents and preserves websites associated with major research initiatives and collaborative projects involving the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Jun, 2023
This collection documents and preserves websites associated with major research initiatives and collaborative projects involving the Carnegie Institution’s Earth and Planets Laboratory.
Subject: Science & Health
Archived since: Aug, 2018
This collection documents and preserves websites associated with major research initiatives and collaborative projects involving the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory.
Subject: Science & Health
Page 1 of 1 (10 Total Results)