Whitefish Middle School
Whitefish Middle School was completely rebuilt in 2007 at the same location its been for 100 years. We serve grades 5 through 8 with a total of 540 students. We live at the base of Big Mountain and Whitefish Mountain Ski Resort. We are only 25 minutes from Glacier National Park and we get to pick wild huckleberries each August. (They taste like a raspberry crossed with a blueberry.) It is common to see whitetail deer in our backyards, even in town. One of the best spots is Whitefish Lake where families ice-fish, boat, or just hang out at City Beach.
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Food and Restaurant Madness
We are doing the subject food because we want to let people know the nutritional facts of their food, ways they can help keep our food healthy, and places we can go to find those good foods. We see the news reports of overweightness and at our school we have PE every other day to stay fit.
Or browse by URL
- http://agr.mt.gov/organic/program.asp
This article explains that their program is to make and keep food healthy and organic. It can give us an idea of how we can benefit from organic food and how to support their program.
- http://articles.latimes.com/2010/nov/04/food/la-fo-miso-box-20101104
This particular article teaches those of you who can't get enough of those great recipes and your family love. This recipe teaches you to make miso.
- http://indian.food.com/?omnisource=SEM&c1=Recipes&c2=Indian&c3=Google&c4=indian
%20food%20recipes&s_kwcid=TC|24219|indian%20food%20recipes ||S|b|8583561528
This sight is filled with over 450,000 Indian recipes that vary. No matter if people are looking for healthy diets, delicious meals, or just more fun recipes, this site is definitely a go.
- http://services.agr.mt.gov/Agr_Organic_Certified_List/
This site is an organic program in which the goal is to make more and more of our food products in Montana- and possibly to spread everywhere- organic and healthier. It shows how we as a community can help achieve this goal.
- http://www.aeromt.org/abundant/listing.php?id=100
This site has countless resources to good places to find healthy food and ingredients you need. It also includes information about why we should buy local food more often and how it can benefit the taste and healthiness.
- http://www.ciaomambo.com/
If you plan to take an tour or visit the Rocky Mountains in Montana and want to find a place to eat, you might want to consider checking out the website that gives all the delicious details about Ciao Mambo. This restaurant started in Whitefish and then opened other branches in Montana.
- http://www.comparechains.com/restaurant/555/mcdonalds/
This site has a lot of "fatty" foods, and they use a lot of grease.
- http://www.homegrownmontana.org/clarkforkorganics.html
This website gives good descriptions of it's mission and explains why we should buy more food that is homegrown. It also gives other interesting information.
- http://www.montanaorganicassociation.org/
The MOA organization helps keep farms going in Montana and makes sure that we stay organic, local and wants to keep the natural beauty of our state useful. It is a site that certainly will intrigue those looking to help the community and stay organic.
- http://www.opentable.com/the-boat-club-restaurant
This website is a quick and easy way to find reservations at restaurants all over the U.S. including our local Boat Club on Whitefish Lake.
- http://www.organicconsumers.org/btc/montana060420.cfm
This association is campaigning for health, justice, sustainability, peace and democracy. It is one of the many examples of people that are working to accomplish making our people healthier and happier when it comes to food products. It also gives some of the latest news on how food companies, farms and various food organizations are dealing with it all.
- http://www.pescadoblanco.com/
At Pescado Blanco's, all the food comes in from places as far as Southern Mexico, and all foods are handmade with their fresh ingredients. Learning more about this website will help in this research.
- http://www.risingsunbistro.com/
This restaurant is family owned and when you click the About Us button, you will see that they make sure to make their food slowly but cleanly and well done. This shows that there are restaurants that insure we stay safe and healthy.
- http://www.tupelogrille.com/
A website that shows one of many restaurants around the world. We can compare the foods on the menu for this restaurant with others in order to see how different countries and states are making food. This is also a local restaurant downtown in Whitefish. It is owned by the parents of several students.
- http://www.vitasprings.com/organic-soap-bar-prairie-mi-voga.html
This product shows us that not only can we start to make more of our food organic, but we can also begin to experiment with making other products organic, too. The soap bar in the picture is organically made in Montana. We can begin to use this as a stepping stone to different ideas: car fuel, mechanics and bathroom products, too.
Shopping and Retail
In today's modern world shopping is a part of life. Whether it's shopping for clothes, food or tools everyone does it on just about on a daily basis. Now with the internet shopping is even easier. Even though one of us depends on a store downtown for our family, online shopping is important even for business owners. Our library teacher also thought it would be interesting to see what the boys like and the girls like.
Or browse by URL
- http://beta.horizonhobby.com/
A place for amazing RC helicopters. You can get RC airplanes.
- http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/?l=shop,pwp,c-1+100701/hf-
A website were you can buy anything like soccer, basketball, baseball,football and shirts jerseys cleats and sports wear.
- http://www.ae.com/web/index.jsp
American Eagle Outfitters is easily my favorite store. It has everything you need to for the latest trends.
- http://www.bananahobby.com/
Bananahobby is a great place to get hobby things, you can get RC planes, jets, helicopters, and much, much more.
- http://www.converse.com/
Converse has any kind of shoe style you can imagine! From skate to running shoes,converses are awesome!
- http://www.eastbay.com/catalog/advancedSearch/?SID=8035&inceptor=1&module=topNav&action=keywordSearch
A store where you can buy any soccer equipment you want. Lots of gear on sale all the time.
- http://www.forever21.com/Product/Main.aspx?br=f21&gclid=CNeBzMnvrKwCFQVlhwodqVwaHw
Forever 21 is a store that sounds like it is for people under 21 year olds. The best thing is the prices, almost everything is under 21 dollars. It is trendy and fashion forward with a large supply of anything "must have."
- http://www.generalhobby.com/airplanes-browse-airplane-c-21_37.html?gclid=CNf7lcfW4awCFQJ8hwodhHUIpQ
General hobby is a great place for EDF jets and warbirds, the best, for cheap.
- http://www.hobby-lobby.com/
a perfect place to fit all of your hobby needs
- http://www.hollisterco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreView?storeId=10251&catalogId=10201&langId=-
Hollister is a store that many teenagers go to to buy up on the latest trends. Their company is out of California so it has mostly cool, lay-backed, beachy type of clothing
- http://www.jaguar.com/gl/en/marketsel
Jaguars are amazing sports cars.
- http://www.nitroplanes.com/rtf.html
The best place to buy RC airplanes, jets and gliders for the lowest prices. You can find anything from engines to LED lights and batteries for your RC airplane/helicopter cheap, cheap, cheap, and cheap.
- http://www.pbteen.com/?page=viewall&bnrid=3760101&cm_ven=BrandSearch&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Brand
PBteen is a website for teens that has everything from backpacks to beds. You can get things for a middleschooler or a college student.
- http://www.puma.com/
Puma is a shoe,clothes,and sportswear company. I buy Puma products because their shoes are comfortable awesome.
- http://www.shop.puma.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-EU-Site/en/Gateway-Show?q=master
a website were you can buy clothes or sportswear
- http://www.shopadidas.com/?cm_mmc=AdieSEM_Google-_-Trademark-B-Exact-_-Trademark-Misspells-X-General
A online store where you can buy anything sporty from socks to goggles.
- http://www.skullcandy.com/
Skullcandy is a company that sells awesome headphones at a good price. They also have clothes.
- http://www.soccer.com/?cm_mmc=Google-_-Brands-_-Eurosport-_-euro%20sport%20soccer&gclid=
A website where you can buy anything that has to do with soccer. You can find all the below cleats,jackets,shin guards,soccer balls,soccer club apparel and more. You will love the website if you love soccer.
- http://www.sportsauthority.com/home/index.jsp?camp=ppc:iqid:34722516&iq_id=34722516&gclid=
Sports Authority is an awesome sports store retail and online.
- http://www.toms.com/
Toms are the newest trendiest shoes. They are super-cute but what people really like about them is the message. Tom's slogan is "One for One" meaning that if you buy a pair of shoes one goes to a child in need.
- http://www.towerhobbies.com/
Tower Hobbies is an online hobby store where you can buy nifty gifts and toys.
- http://www.trade-a-plane.com/
A perfect place to get used jets, Cessnas, turboprops, single engine piston, dual engine piston, piper aircraft, and much, much more.
- http://www.uggaustralia.com/
Ugg Australia is an Australian shoe company who makes shoes of fur and suede. I am in love with uggs because they are comfortable,multicolored,soft,and cute.
- http://www.worldsoccershop.com/departments-indoor-indoor-soccer-shoes.html
Another shop were you can buy all soccer gear and wear.