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Archived since: Feb, 2016
Selected projects by faculty, students and departments affiliated with the University of Iowa.
Subject: Arts & Humanities
Collector: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Jul, 2008
University of Iowa Web pages created in the aftermath of the historic June, 2008 flood, including photographs, information about flood recovery services, financial aid, changes in class and activity schedules, and other related information.
Subject: Spontaneous Events, Blogs & Social Media
Collector: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Dec, 2016
Selected, publicly available websites from state government organizations.
Archived since: Nov, 2015
The following sites complement the scope of the Iowa Women's Archives at the University of Iowa Libraries. Inspired by the vision of its founders, the Louise Noun – Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women’s Archives nourishes creative research, learning, and teaching by providing collections and a separate space dedicated to the women of Iowa and their history. The Archives fulfills its mission by collecting and making available primary sources about the history of Iowa women from all walks of life. It undertakes a robust outreach program to gather and preserve the history of groups underrepresented in archives. Through its programs and online resources, the Iowa Women’s Archives serves a broad audience ranging from students and scholars to the general public. IWA special projects highlighting women's history in Iowa include the Mujeres Latinas, Jewish Women in Iowa, and Women's Suffrage projects.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Society & Culture, Politics & Elections, women's history, Iowa history, civic engagement
Publisher: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Aug, 2007
Selected Web sites of the University of Iowa, based on enduring historical, administrative or legal value.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Collector: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Oct, 2010
Born-digital and creative works of IWP alumni.
Subject: Arts & Humanities, Universities & Libraries
Collector: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Aug, 2007
Selected journals/newsletters published by the University of Iowa.
Subject: Universities & Libraries
Collector: University of Iowa Libraries
Archived since: Mar, 2019
Selected Web sites relating to Special Collections and Manuscript collections
Publisher: University of Iowa Libraries
Page 1 of 1 (8 Total Results)