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Chinese Social Media and the Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-)

Collected by: Johns Hopkins University

Archived since: Sep, 2015


This archive is part of a collaborative web archiving project by Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, and Georgetown University. It is funded by the Mellon Foundation-Council on East Asian Libraries Innovation Grants for East Asian Librarians. The goal of the project is to preserve Chinese blogs and micro-blogs related to the ongoing Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign (2012-).

Subject:   Blogs & Social Media China Anti-Corruption Social Media

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Title: “土地奶奶”贪污三千万该不该判死刑?/ Should "Land Grandma" be sentenced to death due to 30 million Yuan corruption?


Description: This blog discusses a case in which a local low-ranking official was sentenced to death due to 30 million corruption. The author questions the legitimacy of this penalty.

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Subject:   Flies,  Liaoning

Title: 省级政协副主席为何频繁落马? Why are provincial level CPPCC vice presidents frequently under investigation?


Description: This blog uses Liaoning province CPPCC vice president Chen Tiexin as a case to illustrate the reasons why CPPCC vice presidents are frequently under investigation.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁老虎王阳是否因“贿选”落马?Liaoning "tiger" Wang Yang's downfall is due to "vote buying"?


Description: This blog discusses the corruption case of former Liaoning "tiger" Wang Yang.

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Subject:   Liaoning ,  Tigers

Title: 大连市腐败的根源/The origin of corruption in Dalian city.


Description: This blog discusses how local officials in Dalian do not serve the interests of people but others, which is the origin of corruption in this city.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: “表哥”杨达才落后于“表姐”了!/ "Watch brother" Yang Dacai lags behind "Watch sister".


Description: This blog discusses the corruption case of female official in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 铲除四害之一、辽宁省鞍山海城市涉黑恶商、共产党员、人大代表袁守富腐败集团记/ Eradicating one of four “pests”, profiteer、Communist party member, local people's congress representative Liu Shoufu corrupted group


Description: This blog uses a very funny cartoon to show the happy result of one corrupted profiteer Liu Shoufu was arrested.

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Subject:   Flies,  Liaoning

Title: 与他人通奸:辽宁省政协原副主席陈铁新被双开原因/ Adultery: Liaoning vice chairman of CPPCC Chen Tiexin's reasons to be under investigation.


Description: This blog discusses the investigation of former vice chairman of CPPCC in Liaoning province Chen Tiexin. He is also accused of adultery.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁“老虎”王阳女儿凭什么升副处级?/ On what grounds should Liaoning"tiger" Wang Yang got promoted?


Description: This blog discusses the corruption case of Wang Yang, former party boss in Fuxin city. His daughter was illegally promoted to a leadership position.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Liaoning

Title: 王珉在省委书记任上何以令李克强震怒?/ When serving as Liaoning party secretary how did Wang Min made Li Keqiang furious?


Description: This blog discusses the working performance of Wang Min when he served as party secretary in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Wang Min,  Liaoning ,  Tigers

Title: 沈阳市沈河区城市管理局局长梁波腐败生活/ The corruption life of Shenyang city's Shenhe district urban administration bureau director Liang Bo.


Description: This blog article reveals the corruption life a local cadre in Shenyang city which makes local citizens very upset.

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Subject:   Liaoning ,  Flies

Title: 再对四省重拳巡视 中纪委“回马枪”挑落辽宁虎/ A re-patrol of four provinces, the Central Discipline and Inspection Committee found "tiger" in Liaoning province.


Description: This blog discusses the new moves of the Central Discipline and Inspection Committee this year and the downfall of Wang Min is the result.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Liaoning

Title: 辽宁政法委书记苏宏章落马 曾以黑马姿态“入常”引猜测/ Liaoning law and politics committee secretary Su Hongzhang is under investigation. His rapid promotion draws many speculation.


Description: This news discusses the career path and corruption details of Su Hongzhang, former law and politics committee leader in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning ,  Tigers

Title: 建国后第一个获死刑的女贪官:花100万偷情/ The first female corrupted official who received a death penalty since 1949: she spent 1 million to have an affair.


Description: This news discusses the corruption case of former land and resource department director Luo Yaping in Fushun city Liaoning province, who received death penalty in the end.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁省委常委、政法委书记苏宏章被查/Party secretary of law and politics committee in Liaoning province Su Hongzhang is under investigation.


Description: This news reports that party secretary of law and politics committee in Liaoning province Su Hongzhang is under investigation.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁抚顺原市长栾庆伟涉嫌严重违纪被"双开"/ Former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei is "doubly expelled" due to being undisciplined.


Description: This news is about the corruption case of former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁老虎王阳被查 三年内三连跳升任副部级/Liaoning "tiger" Wang Yang is under investigation. He was promoted three times in a row in three years.


Description: This news is about the downfall of Liaoning provincial leader Wang Yang.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁省政法委原书记苏宏章搞钱色交易被双开/ Liaoning province law and politics committee party secretary Su Hongzhang is expelled from the Communist Party of China


Description: This news introduces the corruption details of former Liaoning province law and politics committee secretary Su Hongzhang.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁第三"虎"苏宏章升官贿选的背后/ The inside story of Su Hongzhang's promotion by sending bribes.


Description: This news provides some details to show Su Hongzhang's connections with another corrupted official in Liaoning province Wang Min.

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Subject:   Liaoning ,  Tigers

Title: 辽宁省委:王珉未实现政治期望后抵触中央/ Liaoning provincial committee of Communist Party of China: Wang Min went against the central after failing to get promoted.


Description: This news reports the measures Liaoning province has taken since the inspection to curb corruption and mitigate the negative influences.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Liaoning

Title: 中纪委通报首现“毫无政治信仰、道德沦丧”措辞/ The narrative of "no political belief, moral decay" first appears in central discipline and inspection committee's official report.


Description: This news reports the central discipline and inspection committee's response to the widespread vote-buying corruption in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁不宁:上半年GDP增速全国垫底 官场贿选成风/ Liaoning is not peaceful: GDP growth is the lowest nationwide and corruption is everywhere.


Description: This news discusses the corruption of Liaoning province and explore its implications for this province's development.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁贿选案:数十位全国人大代表正集中接受调查/ Liaoning's vote-buying case: dozens of National People's Congress representatives are under investigation.


Description: This news discusses the Liaoning vote-buying case in which dozens of businessmen bribes local leaders to get promoted as National People's Congress representatives.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁45名全国人大代表因拉票贿选被确定当选无效/ 45 National People's Congress Representatives from Liaoning province are denied their eligibility due to vote-buying.


Description: This is an official news from CCTV, announcing the largest vote-buying scandal in Liaoning province made 45 representatives not eligible for serving this position.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 大连市委原常委受贿逾两千万获刑 最大一笔五百万/ Member of party committee in Dalian city receives bribes of 20 million.


Description: This news reports some details about the corruption of member of party committee in Dalian city Jin Cheng. He once received bribes of 5 million.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁凤城原书记贪腐外逃 女儿质问:咱家缺钱吗?/ Former Fengcheng city party chief fled away and his daughter asked him "do we really lack money"?


Description: This is a commendatory about a former party chief in Fengcheng city Liaoning province who secretly fled to the United States but later returned back to China to surrender. A video is attached.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 迷信的"学者市长":落马前见大师 被告知有惊无险/ A superstitious of "scholar mayor": he saw a master before being investigated.


Description: This is a news article discussion and analysis of the former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei. And his story of working in a university and government is provided.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 节后,首个被中纪委树为反面典型的市长干了啥?/After holiday, what did the first mayor who was criticized by the central discipline and inspection committee do?


Description: This news article discusses the working trajectory and corruption case of former Fushun city mayor Luan Qingwei.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 震动中央的大案还没完 又一省部级官员落马/ The case which shocks the central government is not over yet, another official is under investigation.


Description: This news article discusses the corruption case of former vice director of Liaoning People's Congress Li Wenke.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 中央对辽宁两次巡视"回头看" 多名部级老虎落马/ The central government looked back to the case of Liaoning twice and as a consequence several "tigers" are found.


Description: This is a news article discussing the corruption cases and investigation in Liaoning province which is known as the most corrupted province in China.

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Subject:   Liaoning ,  Tigers

Title: 加上这位"求民心"官员后 铁岭已落马4任市领导/ If adding this official who hopes to "win people's hearts", Tieling city has witness four party secretaries under investigation.


Description: This is a news report about the corruption of former Tieling city party secretary Li Wenke who had worked in Liaoning province for over 40 years and had connections with former provincial party secretary Wang Min.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 大连原副市长曹爱华被开除党籍:对抗组织审查/ Former vice mayor of Dalian city Cao Aihua is expelled from the party: she goes against investigation.


Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of former vice mayor of Dalian city Cao Aihuai. Her corruption details are disclosed.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 沈阳腐败大案判决 慕绥新死缓马向东死刑/ Shenyang serious corruption case: Mu Suixin is death with reprieve and Ma Xiangdong is death penalty.


Description: This news is about major corruption cases in Shenyang city more than 15 years ago.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁铁岭市长上任11天被调查 曾长期在大连任职/ Tieling city mayor was under investigation upon taking office just 11 days. He used to work in Dalian.


Description: This news focuses on the investigation of former Tieling city mayor Jiang Zhou. What is really ironic about him is that his investigation is carried out upon taking office for 11 days.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁人大副主任郑玉焯被双开 贿选涉案或超40人/ Former vice director of Liaoning people's congress Zheng Yuzhuo is expelled from the party. He is involved in the vote buying scandal.


Description: This news reports the punishment result of former vice director of Liaoning people's congress Zheng Yuzhuo. It is estimated that forty people are involved in the vote buying corruption case in Liaoning.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 抚顺“三最”女贪官罗亚平另面人生/ "Three most" female corrupted official Luo Yaping's another life in Fushun.


Description: This news reveals the corruption story of former Land and Resource bureau director Luo Yaping in Fushun city.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁广播电视台原台长史联文忏悔书:伸手必被捉/ Liaoning broadcasting and TV director Shi Lianwen confess: if you are corrupted you will be caught.


Description: This news presents the confession of former director of Liaoning broadcasting and TV Shi Lianwen.

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Subject:   Broadcasting and TV,  Liaoning

Title: 前辽宁省委书记王珉涉嫌严重违纪接受组织调查/Former Liaoning party boss Wang Min is under investigation.


Description: This is an official news report that former Liaoning party boss Wang Min is under investigation. His cv is included.

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Subject:   Tigers,  Liaoning

Title: 辽宁省铁岭市委原书记吴野松被开除党籍和公职/ Former Tieling city party secretary Wu Yesong is expelled from the party.


Description: This is an official news announcement about the investigation of former Tieling city party secretary Wu Yesong.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁省沈阳市政府原副市长祁鸣被开除党籍和公职/ Former vice city mayor Qi Ming of Shenyang in Liaoning province is expelled from the party.


Description: This is an official news announcement about the punishment result of former vice city mayor of Shenyang Qi Ming.

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Subject:   Liaoning

Title: 辽宁抚顺原市长栾庆伟、辽宁总工会原副主席李景涛严被双开/Former mayor of Fushun city of Liaoning province and former vice president of labor union of Liaoning Li Jingtao are both "doubly expelled".


Description: This is an official news report about the investigation outcome of former mayor of Fushun city and former vice president of Liaoning Labor Union Li Jingtao in Liaoning province.

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Subject:   Liaoning

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