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Mining in Wisconsin

Collected by: Wisconsin Historical Society

Archived since: Nov, 2013


A collection of websites relating to mining and mineral resources in Wisconsin, and particularly sand mining for the hydraulic fracturing industry and taconite mining in the Gogebic Range of northern Wisconsin.

Subject:   Science & Health Government - US States Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Mineral industries--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Wisconsin. Hydraulic fracturing--Environmental aspects.

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Title: Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters


Description: Website of the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, an organization that works to address pressing issues facing our state’s public health and natural resources.

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Subject:   Conservation of natural resources--Wisconsin--Citizen participation. Mining law--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Lobbying--Law and legislation--Wisconsin.

Title: Mines, pits and quarries - Wisconsin DNR


Description: Website created by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources containing publications and background information about metallic and nonmetallic mining in Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Mining law--Wisconsin. Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Wisconsin.

Title: The Wisconsin Mining Association


Description: Website of the trade group that represents the mining industry in Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Mineral industries--Wisconsin. Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin.

Title: Concerned Chippewa Citizen


Description: Website maintained by Concerned Chippewa Citizen to highlight environmental concerns about the frac sand mining industry in western Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Sand and gravel industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Hydraulic fracturing--Environmental aspects. Conservation of natural resources--Wisconsin--Citizen participation.

Title: Wisconsin John Muir Chapter Sierra Club


Description: Website of the John Muir Chapter of the Sierra Club describing issues and initiatives of interest to the group including sand and taconite mining in Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Green movement--Wisconsin.

Title: Bad River Watershed Association


Description: Website of a citizen group organized to monitor water quality in the Bad River Watershed in northern Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Environmental aspects--Wisconsin. Water quality--Wisconsin.

Title: Mining in the Ceded Territories


Description: Website maintained by the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission to highlight mining impacts on tribal lands in the Great Lakes region.

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Subject:   Mines and mineral resources--Wisconsin. Taconite industry--Wisconsin. Indians of North America--Treaties. Indians of North America--Wisconsin.

Title: Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association


Description: Website maintained by the Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association to explain and promote the sand mining industry in Wisconsin.

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Subject:   Mineral industries--Wisconsin. Sand and gravel industry--Wisconsin.

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