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Description: Guide to Aboriginal Organizations and Services in Alberta Update Form
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Subject: First Nations, Community Partnerships
Description: Article about an Aboriginal scientist and educator
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Subject: First Nations, Aboriginal Culture, Sciences, Spirituality
Description: News clip and bio for Aboriginal leader who received award
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Subject: Awards, First Nations, Human Rights, Aboriginal Culture
Description: Article about an Aboriginal athlete
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Subject: First Nations, Aboriginal Culture, Athletics
Description: "The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) is the provincial organization established to monitor, evaluate and report on key air, water, land and biodiversity indicators to better inform decision-making by policy makers, regulators, planners, researchers, communities, industries and the public."
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Subject: Environmental management, Environmental indicators, Intergovernmental organizations
Description: Environment and Parks (AEP), as proud stewards of air, land, water and biodiversity, will lead the achievement of desired environmental outcomes and sustainable development of natural resources for Albertans.
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Subject: oil sands, waste management, land management, environmental policy, environmental management, environmental impact assessment, climate change, air quality, petroleum industry, drinking water, water management, water quality, aquatic ecosystems
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Environment and Parks
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Website dedicated to outlining the Alberta Government's ten-year roadmap for water usage and management in the province.
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Subject: water management, water quality, aquatic ecosystems, water supply, water conservation, research, drinking water
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Environment and Parks
Language: Englsih
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Joint Operating Procedures for First Nations Consultation on Energy Resource Activities
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Subject: First Nations, Natural Resources, Resource Management
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta, Alberta Energy Regulator
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Act for responsible energy development in regards to first nations land and people
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Subject: First Nations, Natural Resources, Resource Management
Group: Other
Creator: Alberta Energy, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Supports and resources for education in Alberta
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Subject: Education, Post-Secondary
Group: Other
Creator: Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
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Group: Other
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Group: Other
Description: Official website of the Premier of the province of Alberta.
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Subject: premiers, politicians, party leaders
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Office of the Premier
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Mark Your Calendars, Alberta Culture Days is Coming!
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: Free admissions to provincial historic sites and museums during Alberta Culture Days
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: Alberta Culture Days: So Much to Explore and Enjoy!
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: Free Concert and Block Party to kick off Alberta Culture Days!
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: Map of Alberta fire bans.
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Subject: Forest fires, Safety, Fires
Description: The Alberta Lottery Fund is made up of the government's share of net revenues from video lottery terminals (VLTs), slot machines and ticket lotteries. The AGLC's role through its Board and operating arm is to administer the Gaming and Liquor Act, Regulation and related policy. The AGLC is responsible for licensing and regulating Alberta's liquor industry and charitable gaming activities and conducting and managing provincial gaming activities.
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Subject: gaming, lotteries, legislation, grants
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC)
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Map of fishing regulations in a section of Alberta
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Subject: Environment, Maps, Fishing
Description: Map of fishing regulations in a section of Alberta
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Subject: Environment, Maps, Fishing
Description: Database of information on sportfishing in Alberta
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Subject: Environment, Fishing
Description: Map of fishing regulations in a section of Alberta
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Subject: Environment, Maps, Fishing
Description: Map of fishing regulations in a section of Alberta
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Subject: Environment, Maps, Fishing
Description: "CAREERinsite is your one-stop guide to career planning. Everything you need to plan your work and learning is here."
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Subject: Education, Job Search, Employment
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Certification requirements for occupations in Alberta.
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Subject: Certification, Vocational guidance, Occupations
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Publication from Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
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Subject: Education, Job Searching, Employment
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Order page for the Government of Alberta publication "Your Rights and Responsibilities at Work"
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Subject: Working Conditions, Booklets
Description: Order page for the Government of Alberta publication "An Employer's Guide to Employment Rules"
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Subject: Working Conditions, Booklets
Description: Publication from Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
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Subject: Education, Job Searching, Employment
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: "Exploring your learning options is a key part of career planning. The resources on this page will help you get started."
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Subject: Vocational guidance, Educational guidance
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: "ALIS's OCCinfo is your one stop source for up-to-date information on Alberta's occupations, educational programs and schools."
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Subject: Educational institutions, Occupations
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Information on employment and education opportunities
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Subject: Employment, Job Search
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Provides information on scholarships; what are they, how to win them and which ones are out there.
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Subject: Scholarships
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Provides information about Student Aid Alberta nad other funding options to pay for education.
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Subject: Financial assistance, Student loans, Grants
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: ALIS Video Player and one video, "Getting Started With ALIS (4:42)"
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Subject: Educational guidance, Vocational guidance
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Date: 2015-04-22
Description: The Alberta Research and Innovation Authority is the advisory body that provides strategic advice and recommendations to the Government of Alberta on research opportunities, emerging technologies and policy direction to enhance innovation.
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Subject: research opportunities, emerging technologies, innovation
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Innovates
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Relation: Alberta Innovates
Description: The Government of Alberta has the responsibility of overseeing the provision of services in Alberta's continuing care accommodations and providing timely and transparent information to the general public.
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Subject: Health Services, Standards
Description: The Alberta Transportation Safety Board, which hears appeals of the Registrar's decisions, is the final administrative authority for making operator licence determinations. The Board handles appeals of licence suspensions and vehicle seizures. It is also responsible for hearings under the Railway (Alberta) Act. While the Board reports to the Minister of Transportation, formal decisions are made independently in accordance with governing legislation: the Traffic Safety Act and the Railway (Alberta) Act.
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Subject: operator licences, vehicle seizures, licence suspensions, drinking and driving
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Transportation
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: The Upstream Oil and Gas Authorizations and Consultation Guide (the guide) is a central reference tool that identifies common authorizations—approvals, licences, dispositions, permits and registrations— required from the Alberta Energy, Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB), Alberta Environment and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development for the development of upstream oil and gas activities. The scope of the guide includes conventional and unconventional oil and gas developments and activities, including in-situ oil sands but not including mineable oil sands projects.
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Subject: natural gas, approvals, licences, dispositions, permits, registrations, oil
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB)
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions (Al Bio) is a publicly funded board-governed corporation that works with partners to identify, coordinate and fund research projects. We help solve industry challenges with solutions that deliver economic, environmental and social benefits.
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Subject: agriculture, research, innovation, forestry, food sector, funding
Group: Government of Alberta Ministries & Agencies
Creator: Alberta Innovates
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: "Information, documents and quarterly reports on Alberta's budget"
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Subject: Budgets, Financial Management
Description: The Alberta Capital Region is represented by a conglomerate of municipalities that surround Alberta’s provincial Capital — Edmonton. The participating municipalities of the Capital Region are a diverse group of municipalities with one goal — to make the best decisions possible for the citizens of their communities and the Region.
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Subject: regional growth, regional governance, regional advocacy
Group: Other
Creator: Capital Region Board
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta--Beaumont, Canada--Alberta--Bon Accord, Canada--Alberta--Bruderheim, Canada--Alberta--Calmar, Canada--Alberta--Devon, Canada--Alberta--Edmonton, Canada--Alberta--Fort Saskatchewan, Canada--Alberta--Gibbons, Canada--Alberta--Lamont, Canada--Alberta--Leduc, Canada--Alberta--Legal, Canada--Alberta--Morinville, Canada--Alberta--Parkland County, Canada--Alberta--Redwater, Canada--Alberta--St. Albert, Canada--Alberta--Spruce Grove, Canada--Alberta--Stony Plain, Canada--Alberta--Strathcona County, Canada--Alberta--Sturgeon County, Canada--Alberta--Thorsby, Canada--Alberta--Wabamun, Canada--Alberta--Warburg
Description: "CAREERinsite is your one-stop guide to career planning. Everything you need to plan your work and learning is here. "
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Subject: Education, Job Searching, Employment
Group: Other
Creator: Government of Alberta Learning and Information Services
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Apply to visit, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship or a permanent resident card, check the status of your application or find a form.
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Subject: immigration, citizenship
Description: The annual report communicates the ministry's success in achieving its goals relative to the appropriate business plan. It contains an overview of the ministry, a results analysis focusing on whether the goals and performance measures' targets were achieved and the ministry's financial statements.
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Subject: Canadian History, Cultural Heritage, Provincial Government, Business Plans
Description: The ministry's business plan is an ongoing three-year plan that is part of the government's commitment to be open and accountable. It contains information about the environment in which the ministry operates and its goals, priority initiatives, performance measures and budget allocations.
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Subject: Business Plan, Finance
Description: Culture Facts & Statistics
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Subject: Cultural Heritage
Description: List of Albertas Symbols and Emblems
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Subject: Cultural Heritage, Symbols
Description: List of grants provided by Alberta Culture and Tourism
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Subject: Grants, Provincial Government
Description: Alberta Culture and Tourism has many statutes and regulations that provide specific authority, policy and direction for the ministry’s various programs and activities.
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Subject: Canadian History, Cultural Heritage, Legislation
Description: Directory of personal for Alberta Culture and Tourism
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Subject: Provincial Government, Directories
Description: Premiers Council on Culture
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Subject: Canadian History, Cultural Heritage, Provincial Government
Description: List of publications by Alberta Culture and Tourism
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Subject: Publications, Tourism
Description: Government webpage for the Provincial Archives
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Subject: Archives, Provincial Institutions
Description: List of industries in Alberta considered to be Arts and Culture
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Subject: Provincial Government, Cultural Heritage, Directories
Description: Information on the Board Development Program which focuses on improving the governance of nonprofit organizations.
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Subject: Non Profit Organizations, Governance, Education
Description: Information on volunteers
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Subject: Volunteer Organizations
Description: Stars of Alberta Recipients - 2014
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Subject: Awards
Description: A handbook on building corporate relationships
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Subject: Non Profit Organizations
Group: Other
Creator: Alberta Culture and Tourism, Government of Alberta
Language: English
Coverage: Canada--Alberta
Description: Information on volunteers
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Subject: Volunteer Organizations
Description: The Francophone Secretariat is the liaison between the Alberta government and Alberta's Francophone community.
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Subject: Cultural Heritage, Francophone Communities
Description: This special grant program will assist with the conservation of Provincial and Municipal Historic Resources that were impacted by the flood in southern Alberta in June 2013.
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: List of recipients for flood relief funds
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Subject: Performing Arts, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: List of heritage sites and museums
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Subject: Cultural Heritage, Directories
Description: The Alberta Historical Resources Foundation (AHRF) is a public trust foundation supported by the Alberta Lottery Fund. The Historical Resources Act mandates the foundation’s objectives and focus.
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Subject: Canadian History, Cultural Heritage
Description: Since 1976, Government House Foundation nurtures the historical significance of the Alberta Government House by collecting, preserving and exhibiting authentic furnishings, library material and original works of art.
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Subject: Canadian History, Cultural Heritage
Description: Information on Aboriginal heritage sites
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Subject: First Nations, Aboriginal Culture
Description: List of forms pertaining to hisotrical and archaelogical land development permits
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Subject: Aboriginal Culture, Permits, Resource Management, Site Development
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Group: Other
Description: Link to Alberta Culture mobile app
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Subject: Community Programs, Electronic Media, Cultural Heritage
Description: Government of Alberta Newsroom
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Subject: Media, Electronic Media
Description: List of social media sites for departments of Alberta Culture and Tourism
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Subject: Media, Electronic Media
Description: Website for the Provincial Archives of Alberta
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Subject: Canadian History, Community Programs, Cultural Heritage
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: Policies and plans to keep Albertans physically active
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Subject: Sports, Recreation
Description: The following are the current key initiatives being worked on by the Recreation and Physical Activity Division:
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Subject: Business Plans
Description: The Recreation and Physical Activity Division has numerous partners across government and the active living, recreation and sport sectors. A large portion of the work we accomplish is through these important partnerships.
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Description: Providing recreation, active living and sport programs and services to Albertans is a collaborative effort undertaken by numerous organizations.
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Description: Alberta Culture and Tourism "About Us" section
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Subject: Provincial Government
Description: Full pdf. of Alberta Tourisms business plan
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Subject: Provincial Government, Business Plans, Tourism Industry
Description: A summarized business plan for Alberta Tourism
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Subject: Provincial Government, Business Plans, Tourism Industry
Description: Condensed Business plan for Alberta Tourism
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Subject: Provincial Government, Business Plans, Tourism Industry
Description: Alberta Culture and Tourism supports a variety of events and conferences during the year.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Cultural Events
Description: The Tourism Division offers programs and services to help you develop compelling experiences and destinations in Alberta.
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Subject: Tourism Industry
Description: Infographics showing how much money comes in from tourism in Alberta
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Subject: Provincial Government, Economic Issues, Tourism Industry
Description: The Tourism Division examines consumer trends to help you better understand the vacation experiences sought by visitors and identify potential markets for attracting more visitors to Alberta.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Business Plans
Description: Statistics for the accomodation industry
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: The Alberta Tourism Market Monitor highlights travel, accommodation, and attendance statistics.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: Economic impact analysis takes a snapshot of an entire existing economy at a specific point in time. It follows spending associated with tourism activity to identify changes on employment, income and government tax revenue at regional and provincial levels.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: Guidelines to conduct on-site spending and economic impact surveys at festivals and events are available to assist organizers.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: Visitor statistics for Alberta in 2012 are based on Statistics Canada's 2012 Travel Survey of Residents of Canada and 2012 International Travel Survey.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: Visitor statistics for Alberta
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
Description: Economic impact analysis determines the impacts of additional tourist spending primarily on employment, income (value-added) and government tax revenues in an economy.
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Subject: Tourism Industry, Statistics
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