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Outlining Issues of the Time - Throughout

Collected by: KRIA - The Icelandic Constitution Archives

Archived since: Nov, 2020


This collection covers some of the significant issues in Icelandic society since the constitutional drafting process was completed. This collection aims to help connect the impact the constitution would have on modern-day topics within the community.

Subject:   Government Society & Culture Politics & Elections

Page 1 of 1 (56 Total Results)

Title: Hinn pólitíski ómöguleiki.


Description: The article explains simply how the nation of Iceland had the initiative to set up a new framework with a new constitution, but the parliament failed decided to start ascension talks with the EU without following the will of the nation.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá



Description: A summary of an Alda board meeting discussing several topics such as issues of Immigrants and Refugees and Asylum Seekers, education, and shorter working hours.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Endurskoðun stjórnarskrárinnar Áfangaskýrsla nefndar um endurskoðun stjórnarskrár lýðveldisins Íslands,


Description: A 15 section review of the Constitution Interim Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland from February 2007.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Skýrsla forsætisnefndar um tillögur stjórnlagaráðs


Description: A multi-chapter report presented to the Speaker of the Althingi of the Constitutional Council's proposals for amendments to the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Frumvarp til laga um stjórn fiskveiða.


Description: A bill presented to the Althingi at the 141st Legislative Session to A. promote the protection and sustainable utilization of fish stocks in Iceland, b. to promote successful societal development with the interests of future generations in mind, c. to consolidate employment and settlement in the country, d. to increase the importance of non-discrimination considerations in the allocation of catch quotas, e. to maximize the macroeconomic benefits of the marine resource and ensure the nation a normal resource rent, f. that the fisheries sector is profitable and has a favorable and stable operating environment.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnarform (1. gr.)


Description: A review of Article 1 of the constitutional proposal from the Constitutional Council.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hrægammasjóðir og húsnæðisskuldir – Athugasemdir


Description: This article presents a breakdown and understanding of each section of a previous article written by Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson regarding settlement issues of two large Icelandic banks, which are Arion Bank and Íslandsbanki.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Er hægt að breyta lögum sem við fáum gegnum EES – er samningurinn stjórnarskrárbrot?


Description: Discussion around arguments Iceland joining the EAA; Davíð Oddsson says that it is unacceptable for the Icelandic Parliament to take laws from the European Union and approve them without comment - in this way the Althingi is relinquishing its legislative power.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Heilbrigðis- og velferðarmálin mikilvægust – stjórnarskrá og innflytjendamál skora ekki hátt


Description: A published poll about election issue opinions reveals that health and welfare issue are top concern, while only 5.4% consider the issue of the revision of the constitution to be of most importance.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Þriðji orkupakki ESB brýtur ekki gegn stjórnarskránni – Ef ruglinu er ætlað að hrinda ákveðinni atburðarás af stað eiga menn að gangast við því


Description: Article of discussion around the EU's third energy package, and the controversy it brings due to arguments that it would violate the constitution of Iceland.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Segir Ísland fara á „svartan lista“ nema Alþingi samþykki persónuverndarlöggjöf sem er sögð brjóta gegn stjórnarskrá


Description: This article relays a message from a MP of the independence party of Iceland, which claims that if Iceland does not keep pace with adopting new privacy legislation, then other countries will feel that it is not safe to share information with Icelanders as they do not adhere to strict privacy standards.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Spádómur um Stjórnarskrá


Description: The author laments how every political term, the government in power discusses amending the constitution, but only talks about it until then the time is up, and nothing ever gets done regarding the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland’s Elections: Ruling Coalition Expands Seats, Coalition Talks Begin


Description: A recap on the September 2021 elections, listing the outcomes including how many seats now held by each party.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Constitution of Iceland to Be Sung


Description: The artistic duo Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafsson, representing Iceland at the 2011 Venice Biennale, commissioned composer Karólína Eiríksdóttir to write music to the 81 articles of the Constitution of Iceland,

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Icelanders Disappointed With Danish Handballers


Description: Icelanders are angry after Denmark loses a handball match to France, causing Iceland to miss the semi-finals, and a MP suggests, allegedly relates to the match, that the seal of Danish king Christian IX be removed from Iceland’s Parliament building and replaced with a symbol of the Icelandic nation.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Skiptir vilji þjóðarinnar máli í komandi kosningum?


Description: A Gallup poll shows that around 90 percent of Icelanders are in favor of the fishing industry paying a market fee for the use of the fishing grounds,

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Samþjöppun fylgir uppboðsleið


Description: A short briefing regarding how Iceland could end up with poorer fisheries companies and an overestimation of the value of quotas if a so-called auction route is taken

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Title: Lætur reyna á rétt sinn fyrir dómstólum


Description: A person coming to their holiday home in Iceland from another country considered high risk, was forced to stay in a quarantine house, rather than their own home, for the mandatory five-day quarantine upon entry to iceland. The person decided to have their rights tried in court.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Blekkingar um breytingar á stjórnarskrá


Description: Kristrún Heimisdóttir, a lawyer, says it is an illusion to claim that the constitution was to be radically changed in one go. It applies now as before, as the constitution simply does not allow such changes. She reminds the public that a politician who claims that he is going to legislate the proposals of the Constitutional Council cannot do that alone.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Einn þorskur á mann


Description: Lýður Árnason discusses the debates around the fishing quota system in Iceland and the inequalities that it exposes as well.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: The Icelandic Parliamentary Election — Kosningar 2021 — an overview


Description: A breakdown of the details regarding the September 2021 election, including understanding the electoral system of Iceland, the number of seats in each of the six constituencies, and the issues surrounding the election.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Eftir hrun: Ný stjórnarskrá


Description: A brief background of nations around the world that have adopted and rewritten their constitutions as a result of major changes and shocks.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Píratar


Description: Primary website for the Icelandic political party Píratar.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Late arrival: The development of resource rent in Icelandic fisheries


Description: An introduction and background on the development of the of resource rent for Icelandic fisheries, including percentages and dates of implementation.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fullkomlega ósammála um söluna á Íslandsbanka


Description: Ásdís Kristjánsdóttir, Deputy Executive Director of the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, and Guðrún Johnsen, economist and lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School, discussed the pros and cons of the state's planned sale of its share in Íslandsbanki.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: 90 prósent líkur á nýrri stjórn í næstu viku


Description: Birgitta Jónsdóttir, parliamentary secretary of the Pirate Party, expresses optimism that a new government will be formed, between five combining parties.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: FFSI þing


Description: An open letter from the Ministry to the public covering the state of Iceland's economy, business practices, market projections, and union agreements.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: The 2008 Icelandic Bank Collapse:


Description: A research report from the Centre for Political and Economic Research, affiliated with the Social Science Research Institute, into the 2008 Icelandic bank collapse, especially its foreign factors, delivered to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Álit


Description: A brief introduction and history of the consultation group appointed to analyze the the Supreme Court's decision to annul the election to the Constitutional assembly.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Kosningaklúðrið og nýja stjórnarskráin


Description: The author discusses how the constitutional council gladly took into account the old and good proposals of the Independents for changes to the Constitution. His main argument of the article is that had the new constitution become law as it should have been after the 2012 referendum, there would now be no doubt that disputes over the legitimacy of parliamentary elections and ballot papers could be referred to national courts, which should rule on the dispute.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hagsmunaverðir á


Description: A discussion surrounding the debate of Iceland being largely governed by interests groups, such as the the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, the Chamber of Commerce, the Farmers' Association and the Confederation of Icelandic Fisheries.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Forsetinn gagnrýnir þingmenn


Description: President Jóhannesson, in his speech at the beginning of a parliamentary session, expresses disappointment that the Parliament had not been able to complete changes to the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: After the crash, Iceland's women lead the rescue


Description: The economic crisis has translated into an opportunity for a generation of fortysomething women to step into the positions vacated by the men blamed for the crisis, and to play a leading role in creating a more balanced economy, which, they argue, should incorporate overtly feminine values.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Er syndandi fiskur gagnslaus?


Description: In this short article Lydur Arnarson discusses the fishing quota system in Iceland and poses the question of where quota goes in the case of a death.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Ráðherrarnir út fyrir vegginn


Description: This article is about outlining the governance system in Iceland and challenging that structure in lieu of the recent (2011) turmoil with confusing decisions made on behalf of the people by the courts and Parliament.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Sólskinslög samfélagsins


Description: Former constitutional council member Lydur Arnarson discusses the differing needs and wants of urban and rural Icelandic residents. And how the constitution of 2011 is a great improvement even in spite of the challenge of meeting the needs of a wide variety of citizens.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá



Description: Lýður Árnason touches on the state of Iceland regarding large companies merging, how taxpayers are getting their money's worth, and the pay of government officials.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá


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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hugmyndin um græðara Alþingi er góð


Description: The author discusses a then recent election provision in a bill of the constitutional council, and describes the complications and position of the constitutional to increase the influence of the public in the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Greiða atkvæði um nýja stjórnarskrá


Description: Voters in Chile prepared to vote on a new constitution in a referendum. Seemingly inspired by the Icelandic model, voters can choose between having a citizens' meeting that would be specially elected to draft it or a mixture of ordinary citizens and members of parliament.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Hálfnað er verk…


Description: The author discusses some of the changes proposed to several key aspects of the constitution.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Fimm á­stæður fyrir að endur­taka kosningarnar í heild sinni


Description: Break-down of how the European Court of Human Rights finds that a system in which MPS themselves decide on the legitimacy of their election does not comply with the European Convention on Human Rights.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Lands­kjör­stjórn gefur út kjör­bréf sam­kvæmt seinni talningu í Norð­vestur­kjör­dæmi


Description: This article covers a filed complaint from a MP candidate in the North_west constituency, regarding trust issues in the electoral process.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Erlendar fyrirmyndir í stjórnarskrá Stjórnlagaráðs


Description: A blog post regarding foreign models influences in the constitution of the Constitutional council.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Kosningakæra


Description: A formal complaint submitted to and published by the Althingi, claiming that the elections which took place on September 25, 2021, should be annulled.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: “Election Observation Activity” Unnecessary, New Report Finds


Description: A report published by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) concluded and expressed expressed “full confidence in the integrity of the electoral process” and in the ability of the election administration to “organize elections professionally and transparently".

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Stjórnarskrá: Stjórnarskrárbreytingar forsenda ESB-aðildar


Description: In the governing agreement between the government of the Independence Party and the Samfylkingin, the government says that it will not apply for membership of the European Union during this election period.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: 12 kærur borist vegna þingkosninganna


Description: After receiving 12 complaints regarding the elections, 5 of which were from candidates who lost their seats after the recount, the Althing published them on its website.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Viður­kennir að hafa ekki inn­siglað kjör­seðla og ber fyrir sig hefð


Description: The chairman of the Central Electoral Commission in the North-West constituency says that the ballot papers were not sealed after the count. and the head of Pírata in the constituency says there is no credibility of the election and says the only way is to vote again in the constituency.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Sjálf­stætt fólk - Á­skorun


Description: The author explains the uncertainty of an electron in an entire constituency due to votes not handled in the manner stipulated by law, causing confusion and mistrust in the election.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Revolution Project - Full Interview with Birgitta Jónsdóttir


Description: Birgitta Jónsdóttir discusses the problem of white collar corruption in the business world and how unfair it is that taxpayers always pick up the messes of catastrophes caused by bad business practices. She says that other countries around the world should try to use tools such as online petitions to bring about national referendums on these things.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Revolution Project - Entrevista con M. Elvira Méndez-Pinedo - Part 2


Description: Elvira Méndez, a Doctor of European Law and Associate Professor at the University of Iceland, speaks of the legal vacuum in Europe in "sovereign litigation". She is asked if constitutional revisions begin in Europe, as in Iceland? She discusses Greece, Portugal, and especially Spain.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

Title: Iceland Revolution Project - Interview with Birgitta Jónsdóttir - Part 1


Description: Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a member of parliament of Althing, discusses how Iceland is showing other countries around the world that she they should say no to the socialization of private debts and that the taxpayers should not have to pay for the reckless behavior in the banking sector.

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Subject:   Iceland. Stjórnarskrá

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