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Description: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) held the IITE-2012 International Conference “ICT in Education: Pedagogy, Educational Resources and Quality Assurance” on 13-14 November, 2012 in Moscow.
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Description: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) held the IITE-2014 International Conference "New Challenges for Pedagogy and Quality Education: MOOCs, Clouds and Mobiles" on October 14-15, 2014 in Moscow.
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Description: Starting with a tribute to Nelson Mandela, on 31 October 2014, followed by a special event "UNESCO : 70 years in the service of human dignity" on 28 April 2015, and ending with a new edition of the Leaders’ Forum on 16 November 2015, UNESCO’s 70th anniversary celebrations took place all around the world.
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Description: (The Organization) A brief introduction to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
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Description: The Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) acts as a strategic partner by developing and implementing Human Resources Strategies, policies, tools to support the Organization’s in meeting its mandate and objectives. HRM also manages services such as recruitment, training, entitlements, staff relations necessary for the efficient delivery of programmes and staff well-being.
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Description: The UNESCO Office in Windhoek is a national office that seeks to support the government of the Republic of Namibia to achieve its own National Development Plan (NDP) in line with the Post-2015 Agenda.
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Description: (Overarching Objective) The culture of peace and non-violence is a commitment to peace-building, mediation, conflict prevention and resolution, peace education, education for non-violence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect, intercultural and interfaith dialogue and reconciliation.
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Description: UNESCO works with a wide range of partners in all of its fields of competence. Partnerships are a key enabler for meeting global challenges and generating sustainable change and long-lasting impact. Partnerships are firmly embedded in UNESCO’s way of working at global, regional and national levels.
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Description: UNESCO cooperates with many Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), with which it shares the same goals and missions, emphasizing in particular its global priorities (Africa and gender equality).
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Description: No other sector has the outreach capacity, or such a diverse range of methods for reaching decision makers and the general public as the media. This capacity makes the media a natural partner for UNESCO, whose activities are at the heart of all major challenges facing the world today, from providing education for all, to managing climate change and defending human rights.
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Description: Since its founding, UNESCO has sought to collaborate with NGOs, which are fundamental civil society partners for the implementation of the Organization’s activities and programmes. Over the years, UNESCO has built up a valuable network of cooperation with NGOs having an expertise in its fields of competence, i.e. education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information.
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Description: UNESCO cooperates with a wide variety of International Networks.
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Description: UNESCO offers a range of different entry points for partnerships. These are all areas where the Organization has leadership, recognized expertise and comparative advantage. They also correspond to UNESCO's top priorities.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) UNESCO Member States adopted the landmark decision (Decision 197EX/46) to enhance UNESCO’s capacity to provide assistance to States as they craft sharper strategies to prevent violent extremism.
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Description: (Reform) To better serve Member States. To sharpen delivery. To strengthen accountability. This is driven on three axes: Innovating Programmes, Changing Working Methods, Leading in the UN. This is reform to perform, in turbulent times, to take forward the new global agenda, to advance human rights and dignity, sustainable development and lasting peace.
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Description: (Thematic Issues) Heads of State, Government leaders, UN High Level Representatives and civil society met in September 2015, at the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, and adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) Knowledge and information have significant impact on people’s lives. The sharing of knowledge and information, particularly through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has the power to transform economies and societies. UNESCO works to create inclusive knowledge societies and empower local communities by increasing access to and preservation and sharing of information and knowledge in all of UNESCO’s domains.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development.
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Description: (Overarching Objective) UNESCO has been recognized globally as the lead agency for ESD. It coordinates the implementation of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, as official follow-up to the United Nations Decade of ESD (2005-2014).
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) As the United Nations agency with a specific mandate to promote “the free flow of ideas by word and image”, UNESCO works to foster free, independent and pluralistic media in print, broadcast and online. Media development in this mode enhances freedom of expression, and it contributes to peace, sustainability, poverty eradication and human rights.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) In today’s increasingly diverse societies, UNESCO continues to accomplish every day its fundamental humanist mission to support people in understanding each other and working together to build lasting peace. UNESCO also helps to enable people to create and use knowledge for just and inclusive societies.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) Conserving the diversity of life on Earth and ocean health is critical to global human welfare, yet essential resources are at risk from the direct results of unsustainable practices. Sustainable development cannot be achieved by technological solutions, political regulation or financial instruments alone. We need to change the way we think and act.
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Description: UNESCO cooperates with a wide variety of Private Sector partners such as business enterprises, including small and medium-size firms, national, international and multinational corporations, philanthropic and corporate foundations, financial institutions and private individuals to carry out its vast mandate.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) In today’s interconnected world, culture's power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestations – from our cherished historic monuments and museums to traditional practices and contemporary art forms – enrich our everyday lives in countless ways. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for communities disrupted by bewildering change and economic instability. Creativity contributes to building open, inclusive and pluralistic societies.
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Description: (UNESCO Theme) Creating knowledge and understanding through science equips us to find solutions to today’s acute economic, social and environmental challenges and to achieving sustainable development and greener societies. As no one country can achieve sustainable development alone, international scientific cooperation contributes, not only to scientific knowledge but also to building peace.
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Description: The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the creation of the Scientific Advisory Board on 24 September 2013, during the inaugural meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) L'éducation transforme les vies et elle est au cœur de la mission de l’UNESCO qui est de bâtir la paix, éradiquer la pauvreté et promouvoir le développement durable.
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Description: (UNESCO Thèmes) Dans nos sociétés de plus en plus diversifiées, l’UNESCO accomplit chaque jour sa mission humaniste qui est d’accompagner les peuples en vue de mieux se comprendre et d’œuvrer ensemble pour aboutir à une paix durable. L'UNESCO contribue également à permettre aux gens de créer et d'utiliser des connaissances pour construire des sociétés justes et inclusives.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) Le savoir et l’information ont un impact considérable sur la vie des gens. Le partage du savoir et de l’information, en particulier à travers les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), a le pouvoir de transformer les économies et les sociétés.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) En tant qu’organisme des Nations Unies avec un mandat spécifique de promouvoir « la libre circulation des idées par le mot et par l’image », l’UNESCO vise à favoriser la mise en place de médias libres, indépendants et pluralistes sous formes imprimées, diffusées ou en ligne. Ainsi, le développement des médias encourage la liberté d’expression et contribue au renforcement de la paix, du développement durable, des droits de l’homme et de la lutte contre la pauvreté.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) Préserver la diversité de la vie sur Terre et dans l'océan est essentiel au bien-être humain à travers le monde. Pourtant, ces ressources vitales sont directement menacées par des pratiques d’exploitation non durables. Les solutions technologiques, la réglementation politique ou les instruments financiers ne peuvent suffire, à eux seuls, à atteindre l’objectif d’un développement durable. Nous devons changer notre façon de penser et d'agir.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) Dans le monde interconnecté d'aujourd'hui, force est de constater que la culture a le pouvoir de transformer les sociétés. Ses diverses manifestations – qui vont de nos précieux monuments historiques et musées aux pratiques traditionnelles et formes d'art contemporain - enrichissent tous les aspects de notre vie quotidienne d'innombrables façons.
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Description: (UNESCO Thème) La création du savoir et de la compréhension à travers la science nous permet de trouver des solutions aux défis économiques, sociaux et environnementaux d'aujourd'hui et de favoriser ainsi le développement durable et les sociétés vertes. Étant donné qu’aucun pays au monde ne peut parvenir seul à un développement durable, la coopération scientifique internationale contribue non seulement à la connaissance scientifique mais aussi à la construction de la paix entre les pays.
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Description: Институт ЮНЕСКО по Информационным Технологиям в Образовании (ИИТО ЮНЕСКО)
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Description: Webpage of the Communication and Information Sector (CI), circa 2011.
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Description: An international gateway to information for archivists and archives users. [c.2009]
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Description: Webpage of the Culture Sector, circa 2008.
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Description: The UNESCO Copyright Bulletin aims to provide regular information on legal developments in the field of copyright and related rights and to contribute to the debate in this area.
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Description: The Index Translationum is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. The Index Translationum was created in 1932. (Note: All records are archived, however, results cannot be obtained through the search form as it is a dynamic form and cannot be archived. This is one of the typical limitations of web/database archiving technology. An alternative could be developed possibly using JSON.)
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Description: Webpage of the Education Sector, circa 2009.
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Description: Founded in 1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of 10,000 educational institutions in 181 countries.
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Description: Webpage of the UNESCO Venice Office, circa 2010.
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Description: Webpage of the UNESCO Office in Windhoek, circa 2015.
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Description: Sixty themes were selected to punctuate the sixty weeks between 5 September 2005 and 4 November 2006, anniversary of the coming into force of the International Convention constituting the UNESCO.
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Description: Webpage of the Natural Sciences Sector (SC), circa 2010.
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Description: Webpage of the Social and Human Sciences Sector (SHS), circa 2010.
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Description: IITE’s mission is to serve as a centre of excellence and provider of technical support and expertise in the area of ICT usage in education. Accumulated experience has allowed IITE to become a unique international expertise and resource centre, offering advice and guidance on reinforcing national potentials in ICT usage in education in the world.
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Description: The Translation Section's terminology and reference search database.
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Description: The IBE is a global center of excellence in curriculum and related matters. As a leading UNESCO Institute we are recognized and valued for the specialist knowledge and expertise that we bring to member states promoting new shared global understanding of curriculum issues. To this end, we provide practical technical support addressing critical areas that impact provision and delivery of equitable quality education for all within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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Description: The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) is an organization of UNESCO devoted to the promotion of higher education, helping to implement in the Latin American and Caribbean region the program that, as for higher education, approves biannually the UNESCO General Conference.
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Description: Website to provide easy access to key information to improve communication between the Organization and its Member States.
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Description: Web page for UNESCO's Priority Africa, circa 2010. See also Africa Department.
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Description: This Guide to the archives of international organizations is a joint project between UNESCO and the International Council on Archives, Section of Archivists of International Organizations (ICA/SIO).
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Description: Website of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
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Description: The UNESCO Library collections offer an overview of the Organization’s current and past activities and programmes as recorded in publications and other resources.
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Description: Arabic language site
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Description: English language site
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Creator: UNESCO
Description: The Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP) is the central focal point of UNESCO for all strategic, programmatic and budgeting issues, as well as for cooperation with extrabudgetary funding sources and public-private partnerships (PPPs), and it provides advice to the Director-General on all these matters.
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Description: The Programme and Budget of the Organization (document C/5) is prepared in the context of an eight-year Medium-Term Strategy. It defines the programme of activities and results expected to be achieved at the end of a four-year period, and two biennial budgets. The C/5 document is approved by UNESCO General Conference every four years for the Programme part, and every two years for the budget part.
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Description: (Global Priority) The LDCs represent the most vulnerable segment of the international community. They comprise more than 880 million people (about 12 per cent of world population), but account for less than 2 percent of world GDP and about 1 percent of global trade in goods.
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